Why do orals have zero effect on me?

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This is going to sound like I'm lying. But please believe me. I'm starting to get immensely frustrated. I've tried all of the common orals and they do absolutely nothing. In fact, most steroids have had an incredibly underwhelming effect on me.

You might be thinking I eat and train like a pussy. But I eat religiously and I know how to train.

I see how people talk about orals here. Immediate effect and strength gains. I see none of that. Especially since I often do powerlifting blocks, my rep scheme and corresponding strength that go with it is very predictable and I would easily notice a strength increase from drugs.

Right now I'm on 100 test, 600 primo, 4iu hgh ED and 35 MENT ED. And it's like I'm on TRT. Primo and MENT has done nothing for my training. Except for recovery. If it weren't for my noticeably higher recovery (and increased body temp) then I'd say I'd gotten bunk raws. Extremely underwhelming in terms of mass building and strength. 500 test gave me MUCH more of both.

I added 60 anavar and 60 tbol to my blast. Nothing. Not even an extra rep in the tank. Not sides like back pumps or shin pumps either. I stacked 30 halo for 2 weeks at the end of a block to see if it would help my peak. Added 5 kg to my squat PR (195 kg), which is what I usually get on TRT. So halo was shit.

Now, at the end of my useless MENT blast I'm doing Candito 6 week. I've added 120 anavar and 60 superdrol without having any experience with such doses, or superdrol in particular. I'm just so tilted. Week 3 now and again, nothing. The rep scheme is completely on track, and on course as if I'm programming on TRT only. When the program calls for a 10 or 6, that's what I can do. Not a single rep left in the tank.

And nothing in my physique either. None of that intramuscular water retention. No added focus or aggression in the gym from either halo or superdrol. Which I saw on reddit is very common.

I tried dbol before. I was sure it was fake and gave my source shit for it. I was eating 160 mg 3x a day at one point just to prove to myself it HAD to be fake. Didn't do anything estrogen wise. Could've been bunk ofc. Shitty Norwegian source.
I got anadrol from a 2nd source. Also noticed nothing so I ate an absurd amount just to check. Still nothing. Gave that source some bad reviews and got banned from the Norwegian forum for that lol.
Tried anadrol and anavar once more from a 3rd source. Still nothing. Decided to come here and get the raws. And still nothing.

Adding physique photo just so you know I'm not some dyel clueless high schooler. Not trying to say I'm huge either. But I know enough to tell that orals haven't done shit.

No bloodwork while on orals. Doctor refuse to take my bloods while I'm on steroids. Welcome to Scandinavia. I hear Denmark is even worse.
The simple answer is that you are being sold fake shit.

But assuming the stuff was real and your some sort of 1 in a trillion genetic phenomenon who can take that amount of Dbol without probably dropping dead than it doesn’t mean those orals didn’t do long term damage to your liver… After all, you didn’t get any bloods done
The simple answer is that you are being sold fake shit.

But assuming the stuff was real and your some sort of 1 in a trillion genetic phenomenon who can take that amount of Dbol without probably dropping dead than it doesn’t mean those orals didn’t do long term damage to your liver… After all, you didn’t get any bloods done
It's definitely likely i got fake orals locally. But I've gotten raws from panda now. They still don't do anything for me. Granted I haven't tried those doses of dbol with their raws. It would be unwise.
But 120 mg anavar and 60 superdrol I thought would be pretty strong.
Reminds me of a story some guy told me in the gym once. He sold vitamin pills to kids who thought they were buying steroids.
I was thinking bunk gear too... was it all from the same source?

Also why so much primo? ... swap your primo for tren and you will see quickly if you have a good source or not... tren should be very noticeable when added to a cycle
I'm a very under-responder with a lot of things. Npp 800mg/wk and nothing. Tbol, dbol, Adrol and I get nothing.
The only things that seem to work is var, tren, superdrol, test, and Primo. Your stuff could have bn bad or very underdosed. Find a better source (I dnt like or trust panda) and do some experimenting
Your raws are garbage fucking shit. You're not some "genetic freak" who has zero androgen receptors in their body. They simply don't exist unless you're a fuckin alien. And from your pic you clearly have androgen receptors.

Your raws, and gear you have used are fake plain and simple.

The only other explanation is that you're a complete imbecile who can't home brew properly, and had fake gear prior to getting raws.

Up to you to decide which one it is
It's definitely likely i got fake orals locally. But I've gotten raws from panda now. They still don't do anything for me. Granted I haven't tried those doses of dbol with their raws. It would be unwise.
But 120 mg anavar and 60 superdrol I thought would be pretty strong.
Somehow missed the quote in my prior post. 120 var and 60 superdrol LOL your shit is fake as absolute fuck my liver hurts reading that. Beat your sources ass and demand a refund
Somehow missed the quote in my prior post. 120 var and 60 superdrol LOL your shit is fake as absolute fuck my liver hurts reading that. Beat your sources ass and demand a refund
Panda is not exactly known to be compliant or easy to talk to.
I was thinking bunk gear too... was it all from the same source?

Also why so much primo? ... swap your primo for tren and you will see quickly if you have a good source or not... tren should be very noticeable when added to a cycle
The raws as of late are all from Panda. Getting illegal shit into Norway through mail is very bothersome. A lot of vendors don't offer the same reship policies, or any reship at all to a select few countries. Norway is always on that list if the vendor has one.
Panda has had much success shipping here, so I stuck with them not wanting to gamble on another source.
The raws as of late are all from Panda. Getting illegal shit into Norway through mail is very bothersome. A lot of vendors don't offer the same reship policies, or any reship at all to a select few countries. Norway is always on that list if the vendor has one.
Panda has had much success shipping here, so I stuck with them not wanting to gamble on another source.
Can you get hgh there? Would be a lot better then gambling on iffy gear... not sure about Norway and if hgh is frowned upon...
Can you get hgh there? Would be a lot better then gambling on iffy gear... not sure about Norway and if hgh is frowned upon...
100% impossible to get it legally. But I've seen local vendors sell somatropin knockoffs. But I don't trust them.
I'm a very under-responder with a lot of things. Npp 800mg/wk and nothing. Tbol, dbol, Adrol and I get nothing.
The only things that seem to work is var, tren, superdrol, test, and Primo. Your stuff could have bn bad or very underdosed. Find a better source (I dnt like or trust panda) and do some experimenting
I was planning on doing 400 NPP next time.
Have you tried MENT yet? That shit did nothing for me atleast.
It's definitely likely i got fake orals locally. But I've gotten raws from panda now. They still don't do anything for me. Granted I haven't tried those doses of dbol with their raws. It would be unwise.
But 120 mg anavar and 60 superdrol I thought would be pretty strong.

60 superdrol? holy fuck. I would die from high BP at 40mg, AND WITH 120MG VAR.. what the fuck. I would run superdrol at 10-20mg at most.

Something is wrong with how you take it or your absorption or your raws are fake. Try giving a dose to someone you know and see if it does anything to them. Those doses are fucking crazy.

I suggest you send your raws off to jano to see whats up.
60 superdrol? holy fuck. I would die from high BP at 40mg, AND WITH 120MG VAR.. what the fuck. I would run superdrol at 10-20mg at most.

Something is wrong with how you take it or your absorption or your raws are fake. Try giving a dose to someone you know and see if it does anything to them. Those doses are fucking crazy.

I suggest you send your raws off to jano to see whats up.
@klokke23 PS! If you do give superdrol to your buddy for him to test out, don't give him 60mg per day... if the gear is genuine, his head will fucking explode. 20mg is a bit over the top already, a week on 20mg and he would absolute definitely feel it if it's real gear.
Every oral with the exception of Dbol has been one of those, if i didn't know that i just took it, i'd never be able to tell kind of experiences.

Minus the libido increase and the results in the mirror, i can say the same thing for every injectable i've used as well.
@klokke23 PS! If you do give superdrol to your buddy for him to test out, don't give him 60mg per day... if the gear is genuine, his head will fucking explode. 20mg is a bit over the top already, a week on 20mg and he would absolute definitely feel it if it's real gear.
Have U ever done Superdrol bro?
Right now I'm on 100 test, 600 primo, 4iu hgh ED and 35 MENT ED. And it's like I'm on TRT.
you're either highly unaware of yourself or all your shit is fake. even if just the ment was fake, 100test 600 primo and 4iu GH will have you pretty damn sauced up. i know i'd look and feel great on that combo.