Why HGH makes me weak and loosing strength?


10+ Year Member
I tried HGH a few times, up to 4ui every second day. I am not sure but it makes me more weak. It is not that kind of feeling where you feel sleepy and would be resolved with coffee. It literally makes me more weak, I am loosing lift strength, also no motivation. And when I workout I don't have that warm energized feeling feeling like I have when I don't do HGH. And I don't get ANY benefits even after 6 weeks. Absolutely no difference about sleep, skin or fat lose. I have legit HGH, I did blood test after I pinned 10ui and it showed the product is legit.

Yes I heard that for some people it can make you tired. But actually loosing strength? It seems that HGH is not for me. But I am trying to find out why, there could be some underlying condition. Does HGH lower cortisol? This could explain my problem. My cortisol is normal though, but I had 10 years ago much higher level. What else could be?
The same as before, I am somehow getting around 8 hours of sleep, but I have never had good solid sleep, I am always waking up and then sleep back. But like I said, the sleep didn't chance so this is not the cause.
Did you start with a lower dose the 4iu and then work up to it? and 6 weeks is not long to see effects such as skin and fat lose.
Yes it is. That’s a myth that needs to die.
Which one or both? What age were you when you had good results on that dose. At 4 i.u i noticed no fat loss or skin tightening even though i used very good quality HGH for more then 6 weeks. While maintaining the same diet and training i had been doing. I had zero sides at 2 i.u. but over that the hands would ache but never really went away. Although others sometimes seem to do better after a time.
I would think it's the lethargic aspect hgh can bring. Today was a great example. I worked outside on the land after taking my morning shot fasted, liss, lifted and just felt off all day. I never get this off of hgh but it is working its magic.
I tried HGH a few times, up to 4ui every second day. I am not sure but it makes me more weak. It is not that kind of feeling where you feel sleepy and would be resolved with coffee. It literally makes me more weak, I am loosing lift strength, also no motivation. And when I workout I don't have that warm energized feeling feeling like I have when I don't do HGH. And I don't get ANY benefits even after 6 weeks. Absolutely no difference about sleep, skin or fat lose. I have legit HGH, I did blood test after I pinned 10ui and it showed the product is legit.

Yes I heard that for some people it can make you tired. But actually loosing strength? It seems that HGH is not for me. But I am trying to find out why, there could be some underlying condition. Does HGH lower cortisol? This could explain my problem. My cortisol is normal though, but I had 10 years ago much higher level. What else could be?
As I understand it gh has its largest natural release right as you fall asleep. Introducing exogenous growth hormone also temporarily suppresses your t3 production. So, the double headed issue of your body getting a flood of gh and thinking it’s bedtime coupled with a hypothyroidism can make you very tired. You can supplement with t3 or t4 which can also amplify the fat loss, or wait it it out and the body will eventually compensate by leveling out the thyroid production in 2 weeks or so. I also recommend pinning at night before bed and no carbs an hour before or after the pin, and take the t3/t4 first thing in the am on an empty stomach.
As I understand it gh has its largest natural release right as you fall asleep. Introducing exogenous growth hormone also temporarily suppresses your t3 production. So, the double headed issue of your body getting a flood of gh and thinking it’s bedtime coupled with a hypothyroidism can make you very tired. You can supplement with t3 or t4 which can also amplify the fat loss, or wait it it out and the body will eventually compensate by leveling out the thyroid production in 2 weeks or so. I also recommend pinning at night before bed and no carbs an hour before or after the pin, and take the t3/t4 first thing in the am on an empty stomach.

I already do the night time pin, but haven't tried supplementing with t3/t4. Low dose I'm assuming?
I already do the night time pin, but haven't tried supplementing with t3/t4. Low dose I'm assuming?
I recommend only T4....there is extensive complicated BS about it. In short...in case you are causing yourself hypothyroidism by GH....in situation like this.. T4 will besides being stimulating also have ANABOLIC effects on muscles (No..levels that are hyper are not anabolic also...they become catabolic). GH increases conversion of T4 to T3 anyway..and I take it you are not in some hardcore cutting phase (maybe im wrong on this part).
I have the same problem.

I got weak and achy after starting hgh. First i thought its the bloat which i had from shitty hgh (audley) then i switched to qsc and the bloat is gone, but i'm still weak as fuck, even though i just started tren.

Will this get better? Do i need to lower dose? I'm on 5 iu now