Why do orals have zero effect on me?

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What would you suggest as a better cycle?
Depends on multiple factors. I don't consider MENT to be a good anabolic so I don't use that for anything. But Primo, Test, GH, that has its place. It really depends on objective. I design protocols for people I work with, you can always PM me if you want real consultation.
17AAs are metabolized by the CYP2C9 enzyme. It might be that genetically you rapidly oxidize compounds via CYP2C9 (there is wide variability). With respect to the 100 test/600 primo/4IU rhGH/35 MENT, this is just an underwhelming cycle for strength and anabolism. Primo especially, but even MENT, are very mild muscle tissue builders and don't promote strength substantially.
Thank you! What does this mean in terms of actual effects?
Will I still get high estro from dbol, mystery gyno from sdrol, liver and kidney values etc?

In regards to my plan on inj sdrol. I seriously can't find my benzoyl benzoate. I've looked for hours and I seriously can't find it. It has to be somewhere though. Or I can make a really low concentrate blend that will hold without BB. But it won't happen today like i promised.
Expectations of orals? Almost zero. I try to imagine people are just larping when talking about orals. Insane fullness, insane focus in the gym blah blah. "Strength shot up nicely". 5 lbs bodyweight in 3 days. Bunch of placebo ridden high schoolers who's never done anything else than 3x12 in terms of programming? Perhaps.
But I'd expect something to work here, anything at all. Even sides are welcome at this point.
Out of curiosity, do you get no effect from other medicines too? Whatever you take - tadalafil, blood pressure, pain killers, anti inflammatory, modafinil... I'm not interested in experimenting with opioids and benzos, but those few times I have taken them after surgeries, my head have been spinning (oxycontin, tramadol, diazepam etc.)

As for oral steroids, I have no problems to feel that my biceps are harder (relaxed state, not pumped) after a week on superdrol or turinabol, it's not just in my head, my wife can feel it too. I wouldn't call it insane or such hyperboles, but it is easily noticeable.
Thank you! What does this mean in terms of actual effects?
Will I still get high estro from dbol, mystery gyno from sdrol, liver and kidney values etc?

In regards to my plan on inj sdrol. I seriously can't find my benzoyl benzoate. I've looked for hours and I seriously can't find it. It has to be somewhere though. Or I can make a really low concentrate blend that will hold without BB. But it won't happen today like i promised.
The effects will be diminished, including negative side effects if this is indeed the issue.

Do not make injectable 17AAs. I just addressed this in another thread, but there's no difference in their metabolism or any relevant difference between the oral and parenteral (IM) route besides purely psychological (i.e., if you "feel" injectable sdrol and not oral, then you can be absolutely certain it's purely psychological/placebo). As well, of course, as the fact that you have to pin 14 times weekly to keep stable blood levels.
Out of curiosity, do you get no effect from other medicines too? Whatever you take - tadalafil, blood pressure, pain killers, anti inflammatory, modafinil... I'm not interested in experimenting with opioids and benzos, but those few times I have taken them after surgeries, my head have been spinning (oxycontin, tramadol, diazepam etc.)

As for oral steroids, I have no problems to feel that my biceps are harder (relaxed state, not pumped) after a week on superdrol or turinabol, it's not just in my head, my wife can feel it too. I wouldn't call it insane or such hyperboles, but it is easily noticeable.
Other meds work fine. I haven't been on a lot of meds though. But here's a list of things I have taken throughout my life.
Paracetamol, ibuprofen, zopiclone, Valium, benzo I forget the name of.
I think that's it. These worked just fine.
So could be the inhibition of CYP2C9 be the answer? With Grapefruit/pummelo juice as natural alternatives.

So could be the inhibition of CYP2C9 be the answer? With Grapefruit/pummelo juice as natural alternatives.

Theoretically, but here are some issues:

17AAs are also inhibitors of CYP2C9, so given that he's taking such high dosages he should have some results.

Naringin (grapefruit's most active bioflavonoid) is a somewhat broad Cyt. P450 inhibitor and will interact with metabolism of a wide array of drugs, so if anyone reads this and happen to be taking any of the myriad drugs metabolized by these enzymes, following this recommendation could cause them harm
Theoretically, but here are some issues:

17AAs are also inhibitors of CYP2C9, so given that he's taking such high dosages he should have some results.

Naringin (grapefruit's most active bioflavonoid) is a somewhat broad Cyt. P450 inhibitor and will interact with metabolism of a wide array of drugs, so if anyone reads this and happen to be taking any of the myriad drugs metabolized by these enzymes, following this recommendation could cause them harm
What’s your opinion on nootkatone. I have a pack of capsules form a exotic supplier in canada
What’s your opinion on nootkatone. I have a pack of capsules form a exotic supplier in canada
"Experimental models have shown that these phytochemicals could mimic [caloric restriction] and exercise through the activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator-1α, sirtuin 1, and AMP-activated protein kinase (Hawley et al., 2011). However, the effects of these agents on the aged human muscle and their safety have not yet been established." Diet and Aging: Role in Prevention of Muscle Mass Loss

Interesting in the sense that phytoecdysteroids like ecdysterone are interesting (theoretically), but not sure it gets a seal of approval for efficacy in humans bro.
The effects will be diminished, including negative side effects if this is indeed the issue.

Do not make injectable 17AAs. I just addressed this in another thread, but there's no difference in their metabolism or any relevant difference between the oral and parenteral (IM) route besides purely psychological (i.e., if you "feel" injectable sdrol and not oral, then you can be absolutely certain it's purely psychological/placebo). As well, of course, as the fact that you have to pin 14 times weekly to keep stable blood levels.
Interesting theory but there's too many holes for op to even consider that to be plausible, least of which he has stated that the use of other drugs metabolized by p450 work as intended, anavar is metabolized primarily by the kidneys, and the 120mg of anavar he took ain't exactly a small dose, and cyp2c9 is not the only p450 enzyme that can metabolize anabolics. It reads a lot like you are claiming that op has an abundance of p450 which for some reason only affects anabolic steroids in his body. Obviously enzymes do not single out just a select few substances to digest so fast they can't affect you so this simply cannot be true.

I think you are on a bit of a goose chase when a simpler explanation exists

I still bet gear is bunk. Panda is known to be a cocksucker so it would he easy to clap ops cheeks and blame customs for stealing/"confiscating" his gear or sending panko crumbs as var assuming the package would be caught anyway and save the money.
The effects will be diminished, including negative side effects if this is indeed the issue.

Do not make injectable 17AAs. I just addressed this in another thread, but there's no difference in their metabolism or any relevant difference between the oral and parenteral (IM) route besides purely psychological (i.e., if you "feel" injectable sdrol and not oral, then you can be absolutely certain it's purely psychological/placebo). As well, of course, as the fact that you have to pin 14 times weekly to keep stable blood levels.
Why inject it when you can do sublingual, right? But there are orals like anadrol where that first liver pass from gut absorption hits your gut so hard you lose appetite. And by injecting it, the liver has to process it sooner or later (except for maybe anavar), but you don't get that immediate bolus to the liver shutting down your appetite.
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Interesting theory but there's too many holes for op to even consider that to be plausible, least of which he has stated that the use of other drugs metabolized by p450 work as intended, anavar is metabolized primarily by the kidneys, and the 120mg of anavar he took ain't exactly a small dose, and cyp2c9 is not the only p450 enzyme that can metabolize anabolics. It reads a lot like you are claiming that op has an abundance of p450 which for some reason only affects anabolic steroids in his body. Obviously enzymes do not single out just a select few substances to digest so fast they can't affect you so this simply cannot be true.

I think you are on a bit of a goose chase when a simpler explanation exists

I still bet gear is bunk. Panda is known to be a cocksucker so it would he easy to clap ops cheeks and blame customs for stealing/"confiscating" his gear or sending panko crumbs as var assuming the package would be caught anyway and save the money.
It's very possible that he just doesn't digest/process 17aa methylated steroids well. It could be genetic or a drug/supplement interaction. In fact, given what he said about using very high doses of very powerful orals and from multiple sources it's the most likely scenario.
It's very possible that he just doesn't digest/process 17aa methylated steroids well. It could be genetic or a drug/supplement interaction. In fact, given what he said about using very high doses of very powerful orals and from multiple sources it's the most likely scenario.

Definitely within the realm of possibility.

The question then becomes one of probability. Is it more probable he gets sold bunk shit all the time or is it more probable he has a genetic anomaly?

Im not a doctor, but i think he needs a liver transplant so he can get them gainz.
Interesting theory but there's too many holes for op to even consider that to be plausible, least of which he has stated that the use of other drugs metabolized by p450 work as intended, anavar is metabolized primarily by the kidneys, and the 120mg of anavar he took ain't exactly a small dose, and cyp2c9 is not the only p450 enzyme that can metabolize anabolics. It reads a lot like you are claiming that op has an abundance of p450 which for some reason only affects anabolic steroids in his body. Obviously enzymes do not single out just a select few substances to digest so fast they can't affect you so this simply cannot be true.

I think you are on a bit of a goose chase when a simpler explanation exists

I still bet gear is bunk. Panda is known to be a cocksucker so it would he easy to clap ops cheeks and blame customs for stealing/"confiscating" his gear or sending panko crumbs as var assuming the package would be caught anyway and save the money.
Anavar is not metabolized primarily by the kidneys (this claim originates from a work of science fiction called Andropathy by R.A.S. Hemat and has been cited variously as errata), I don't believe any of the meds he listed previously are metabolized by CYP2C9 (you're shifting goal posts here very badly), and I never claimed CYP2C9 is the only P450 enzyme that can metabolize anabolics (strawman) but it is the principal enzyme involved in var metabolism. I never claimed that OP has an abundance of P450 (where are you getting all of these arguments I never made? It's like you're arguing against someone else altogether).

I think that CYP2C9 metabolism is actually a simpler explanation than all of his wide array of largely tested and of trusted origin gear is bunk. While possible, you're actually going with the more complex explanation here. Note that his injectables work fine (though an underwhelming cycle for anabolism) he reports that they are working. Not with the orals. Quite a conspiracy that only his orals are bunk but not injectables, don't you think?
Why inject it when you can do sublingual, right? But there are orals like anadrol where that first liver pass from gut absorption hits your gut so hard you lose appetite. And by injecting it, the liver has to process it sooner or later (except for maybe anavar), but you don't get that immediate bolus to the liver shutting down your appetite.
True. What do you suppose causes the gut problems with, take Anadrol for example, when absorbed by the GI tract that are often reported, versus, the apparent histamine-mediated mechanisms of acid reflux/peptic ulcer (gastric mucosal susceptibility and ulcerogenic effects of androgens)? Is it something that can be ameliorated; just eat with a fatty meal perhaps?
What about orals that aren't 17aa methylated? Aren't some of those 2000s prohormones in some other category?
Simplest and most practical way forward, as suggested above, just give 20mg superdrol per day to a buddy and see if he feels anything. If he feels nothing in 2 weeks, you know its bunk. Lethargy, harder muscles, increased muscle size, increased strength.
Anavar is not metabolized primarily by the kidneys (this claim originates from a work of science fiction called Andropathy by R.A.S. Hemat and has been cited variously as errata), I don't believe any of the meds he listed previously are metabolized by CYP2C9 (you're shifting goal posts here very badly), and I never claimed CYP2C9 is the only P450 enzyme that can metabolize anabolics (strawman) but it is the principal enzyme involved in var metabolism. I never claimed that OP has an abundance of P450 (where are you getting all of these arguments I never made? It's like you're arguing against someone else altogether).

I think that CYP2C9 metabolism is actually a simpler explanation than all of his wide array of largely tested and of trusted origin gear is bunk. While possible, you're actually going with the more complex explanation here. Note that his injectables work fine (though an underwhelming cycle for anabolism) he reports that they are working. Not with the orals. Quite a conspiracy that only his orals are bunk but not injectables, don't you think?
Nobody is straw manning or moving any goalposts. If that's what you think is going on it would be apparent that you did some reading and memorizing without any actual understanding. From your mouthing off it's also apparent you don't actually understand nor possess critical thinking skills to digest what I have said.

Further. Cyp2c9 isn't even responsible for anabolic steroid metabolism. They are metabolized almost exclusively by cyp234a. In fact cyp2c9 produces ZERO anabolic metabolites when fed anabolics, unlike other enzymes lol. The other chemicals he claimed do work are also metabolized by cyp234a. Another nail in your theory coffin. The research on this is clear and abundant. Yes there are other enzymes that can metabolize minuscule amounts of certain other anabolics however even with that your theory is still extremely far fetched and almost outlandish in fact.

17AAs are metabolized by the CYP2C9 enzyme. It might be that genetically you rapidly oxidize compounds via CYP2C9 (there is wide variability). With respect to the 100 test/600 primo/4IU rhGH/35 MENT, this is just an underwhelming cycle for strength and anabolism. Primo especially, but even MENT, are very mild muscle tissue builders and don't promote strength substantially.

Here you are claiming that cyp2c9 is the enzyme is the one that metabolizes anabolics, when we know it has nothing at all to do with anabolic metabolism lmao.

There you also are claiming that the injectables you are defending now "which he reports are working", was an underwhelming cycle, implying he's not taking enough to get results. I agree that 100mg test is small trt at best but to go out and claim that 600mg primo and 35 ment is nothing shows your lack of practical application.

You're basic argument is that op is a fucking alien who isn't affected by anabolics lmao. Ok. Let's pretend his body metabolizes anabolics so fast they can't affect him. His pics make it clear he has androgen receptors and there is active testosterone in his body (which should have been metabolized by cyp234a. Oops). He would have never went through puberty if what you're suggesting can even be considered as evidence.

I'll say again. Either op is some sort of genetic freaks who p450 enzymes single out anabolics exclusively to digest before they affect him, or he has got bunk gear. Now you have spun it around that it's more likely for him to be the only human in history to be able to do something which evidence shows isn't true. Lol

All you've done is whine and shown nothing to refute what I've said about your quackery. Do better