why does gear take away your overall youthfulness

why does gear take away the glow from your skin thats from your youth? as gay as it sounds, because it’s basically wanting to have glamour, what can you do to fix this? have people gone as far as weird snail cum creams during cycle??

Snail cum... is unfortunately amazing for my skin.
Don't think I've lost my youth. But I have a pretty intense skincare regimen. Try incorporating some peptides, HGH and GHK-CU are both supposedly amazing for skin.
Maybe your situation was different, maybe you started later in life. I still believe many young guys 20-35 years old can raise their Testosterone levels naturally by changing their lifestyle. Everyone just wants to take drugs to get results fast. Nobody wants to work hard anymore.

Martial artist since 7, very good macro split since a baby (here in Europe we have actual food, I never touched any fast food type of food), weight lifting since 13, 8 hours of sleep all my life, never touched a cigarette or alcohol.

Sometimes things are a little more complex than "eat right and train right bro" ;)
What do you expect in this society where most people under 30 have the attention span of a goldfish?

You must be talking about eternal kids glued to their phone and not knowing much about the world surrounding them.
That's level 1

There's level 2 where kids are playing sports, eating right, studying, and people cut them some slack because they think it's an acceptable lifestyle. It's not, they still belong to the lazy fuck category,

I'm talking about level 3 kids where we were introduced to martial arts before 10, played an instrument before 12, fluent in 3 languages before 13, went to the best highschools and best college, were invited to high net worth society events, slept with hundreds of women after wittingly chatting with them in the pursue of our future wife, developed multi million dollar businesses just to sustain our families but not making a fuss about it either or letting it take the biggest place in our lives, reading classic litterature from most major countries and at the same time societal analysis from major authors, dwelving into and getting advanced knowledge in topics that we didn't even study at school such as microbiology or endocrinology.

We are a different breed ;)
You must be talking about eternal kids glued to their phone and not knowing much about the world surrounding them.
That's level 1

There's level 2 where kids are playing sports, eating right, studying, and people cut them some slack because they think it's an acceptable lifestyle. It's not, they still belong to the lazy fuck category,

I'm talking about level 3 kids where we were introduced to martial arts before 10, played an instrument before 12, fluent in 3 languages before 13, went to the best highschools and best college, were invited to high net worth society events, slept with hundreds of women after wittingly chatting with them in the pursue of our future wife, developed multi million dollar businesses just to sustain our families but not making a fuss about it either or letting it take the biggest place in our lives, reading classic litterature from most major countries and at the same time societal analysis from major authors, dwelving into and getting advanced knowledge in topics that we didn't even study at school such as microbiology or endocrinology.

We are a different breed ;)
How about kids born with nothing, raised by a single parent or in a foster home, having to eat whatever is available if there is any; then have to claw their way out to make ends meet and at least salvage a normal life?

A rare few will have extra ordinary skills/talents but most of us have to do with just hard work and the relentless drive to get out of extreme poverty.

Like you said we are not all the same, which is good or else the makeup of this world will be boring.
First 2 out of 4 years i did steroids you couldn't even notice a difference in my face, but after introducing DHT's it's a night and day difference, i started to look old as shit.

And it's not hair loss or acne, it's just the texture of the skin and the fat loss in the face region making it look more sunken in/more tired.

Think about why people transfer fat to some areas in their face to look more youthful when they are older.
First 2 out of 4 years i did steroids you couldn't even notice a difference in my face, but after introducing DHT's it's a night and day difference, i started to look old as shit.

And it's not hair loss or acne, it's just the texture of the skin and the fat loss in the face region making it look more sunken in/more tired.

Think about why people transfer fat to some areas in their face to look more youthful when they are older.

I've been on accutane for a few months, and the most striking difference is how my pores have shrunk back to pre-steroid condition. It such a noticeable difference, other people have commented on how "fresh" I look.

Steroids make your pores much larger, accutane completely reverses that.
First 2 out of 4 years i did steroids you couldn't even notice a difference in my face, but after introducing DHT's it's a night and day difference, i started to look old as shit.

And it's not hair loss or acne, it's just the texture of the skin and the fat loss in the face region making it look more sunken in/more tired.

Think about why people transfer fat to some areas in their face to look more youthful when they are older.
I began using steroids at 23, now almost 6 years later I look noticeable more mature or older if you like to call it that way especially with a beard. I have tried everything there is except for some exotics like dhb, epistane, ment. I actually like looking older than I'm. People say I look 36 or something. As long as women dig it I'm fine with it too.
You must be talking about eternal kids glued to their phone and not knowing much about the world surrounding them.
That's level 1

There's level 2 where kids are playing sports, eating right, studying, and people cut them some slack because they think it's an acceptable lifestyle. It's not, they still belong to the lazy fuck category,

I'm talking about level 3 kids where we were introduced to martial arts before 10, played an instrument before 12, fluent in 3 languages before 13, went to the best highschools and best college, were invited to high net worth society events, slept with hundreds of women after wittingly chatting with them in the pursue of our future wife, developed multi million dollar businesses just to sustain our families but not making a fuss about it either or letting it take the biggest place in our lives, reading classic litterature from most major countries and at the same time societal analysis from major authors, dwelving into and getting advanced knowledge in topics that we didn't even study at school such as microbiology or endocrinology.

We are a different breed ;)

Nice to have some insight on why you're so unlikeable
I took gear for 2 years, came off for 3 months and reverted back to baby face, took gear again for 3 months and went back to looking my age. The ID photos during this time are wild and if anyone actually looks at them they think they're fake or expired.

Sometimes i pull them out at the bar or at the gym because they are really that wild. 3 months of being off gear de aged me 10 years. I didn't even look old enough to drink.

I look young for my age now but I also don't run tren/mast/primo or hgh. And I wear sunscreen.

I also don't get stupid deathface lean, I wouldn't be surprised if that burns all your face fat and it doesn't come back ever with androgens in your system. Like some special type of brown fat or something.

Hgh, sun damage and tren are the big 3 of aging imo. Also hairline.

But king of all is genetics of course.

Take test, take finasteride, stop tanning, stop hgh.
First 2 out of 4 years i did steroids you couldn't even notice a difference in my face, but after introducing DHT's it's a night and day difference, i started to look old as shit.

And it's not hair loss or acne, it's just the texture of the skin and the fat loss in the face region making it look more sunken in/more tired.

Think about why people transfer fat to some areas in their face to look more youthful when they are older.

Curious to know what you call "DHTs", because pure bioidentical Stanolone certainly doesn't age you one bit ;)
How about kids born with nothing, raised by a single parent or in a foster home, having to eat whatever is available if there is any; then have to claw their way out to make ends meet and at least salvage a normal life?

A rare few will have extra ordinary skills/talents but most of us have to do with just hard work and the relentless drive to get out of extreme poverty.

Like you said we are not all the same, which is good or else the makeup of this world will be boring.

They have just as much merit if not more than level 3 kids, but they are certainly a minority among all the lazy asses who think they will make it off of stupid videos on Instagram or whatever is trendy these days ;)
I took gear for 2 years, came off for 3 months and reverted back to baby face, took gear again for 3 months and went back to looking my age. The ID photos during this time are wild and if anyone actually looks at them they think they're fake or expired.

Sometimes i pull them out at the bar or at the gym because they are really that wild. 3 months of being off gear de aged me 10 years. I didn't even look old enough to drink.

I look young for my age now but I also don't run tren/mast/primo or hgh. And I wear sunscreen.

I also don't get stupid deathface lean, I wouldn't be surprised if that burns all your face fat and it doesn't come back ever with androgens in your system. Like some special type of brown fat or something.

Hgh, sun damage and tren are the big 3 of aging imo. Also hairline.

But king of all is genetics of course.

Take test, take finasteride, stop tanning, stop hgh.
Vigorous Steve talked about this when he came off of everything even his trt for some time. Even if some people dislike him if you know how to filter out some filler content he's really good source of information and personal experience.
They have just as much merit if not more than level 3 kids, but they are certainly a minority among all the lazy asses who think they will make it off of stupid videos on Instagram or whatever is trendy these days ;)
Who made these standards/levels you speak of btw. Honest question, I find it odd that an authority is out there ranking our kids nowadays.
It's why I think doing a long blast for a few years to obtain a reasonable goal then coming off to regain facial aesthetics is best in the long run. Gear definitely makes your facial aesthetics decrease by a point or 2.

When I came off I got a lot of compliments that I looked much better
While still being reasonabley big

Now I won't go as far as to say gear puts 10 years on me. More like a few years older and I get a double chin from water test bloat
It's why I think doing a long blast for a few years to obtain a reasonable goal then coming off to regain facial aesthetics is best in the long run. Gear definitely makes your facial aesthetics decrease by a point or 2.

When I came off I got a lot of compliments that I looked much better
While still being reasonabley big

Now I won't go as far as to say gear puts 10 years on me. More like a few years older and I get a double chin from water test bloat

yep, well said bro. and also in reality you’re going to gain bone density, if we’re talking just facial aesthetics and not even how your clavicles/frame can get wider, bones last forever, pretty/glamour (even without drugs) is temporary

i can see what you mean about the compliments because of skin quality and you can actually change the spacing in between your facial features but if you reaped the bone density benefits and can manage an anti-aging protocol then i would for sure take back everything negative i say about hormones, people spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in surgeries that you can get with a few hundred dollars provided you’re in your youth (hence why the dilemma is LOSING your youth); having to do more skin care and looking a few years older in exchange for having an incredible structure / frame, pretty good trade off it’s just finding a way to manage the fast aging, some people are really really worse than others, even if you don’t care about looking young, if your genetics are bad enough you will start lol
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yep, well said bro. and also in reality you’re going to gain bone density, if we’re talking just facial aesthetics and not even how your clavicles/frame can get wider, bones last forever / permanent, pretty/glamour (even without drugs) is temporary
It's why I think doing a long blast for a few years to obtain a reasonable goal then coming off to regain facial aesthetics is best in the long run. Gear definitely makes your facial aesthetics decrease by a point or 2.

When I came off I got a lot of compliments that I looked much better
While still being reasonabley big

Now I won't go as far as to say gear puts 10 years on me. More like a few years older and I get a double chin from water test bloat
hypertrophy / muscle gain is such a long process, like 10+ years for a really good and dense / full physique, but you only get a certain amount of time to grow the bones in your face and body
Aas has never made me look older. Everyone guesses me at about 5 to 10 years younger then I am.
Maybe you're talking about something like moonface from water retention. Get your e2 under control.
I mean I look like a masculine male but not older. When I was younger I didn't know how to get the water retention down so my face looked bloated. That all changed when I started using masterone. My face looks even younger now.
I'm in my 50s now, but everyone guesses I'm in my 40s. Now if I grow out my gray beard or don't shave my head for awhile I'll look my age for sure. A gray ring of hair around the chrome dome isn't youthful looking in the least.
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I swear to god, the initial reaction I got from some people who hadn't seen me until several months after I first used AAS was that I looked "scary". It certainly felt like dudes were suddenly moving out of my way.
I swear to god, the initial reaction I got from some people who hadn't seen me until several months after I first used AAS was that I looked "scary". It certainly felt like dudes were suddenly moving out of my way.
This is pretty much the reason I started bodybuilding. I was a little bigger then the average kid but I was bullied constantly.
I didn't stand up for myself and was very shy.

I love being 240-250lbs. No one messes with you. It makes life easier not having to deal with unwanted conflict.

