why does gear take away your overall youthfulness

I still look like a Pretty Little Girl.
Just look at my Avatar. ;)

Seriously, I've been doing AAS since the Mid-70's.
People still to this day say I only look like I'm in my 50's.
I'll have to find a pic of me at 65................. JP
I've watched a few close friends also go on and off cycle. I don't bloat much at all, and some do on the same exact dose. It changes your look. Not talking about teens here though...

From my experience, I think bloat is where people get the temporary aging effect. Along with bloat, your jaw muscles all the way up to your temples definitely become larger. When you're very lean, this gives a masculine look. If you're puffy, this can easily give the impression of moon face, Stallone face, or whatever you call it. Once you get into your 30s and 40s where the majority of people aren't fit, this largely goes away.

Imo the people that say it doesn't effect personality are just not in tune enough to notice. This is the bigger portion to me. People act more mature, confident, like a dick, etc depending on the person. All of these effects net out to a perceived "acting older." Especially when you're young. People notice this.
Vigorous Steve talked about this when he came off of everything even his trt for some time. Even if some people dislike him if you know how to filter out some filler content he's really good source of information and personal experience.
Water retention. He looks young when he came off all the shit.

Now he's on 10 iu GH and looks like dogshit. GH bloats the fuck out of your face and makes you look like trash.

tldr; don't run roids if you want to look good facially.
Water retention. He looks young when he came off all the shit.

Now he's on 10 iu GH and looks like dogshit. GH bloats the fuck out of your face and makes you look like trash.

tldr; don't run roids if you want to look good facially.

I would say the exact opposite. I like how he looks now 10 times better. Just watch him talking at swiss symposium when he was very lean, he looked like a terminally ill grandpa..
I would say the exact opposite. I like how he looks now 10 times better. Just watch him talking at swiss symposium when he was very lean, he looked like a terminally ill grandpa..

That's when he looked his best. He's off gear here vs Chase who was on 5g of shit and 15-20 iu.

Chase looks 15 years older and like he's about to have a stroke.
why does gear take away the glow from your skin thats from your youth? as gay as it sounds, because it’s basically wanting to have glamour, what can you do to fix this? have people gone as far as weird snail cum creams during cycle??

In my experience it came from taking dht compounds and tanking my e2. I'd blast and cruise from 2012 until about 2018 and looking back at old photos I look younger now than I did back then. Dosages are far lower, e2 is higher, body doesn't look as jacked but I generally look about 10 years younger. Every positive comes with a negative I guess.
Just looking at threads like this (and there's plenty) makes it look like these kids burry themselves in to even deeper and bigger hole by using steroids. I believe it's best to work with yourself or consult specialist, instead of reaching for drugs. Most of my confidence issues were fixed by training and diet and some lifestyle changes.
I couldn’t agree more. TBH I see the many young dudes so caught up in the game with keeping up in IG or social media. The ones I coach RN I try to teach them the hard truth about delayed gratification. It’s a beautiful truth. I respectfully see the difference in generations. But I do agree that if they (all those apply) can get some beat downs mentally and take it on the chin… they’d have a more proponent positive attitude and confidence within themselves because they haven’t slaved to social media standings or pressure/prerequsites to so called fit in. Something I always get my guys to see is out of the box… we do the things that no one wants to do to be the best version of ourselves… you set the standard….@lukiss96 training and food 1000%.
My last cycle of test/primo/mast ran through my hair line and moved my jaw out a bit. I hardly grew a beard before test, so I think that just plays a big role in thinking ive aged a lot.

My lady likes it, not complaining. Buzzing hair is easier than paying for cuts. If my skin stays tight, wont complain either.
My last cycle of test/primo/mast ran through my hair line and moved my jaw out a bit. I hardly grew a beard before test, so I think that just plays a big role in thinking ive aged a lot.

My lady likes it, not complaining. Buzzing hair is easier than paying for cuts. If my skin stays tight, wont complain either.

Use sunscreen.

I didn't grow a beard until I started using gear. For a good while every time I caught a passing glimpse in a mirror I scared tf out of myself.