why does gear take away your overall youthfulness


New Member
why does gear take away the glow from your skin thats from your youth? as gay as it sounds, because it’s basically wanting to have glamour, what can you do to fix this? have people gone as far as weird snail cum creams during cycle??

dude i went from looking like a youthful jolly happy kid to some middle aged dude going through a mid-life crisis (context i started multi-gram tren blasts at the age of 15)
why does gear take away the glow from your skin thats from your youth? as gay as it sounds, because it’s basically wanting to have glamour, what can you do to fix this? have people gone as far as weird snail cum creams during cycle??


Because you use the wrong type of steroids.
Only pure DHT aka Stanolone is needed and advised ;)
That's why you weigh in risks vs rewards before taking steroids. Some time ago steroids were for serious people looking to up their game and physique to the next level, not for some pretty boy model wannabes looking for attention.
That's why you weigh in risks vs rewards before taking steroids. Some time ago steroids were for serious people looking to up their game and physique to the next level, not for some pretty boy model wannabes looking for attention.

What's wrong with using steroids for something completely different from physique enhancing, as for example alleviate depression, increase confidence, increase productivity, if these work better than anything one has ever tried ? ;)
What's wrong with using steroids for something completely different from physique enhancing, as for example alleviate depression, increase confidence, increase productivity, if these work better than anything one has ever tried ? ;)
Just looking at threads like this (and there's plenty) makes it look like these kids burry themselves in to even deeper and bigger hole by using steroids. I believe it's best to work with yourself or consult specialist, instead of reaching for drugs. Most of my confidence issues were fixed by training and diet and some lifestyle changes.
why does gear take away the glow from your skin thats from your youth? as gay as it sounds, because it’s basically wanting to have glamour, what can you do to fix this? have people gone as far as weird snail cum creams during cycle??

Start using A Chinese Gua Sha stone on your face. I'm serious. In my 60s, most people think I'm in my late 40s/early 50s. There's plenty of short tutorials online, just make sure the instructor you use is ASIAN!!
Just looking at threads like this (and there's plenty) makes it look like these kids burry themselves in to even deeper and bigger hole by using steroids. I believe it's best to work with yourself or consult specialist, instead of reaching for drugs. Most of my confidence issues were fixed by training and diet and some lifestyle changes.

Training and diet have done nothing for me, only testosterone has ;)
Training and diet have done nothing for me, only testosterone has ;)
Maybe your situation was different, maybe you started later in life. I still believe many young guys 20-35 years old can raise their Testosterone levels naturally by changing their lifestyle. Everyone just wants to take drugs to get results fast. Nobody wants to work hard anymore.
Maybe your situation was different, maybe you started later in life. I still believe many young guys 20-35 years old can raise their Testosterone levels naturally by changing their lifestyle. Everyone just wants to take drugs to get results fast. Nobody wants to work hard anymore.
What do you expect in this society where most people under 30 have the attention span of a goldfish?