Why bother filtering?

Syringe filters are like $5, so why risk it?
Exactly. No matter how much filters cost, why risk it. Just dont do that. Filter your gear ppl. Its the right way to brew gear. If u get a bad infection u could have to get your entire muscle cut out or at least a large chunk of it and itll look fukd up for life.
I used heroin for over 20years and and sold dope the whole time to a good number of ppl. Something i noticed from seeing everyone around me shooting up was that ppl doing it IV got way less infections than ppl who skin popped or did it IM. And usually the IV users who got infections were always from a shot where they missed the vein. Ive seen ppl lose part of there arm. The lower half of there leg. My friend got a chunk of his ass the size of a grapefruit cut out after 1month of IM herion use injecting in his ass cuz he was too fat too hit his vien. Shooting unfiltered gear of drugs into a muscle or subq is askimg for an infection trust me. Ive been around it my whole life and i dont need any study or doctor to tell me this. When shooting drugs IV the infections come from when u miss your vein and the bacteria sits in your muscle or under the skin and infections that way are very very very common. Ive seen more abcesses get cut out of ppl than i can count. Hundreds at least.

Oh yea skin popping is associated with a BIGH rate of LOCAL infections, while those who prefer the IV route are much more prone to SYSTEMIC infections; endocarditis in particular

Make no mistake about heroin, meth etc
is loaded with bacteria, fungi, AND particulate adulterants and comparing the infectious complications of IVDA to that of AAS is utterly absurd .
Well I've decided to run an experiment because I'm pretty damn sure on what i believe.

I brewed 4 x 10ml vials of test e 250mg/ml. The oil has not been baked in the oven nor has it been filtered. The vials have not been sterilized in the oven either.

The brew is 10% BB 8% BA. The BA should not increase PIP much, most studies state that BA below 10% is tolerable and relatively pain free.

I will start injecting this tomorrow starting with the quads as my first pin site.

My uncle will also be joining for the ride and he will be injecting twice per week with the same gear.

Not sure how long i will run this experiment for... We will see.

And YOU are either an absolute moron or a troll, what is even much more likely a MORONIC TROLL!
Oh yea skin popping is associated with a BIGH rate of LOCAL infections, while those who prefer the IV route are much more prone to SYSTEMIC infections; endocarditis in particular

Make no mistake about heroin, meth etc
is loaded with bacteria, fungi, AND particulate adulterants and comparing the infectious complications of IVDA to that of AAS is utterly absurd .
First off, yes comparing shooting heroin cocaine and meth to injecting PEDs as far as getting infections is concerned is not a fair analogy. I wouldn't call it absurd. Both are illegal drugs that are made underground by ppl that are held to no standard of practice except there own. As far as endocarditis goes, in the hundreds of ppl ive known that use and the thousands n thousands of totally dirty fukd up shots ive done ive never seen one person get it nor have i got it or even fukin heard of anyone gettin it. Ive seen plenty of cases of cotton fever which is NOT endocarditis. Im by no means sayin its safe or smart. Its fukin crazy and most all of my close friends are dead already and the ones that aint are in prison. I surely dont know everything about PEDs and i enjoy learning more about training diet and drugs in bobybuilding everyday, but when it comes to opiates i got the highest degree available on this planet so dont try to teach me anything cuz ive read plenty of your posts already and u sound like a wiki doctor of every subject on earth. Well good for u that u can at least look shit up cuz sum cant even do that much but If u are a doctor that gives u less credibility in the area of PEDs and street drugs. Ive never met a doctor in my life that had a fukin clue when it came to PEDs or street drugs cuz this is something u cant learn in a book or by googling shit. Its no different than some kid thats never lifted a barbell or done an injection tryin to be a trainer just cuz he got a degree in wtf ever kinda degree they give for that shit. Trust me if you aint been addicted to opiates then im sorry, but be very grateful also, that u aint got a damn clue what addiction really is like. U can throw around all the bullshit studies u wnt to try to sound smart but my entire life and everyones life around me has been a study that nobody can read in a book. Im sorry if im comin off hostile sounding ive just been seeing posts by u over n over the last few weeks as ive read thru this forum so this one post or one thread isn't the only thing behind my words here.
First off, yes comparing shooting heroin cocaine and meth to injecting PEDs as far as getting infections is concerned is not a fair analogy. I wouldn't call it absurd. Both are illegal drugs that are made underground by ppl that are held to no standard of practice except there own. As far as endocarditis goes, in the hundreds of ppl ive known that use and the thousands n thousands of totally dirty fukd up shots ive done ive never seen one person get it nor have i got it or even fukin heard of anyone gettin it. Ive seen plenty of cases of cotton fever which is NOT endocarditis. Im by no means sayin its safe or smart. Its fukin crazy and most all of my close friends are dead already and the ones that aint are in prison. I surely dont know everything about PEDs and i enjoy learning more about training diet and drugs in bobybuilding everyday, but when it comes to opiates i got the highest degree available on this planet so dont try to teach me anything cuz ive read plenty of your posts already and u sound like a wiki doctor of every subject on earth. Well good for u that u can at least look shit up cuz sum cant even do that much but If u are a doctor that gives u less credibility in the area of PEDs and street drugs. Ive never met a doctor in my life that had a fukin clue when it came to PEDs or street drugs cuz this is something u cant learn in a book or by googling shit. Its no different than some kid thats never lifted a barbell or done an injection tryin to be a trainer just cuz he got a degree in wtf ever kinda degree they give for that shit. Trust me if you aint been addicted to opiates then im sorry, but be very grateful also, that u aint got a damn clue what addiction really is like. U can throw around all the bullshit studies u wnt to try to sound smart but my entire life and everyones life around me has been a study that nobody can read in a book. Im sorry if im comin off hostile sounding ive just been seeing posts by u over n over the last few weeks as ive read thru this forum so this one post or one thread isn't the only thing behind my words here.

Yea well I’ve heard that long and tired
argument many times before, ya gotta do drug X, Y or Z to truly understand what it’s like.

And ITS ALL BULLSHIT and thank goodness the majority don’t need to know what “cotton fever” is bc they have chosen NOT to EXPERIMENT with substances KNOWN to cause serious harm including a variety of local and systemic infections I’ve personally treated.

And just BC your “friends” don’t appear sick or don’t see a doc at all does not mean they are spared or are not spreading a number of infections such as Hep-A, C, B or yes HIV.

Fools like you and friend visit a local ED to have their abscess drained yet can run for the door the minute such therapy is rendered, and in spite pleadings for enough pre-procedural narcotics to kill a damn horse.

I see someone like you a least once a week and the ONLY THING addicts of your ilk care about is “their drug”, and to hell with everyone else.

Now that’s something I didn’t read in a book but know to be true based on MY EXPERIENCE fella.

No one on a MENs HEALTH Forum benefits from the misery of IVDA, it’s your problem to remedy or DIE from so find another shoulder to cry on or buy plot complete with a pine casket rather than expecting others to pick up that tab also.

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Your post proves my point to the letter. Your a joke and if u are a doctor i feel soooo sorry for your patients cuz obviously u pass judgment on them without even knowing them and think they are pieces of shit simply cuz they have an addiction. Ive been sober for 3 and a half years first off. And ive seen plenty of doctors that sound just like u and never once did one of u help me in any way. And to say this is a MENS HEALTH FORUM is hilarious.lol. This forum is filled with ppl who inject illegal drugs everyday and most will have to use testosterone forever. Ppl here are mostly looking for better ways to use and find there drugs. And yes safer ways too. And i think this can be done somewhat safe but by no means can 99% of wat is spoke about here be called healthy. And neither is the lifestyle of a drug addict thats by no means what im sayin. Bssically ive been reading thru this forum for a few weeks and i see your name pop up like your an expert on every subject and u sound like an idiot. Not to mention your screen name to boot. You're giving the good and knowledgable doctors a bad name. And if your gonna spew bullshit about a subject that i know about im gonna call your bullshit. And if your gonna judge ppl that are u are supposed to be helping im gonna call u an asshole and tell u that u shouldnt be a doctor if u even are one. Ive read more misinformation spread by u than i can count in the ladt few weeks. Again i apologize for comin at u so harshly and for comin back at u again so harshly. My intention was no to start a fight. But i had to say something.
If you want to “say something” try reading the entire thread before discounting the comments of others, bc mine were A REBUTTAL to the OP’s earlier statements in which HE compared the infectious complications of AAS to that of IVDA.

Incidentally your experience w IVDA, esp as a current user, may be fanciful in your disturbed mind but it’s absolutely worthless on a PED forum notwithstanding rehab.

And don’t tell me or others how hard recovery is bc I KNOW several on this forum and elsewhere who have done it, and those guys have earned my respect and the respect of many on MESO.

Your post proves my point to the letter. Your a joke and if u are a doctor i feel soooo sorry for your patients cuz obviously u pass judgment on them without even knowing them and think they are pieces of shit simply cuz they have an addiction. Ive been sober for 3 and a half years first off. And ive seen plenty of doctors that sound just like u and never once did one of u help me in any way. And to say this is a MENS HEALTH FORUM is hilarious.lol. This forum is filled with ppl who inject illegal drugs everyday and most will have to use testosterone forever. Ppl here are mostly looking for better ways to use and find there drugs. And yes safer ways too. And i think this can be done somewhat safe but by no means can 99% of wat is spoke about here be called healthy. And neither is the lifestyle of a drug addict thats by no means what im sayin. Bssically ive been reading thru this forum for a few weeks and i see your name pop up like your an expert on every subject and u sound like an idiot. Not to mention your screen name to boot. You're giving the good and knowledgable doctors a bad name. And if your gonna spew bullshit about a subject that i know about im gonna call your bullshit. And if your gonna judge ppl that are u are supposed to be helping im gonna call u an asshole and tell u that u shouldnt be a doctor if u even are one. Ive read more misinformation spread by u than i can count in the ladt few weeks. Again i apologize for comin at u so harshly and for comin back at u again so harshly. My intention was no to start a fight. But i had to say something.
First of all im not a current user of anything but testosterone. Ive been in recovery and sober since November 24 2015. And im doin well with it. And believe me i have read this entire thread from this troll AND i already said i agree with u on his comparing of AAS and street drugs. I just didnt agree with sum of the things u said on another part of it and honestly what set me off was many other things of yours i read that i think are wrong with forums like this. Anybody can read google or a book and be a wiki doc like yourself. And in some cases in pans out and helps. But in many it dont but u seem to think cuz it says so in a study of a group of ppl that aint even bodybuilders nor do they eat train or live like bodybuilders is the end all be all. This thread needs to end cuz the subject and the person who started it are crazy. So lets end the back n forth. I think we can agree on one thing for sure. Filter your damn gear ppl. Please. Sry for goin off subject and goin on a rant about the doc here.