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Why do you train?

I feel you bro. I'm on it as well was in my 20 and30s on methadone.
I was a mess this is still a ball n chain but much lighter

my DnA Dr is thinking of changing me from Bupe to methadone.. but I've heard methadone is the hardest to kick out of everything, do you plan to get off it ?
Hmmmmmm. I am trying to think of WHY. I never ask myself that- not wired that way. I could say that my father used to beat the fuck out of me all the time and then I would go outside and get beat down for being white, but that wouldn't be the reason. I got over that shit long before I touched a weight... you can only be a victim so long. If you don't want to catch a beat down guns are cheap.

I spent 25 years on drugs and in and out of trouble. Tried to get sober quite a few times and it never stuck. Having a daughter helped and I just started lifting about 2 1/2 years ago.... I don't think it keeps me sober and I don't think she keeps me sober. They both make it easier and more rewarding - but god keeps me sober. Who is god? No fucking idea, but brutus couldn't do it for 25 years so something else is doing it for me.

I wish I could say my parents inspire me but I don't give a fuck about them or impressing them. Women? I always got plenty of pussy and considering the trouble it has brought me that is hardly a drive to work- I would rather take a nap than do 10 sets of 10 for a bitch.

Honestly? I see a little man in the mirror. I miss a few days in the gym and I start seeing things that aren't there- fat that doesn't exist, muscle disappearing that hasn't gone anywhere. I have such a fucked up body image it's ridiculous. That drives me....

And the sense of accomplishment when I hit a pr, but when I miss a lift attempt I take it hard so it is kind of a wash

Wish it was deeper boys- I work hard because I am not even close to satisfied with what I see in the mirror. Ever. Fuck a why and fuck how anyone else sees me. It's all in my own head.

I wonder how many people here feel the same way when they look in the mirror. No matter how big I get and what other people say I still think im skinny.
I wonder how many people here feel the same way when they look in the mirror. No matter how big I get and what other people say I still think im skinny.
i reckon majority of bodybuilders have a case of body dysmorphia.. even the biggest dudes constantly see flaws in their physique when they are near perfection
my DnA Dr is thinking of changing me from Bupe to methadone.. but I've heard methadone is the hardest to kick out of everything, do you plan to get off it ?
Stay away from the methadone. That shit gets in your bones my friend. I shot dope and popped pills for a long time. Then I was real, real sick. Then I started to feel better. A 12 step program and staying the fuck away from people and things associated with drugs went a long way for me. Do whatever you have to do- and then do some more. Fuck motherfucking drugs in their faggot fucking asses. Killing good people in the worst way possible every day.
Im specifically doing it to see how close I can come to 200lbs. I may not ever make it their but when I see pictures of where I was compared to where I'm at now it keeps me motivated to keep striving harder!
First off, as a child I loved Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jean Claude Van Damme and Hulk Hogan so motivated at an early age. When I was 12 I moved to Cali with my grandparents because my parents were addicts and we got taken away. My grandfather has always been an athlete, room full of medals from marathons to archery to gymnastics, Ive always looked up to him. He started taking me to the ymca for swimming and weights and every day I would ride my bike while he ran around our local lake. He took the place of my father figure and instilled a love for the athletics in me.

Im generally an introvert and have always hated team sports. I dislike running so weights were my answer since I too have a slight inferiority complex. I also need a structured life otherwise Im a mess. Lifting makes me have a schedule and keeps me accountable for my diet, its the glue for my sanity and personal happiness.

The final reason is I want to be a positive role model for my kids and wife as the head of my house (Im talking strictly lifting, not aas). Kids learn from example, and like many of you here, have taken that example and put it to good use. When we go to the pool I want to be the alpha dad and alpha husband.
Training keeps me sober. Keeps me alive. Gives me something positive to live for. Building myself instead of destroying myself.
I'm on 24mg of bupe every morning, i really just wanna get off it for good because i hate feeling caged by a substance..

Theres no need for 24mgs a day, thats a ridiculous amount. Hit me up if you need help putting together a taper plan, I kicked subs a few years back. Its a hard ass mental game but can be done.
i like this thread and the responses, very interesting.

i have a very colourful past, years of drug abuse, self destruction and doing bad shit.. being raised around drug dealers and crims, that lifestyle became a second nature to me, it blows my mind how different i am now compared to a year ago. i really hate the things that I've done to myself and to others. only at my age now (28) am i figuring out what lifes about. it was an ongoing battle to get clean and get square, i never thought i would change, i should be dead or in jail. The main thing that keeps me on the positive path is training. I've never had a proper job and will never have one, so i have a lot of free time, if i sit around not doing much then its extremely easy to fall into bad habits again, so the gym is like heroin for me, my life revolves around it. when I'm using this "heroin" I'm happy, energetic and love life. Take the drug away from me though and bad shit will happen.

i was always the tall skinny kid growing up, fucking hated it. always had the desire to be bigger but the desire to get high was stronger back then.. i used to weigh 67kg!! at 6'5.. think about that, that is fucked up. i now weigh 108kg. I Definitely like the new me, it can be a struggle at times but having goals in the gym keep me straight, i know if i use again it will fuck up all the hard work and i can't let that happen. i still wanna pack on another 20-30kg's. I'm on 24mg of bupe every morning, i really just wanna get off it for good because i hate feeling caged by a substance.. all in time though. i hate to think what life would be like without training.. we should all consider ourselves very lucky to have the able bodies to even walk let alone throw weights around everyday.

thank you Lords of the iron.

Jesus man. 24mg is retarded high. Idk what anyone says nobody needs more than 8mg.
I'm still on Suboxone. kicked Suboxone cold Turkey. once in prison wasn't to bad back on now like a dumb ass. kicked methadone 3 times cold it was hell for a month I liked it better but got worse at least Suboxone I don't nod out in front of people and I train still. please don't get on methadone bad news
As one of the newest in the bunch to lifting I have a ton of motivations. They range from the superficial to very deep and personal.
I can't really go into it without getting uncomfortably personal but my leap into all this was driven by the actions of a female. [emoji53]
Body image and inferiority complexes up the wazoo. The poor guys on here that know me listen to me whine about "such and such is bigger than me wtf", "shit I'm fat again", "I'll never get there", "I'm too fucking old".... Jesus fucking Christ I'm a whiner at times it's sickening but it's real legit uber self conscious self image problems. I hate it and I think I'll solve it by getting big.
Self image is always a huge factor. I hated being 135 and close to 20% BF. Hell I still wake up some days and all I see is that twig in the mirror and I've been at this for close to a decade. As I previously stated I stuck with lifting in the beginning because I didn't like my life style and it was therapeutic for me. But now it's a necessity for me because I refuse to look like I used to.
Theres no need for 24mgs a day, thats a ridiculous amount. Hit me up if you need help putting together a taper plan, I kicked subs a few years back. Its a hard ass mental game but can be done.

Jesus man. 24mg is retarded high. Idk what anyone says nobody needs more than 8mg.

they started me on 32mg.. i've been down to 2mg for a while there but got bumped up for some different reasons, I'm definitely keen to rid this fuckin shit though
they started me on 32mg.. i've been down to 2mg for a while there but got bumped up for some different reasons, I'm definitely keen to rid this fuckin shit though

Theyre great to break the addictive cycle to traditional opiates, just make sure that addiction is broken before jumping off. Ill keep this thread clear of this but if you ever need help kicking them you know where to find me.
The mind and body are often considered to be two distinct aspects of your "self", or identity. I reject this notion, and I firmly believe that the two are inseparable (along with your spiritual side, but that's for another discussion altogether), and should be treated as such. Therefore, you cannot have a healthy mind without a healthy body, and you cannot have a healthy body without a healthy mind. I look at "fitness" from a more holistic approach; I don't go to the gym to make my body look better, or to even improve my physical health. I do it to improve my mental, physical, and even spiritual health all through the same process. That's why I don't listen to music, and I only train alone. That's my time to connect with my "self", and test myself. Looking strong is a nice bonus, but lifting for me is much more about providing me with structure and balance in my life.
My family has a history of obesity and I never want to end up a fat fuck. It also keeps me sane as I tend to get agitated if I don't train, feel stale and am generally just a cunt if I don't train. I love muay thai as well but find weight training more personal and the resulting aesthetics is an added bonus. Plus knowing you can kick someone's ass along with being physically bigger than others gives you great confidence.
even the biggest dudes constantly see flaws in their physique when they are near perfection

This is where the "artist" portion of bodybuilding comes in, imho. Like or not, at least for myself you are creating physical art. I known that isn't a manly thing to say, but for me it's truth. I love seeing a change in a part of my physique that I concentrated on for months. Is it vanity? I don't give a fuck! It's fun! I draw, play music and do wood work. Lifting the way I do gives me the same feeling of those other things. It's a creative release. Better than drugs or alcohol and even better than pussy at times.
my DnA Dr is thinking of changing me from Bupe to methadone.. but I've heard methadone is the hardest to kick out of everything, do you plan to get off it ?

Stay away from the methadone. That shit gets in your bones my friend. I shot dope and popped pills for a long time. Then I was real, real sick. Then I started to feel better. A 12 step program and staying the fuck away from people and things associated with drugs went a long way for me. Do whatever you have to do- and then do some more. Fuck motherfucking drugs in their faggot fucking asses. Killing good people in the worst way possible every day.
I second that. Stay away from Dones.
Not to derail this thread but the physical symptoms will NOT be as bad as the mental. Yes it's shitty, but you can come off completely cold turkey. Weening is ideal but for some it just never happens. When you are ready...there are two things I learned. If you wanna get through the W/D's quickly, you can eat about 3 8mg suboxone wafers/strips while your receptors are still saturated and lock yourself in a room for 48 hrs. It's gonna be hell (like the worst flu known to man and maybe some hallucinations), but you will go through 2.5 weeks of symptoms in about 2 days. Make sure you got someone to keep an eye on you, and get pedialite b\c dehydration is very real and very dangerous. Also once you're clean you can kickstart your system with a mixture of OJ and honey a few times a day, and a shot of B1 & B12 vitamins will get those energy levels up. Be safe and be smart my friend good luck.

...or you can always do it shivering and shaking on the jailhouse floor, but I dont recommend it
i reckon majority of bodybuilders have a case of body dysmorphia.. even the biggest dudes constantly see flaws in their physique when they are near perfection
Stay away from the methadone! Was on 110mgs liquid per day for 6yrs. Started banging about 8 to 15 bags a day on top of the methadone and got locked up. After a week the heavy withdrawals from the H dissipated and then came the long drawn out methadone withdrawal, I'm not lying when I tell you it probably took around 18 months to finally feel physically and mentally normal again not to mention I didn't shit right for a damn year lol