Why does this @Janoshik character seem suspect

TLDR prominent member here who was running massive GH testing at the time sent jano a batch. Batch was seized by customs on the way and sent back to the member by customs. But jano still sent the member results for the gear he never received. In the end jano finally admitted it and cited bankruptcy etc and being in a tough financial spot for deciding to scam him

I’ve been vocal on this over of the years that jano is a piece of shit for that. Any1 that scams/steals is a piece of shit. That’s pretty much an accepted fact in this world.

I definitely will say tho the last few years now u can obviously tell jano knows his shit. He’s very educated in the subject and answers questions ppl have about the tests. Early on after his scam I thought he was a full on scam artist, but now a days I think he def has some kind of access to a lab. From what I’ve seen he always gets The blind testing on point and shit

I think He’s def doing some selective shit at least sometimes tho. It’s too easy. But Seems to me a large portion of his stuff is legit

But yes … never forget jano is a proven, admitted scammer . Whether he’s legit or not now. Fact remains. That’s why I don’t like em

TLDR prominent member here who was running massive GH testing at the time sent jano a batch. Batch was seized by customs on the way and sent back to the member by customs. But jano still sent the member results for the gear he never received. In the end jano finally admitted it and cited bankruptcy etc and being in a tough financial spot for deciding to scam him

I’ve been vocal on this over of the years that jano is a piece of shit for that. Any1 that scams/steals is a piece of shit. That’s pretty much an accepted fact in this world.

I definitely will say tho the last few years now u can obviously tell jano knows his shit. He’s very educated in the subject and answers questions ppl have about the tests. Early on after his scam I thought he was a full on scam artist, but now a days I think he def has some kind of access to a lab. From what I’ve seen he always gets The blind testing on point and shit

I think He’s def doing some selective shit at least sometimes tho. It’s too easy. But Seems to me a large portion of his stuff is legit

But yes … never forget jano is a proven, admitted scammer . Whether he’s legit or not now. Fact remains. That’s why I don’t like em
Elaborate on the Selective Shit.

Do you think some Labs are paying him off?
Soo why would a source pay extra for a good test instead of making 1 accurately dosed vial which is cheaper and has no risk of getting you exposed etc.

Why give Janoshik that kind of blackmail material? That could ruin your whole company.

Selling underdosed shit, fine you can write that off as a mistake. But bribery thats a whole other story.
I'm a bit irritated now.
i also have hgh to test sent to jano. According to the tracking ID, the package never arrived.
I still got a result.

i'm a bit confused now
I'm a bit irritated now.
i also have hgh to test sent to jano. According to the tracking ID, the package never arrived.
I still got a result.

i'm a bit confused now
Did you tell him what you were sending? Also Tracking info isn't always 100% accurate guaranteed every time . I've had tracking on things I've sent to other people show as never being delivered but it was actually received by the recipient and confirmed verbally with them.
Did you tell him what you were sending? Also Tracking info isn't always 100% accurate guaranteed every time . I've had tracking on things I've sent to other people show as never being delivered but it was actually received by the recipient and confirmed verbally with them.
Yes i told him.
I actually trust him and yes you are right. the tracking sometimes fails.
maybe it's better to send things as a blind sample, but that's not possible with hgh because the test costs more
I have come to conclusion that this thread is not even worth addressing.

With thousands of clients, hundreds from Meso alone, and straight thinking people it gets really hard to make stuff up and concern troll about me. I'm very thankful for that.

@MrLoop Actually, your post upset me the most in this thread by far. What exactly prevented you from voicing any concern you might have when I specifically ask you to please, let me know if you have any concerns when I send the reports? Now, god knows how long after that, it might be pretty hard to sort out. Still we might try, so how about emailing that report and tracking to me?
I'm a bit irritated now.
i also have hgh to test sent to jano. According to the tracking ID, the package never arrived.
I still got a result.

i'm a bit confused now
You had it tested back in November and you're bringing this up now? If anything seems suspect, it's this.
I have come to conclusion that this thread is not even worth addressing.

With thousands of clients, hundreds from Meso alone, and straight thinking people it gets really hard to make stuff up and concern troll about me. I'm very thankful for that.

@MrLoop Actually, your post upset me the most in this thread by far. What exactly prevented you from voicing any concern you might have when I specifically ask you to please, let me know if you have any concerns when I send the reports? Now, god knows how long after that, it might be pretty hard to sort out. Still we might try, so how about emailing that report and tracking to me?
don't get me wrong ... this Thread here has irritated me a bit, but I trust you.
through such threads one is unfortunately insecure
Not trying to be a prick, but these tests are not cheap by any means, and you didn't think twice on this?
That aside, did you ever get a refund for that garbage they sold you?
No i didnt get refund … Til Today no answer by these Chinese bitch
don't get me wrong ... this Thread here has irritated me a bit, but I trust you.
through such threads one is unfortunately insecure
I used to have a business motto on my website actually - don't trust, verify.

I'd prefer my business to not be build on trust alone, so like I said, you can, at the very least, instead of throwing shade on me, whether or not intentionally, email me with the data available (tracking number) and I may, perhaps find that the local post office has the data on the delivery or something.
I have come to conclusion that this thread is not even worth addressing.

With thousands of clients, hundreds from Meso alone, and straight thinking people it gets really hard to make stuff up and concern troll about me. I'm very thankful for that.

@MrLoop Actually, your post upset me the most in this thread by far. What exactly prevented you from voicing any concern you might have when I specifically ask you to please, let me know if you have any concerns when I send the reports? Now, god knows how long after that, it might be pretty hard to sort out. Still we might try, so how about emailing that report and tracking to me?

I would imagine the fact you got caught and admitted scamming @mands in the exact same way had something to do with it
