Why have BPC157 and TB500 not been approved for sale? Pharma would make a lot of money

I think the sales market for these drugs just in the post surgery and acute trauma ER recovery use would be huge. So why haven’t they been approved with so much financial incentive to do that? Why haven’t more human trials been done around the angeogenesis and cancer concern, if there could be lots of profits? I must be missing something right, what is that guys?
Because the big pharma lobbyists that own Tylenol / Ibuprofen / Painkillers are already making a fortune.

They'd never let a small new guy come in town and steal their clients with a more effective drug that can be taken long term
Something about the fact that BPC can't be brand named because something with it's in the body if I remember correctly.

Basically they can't rip people off with it, and would have to sell it just as cheap as say QSC does.