Why is it stupid to run Tren on a bulk?


New Member
I'm about to finish my cut very soon. The problem is that I still have a few vials of Tren E lying around and my monkey brain tells me to run it in a bulk.

Most people only recommend Tren for cutting though. Why? If it’s about appetite suppression or digestion issues, I don‘t get anything of that from Tren. Mental health and sleep is perfectly fine as well.
1) It isn’t (Necessarily)
2) Depends on “bulk” expectations
3) Depends on dosing
4) Depends on your response to it
5) Depends on your diet
6) Depends on your organ/connective tissue health

You will notice a similar theme to varying degrees from all who are giving you honest answers regarding just about any PED.

The answer is… “Depends on”

Example. My favorite stack is Test/Deca/EQ. For a number of reasons. (Partly because I travel often for work and inject weekly)

I don’t do a traditional bulk/cut. It’s hard on the body particularly as you get older. I also am thinking in terms of years on development. Not months.

I like to keep a 32” waist and around 10-15% BF.

I will incorporate Tren E at beginning of a long blast (6 months) at low dose 150-200 and swap for EQ last 3 months with 4 week overlap (2 in to each segment.)

I typically rise to 12-14% by end of cycle and drop to 8-10% BF on the Tren front side. I also hold 250-256 lbs at 6’ (At 48)

I like low dose Tren for muscle retention and eating at a very slight deficit in beginning, get relatively hard look, nutrient partitioning and some solid benefits from other tools in its toolkit.

At those doses I get almost no sides. Very manageable. But by end of 3 months, I am ready for EQ and feel “refreshed” with the swap for 600mg of EQ.

Tren is not evil or bad or a poor drug.

It is just used poorly, very misunderstood because of social influencers and has a stigma. It has its place, but most people would be better off avoiding for early years of PED use as they begin to understand their goals, lifting techniques and diet.
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I think it's a harsh compound to run that long. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but it's purpose in a cut is to retain muscle tissue in a steep caloric deficit
That is one facet it shines at when used properly but not its “purpose”. We like boxes that are easily understood. Defining a PED as having a singular purpose is how misinformation starts
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It all depends on your goals, health markers and what sides you get. For example I started tren hex when I was cutting and just kept it in for my off-season because it's one of the strongest muscle building compounds and my health markers are great. Only downside is sometimes it's hard to eat enough.

Lots of open pros and other individuals use it in the off-season. Just found the compounds that work for you and your goals.
It all depends on your goals, health markers and what sides you get. For example I started tren hex when I was cutting and just kept it in for my off-season because it's one of the strongest muscle building compounds and my health markers are great. Only downside is sometimes it's hard to eat enough.

Lots of open pros and other individuals use it in the off-season. Just found the compounds that work for you and your goals.
Test+Tren is simply unmatched in terms of strength gains IMHO, which in turn could be ideal for bulking purposes depending upon goals and individual response. I go back on Tren-Hex myself in T-Minus 5 days for the purposes of bulking. And yes, I am counting down the days.

The food aspect is the most difficult part as tren zaps my appetite to such a degree that it makes it tough to hit my daily caloric numbers. Pushing 4K+ calories per day on Tren is quite the tall order. I use appetite stimulants like GHRP-6 and MK-677 to counteract this, which works reasonably well.
I'm about to finish my cut very soon. The problem is that I still have a few vials of Tren E lying around and my monkey brain tells me to run it in a bulk.

Most people only recommend Tren for cutting though. Why? If it’s about appetite suppression or digestion issues, I don‘t get anything of that from Tren. Mental health and sleep is perfectly fine as well.
Experiment and let us know how it goes.
Test+Tren is simply unmatched in terms of strength gains IMHO, which in turn could be ideal for bulking purposes depending upon goals and individual response. I go back on Tren-Hex myself in T-Minus 5 days for the purposes of bulking. And yes, I am counting down the days.

The food aspect is the most difficult part as tren zaps my appetite to such a degree that it makes it tough to hit my daily caloric numbers. Pushing 4K+ calories per day on Tren is quite the tall order. I use appetite stimulants like GHRP-6 and MK-677 to counteract this, which works reasonably well.
Yup exactly the same boat, I try to get 4-4.5k cals in a day but it's hard sometimes. Just takes finding the right foods. I was starting to find it harder to eat chicken breast as my primary meat source and switched to swami fillets and man was it a night and day difference. I can scarf those fillets down no problem lol.
Lmao! You don’t feel like a dissertation on the same subject for the 1,000th time today old timer? (That’s what I do with my son when I’m just over the questions)
Trenbolone disturbs my sleep. He already said it does not do this to him, and he has an appetite on it. I say give it a whirl.

If he does not get bad side effects, and he has plenty of testosterone and estrogen, the trenbolone will probably add strength and mass over just the testosterone. Just a guess, but I don't see why it would not work well.

Most of us complain about the side effects, not the effects. He is saying he does not get those, so . . .
Yup exactly the same boat, I try to get 4-4.5k cals in a day but it's hard sometimes. Just takes finding the right foods. I was starting to find it harder to eat chicken breast as my primary meat source and switched to swami fillets and man was it a night and day difference. I can scarf those fillets down no problem lol.
Never heard of swami filet, but Google returns some nasty shit about it.
Yup exactly the same boat, I try to get 4-4.5k cals in a day but it's hard sometimes. Just takes finding the right foods. I was starting to find it harder to eat chicken breast as my primary meat source and switched to swami fillets and man was it a night and day difference. I can scarf those fillets down no problem lol.
I buy mostly chicken because it's cheap, but with deer season approaching it won't be long and I will be adding some venison to the mix also. Even so, anytime I am running 4k+ it feels like I am eating pretty much all damn day from sun up to sun down to hit my numbers.

Full disclosure, I am 178.4 pounds as of my last weigh in. So I am quite obviously in little man territory in this game. I look great for my size, but packing on lean mass is tougher for me than it might be for others. Getting to 200 is going to take a long and dedicated effort that I am fully prepared to strap in for.
Great, thanks everyone. I'm on 250 Test / Tren currently, can I just increase to 500-ish Test / 250 Tren and start bulking? Of course if my blood work looks good. I'm asking because I've read something about myostatin being a problem when staying on cycle for a longer time.
I buy mostly chicken because it's cheap, but with deer season approaching it won't be long and I will be adding some venison to the mix also. Even so, anytime I am running 4k+ it feels like I am eating pretty much all damn day from sun up to sun down to hit my numbers.

Full disclosure, I am 178.4 pounds as of my last weigh in. So I am quite obviously in little man territory in this game. I look great for my size, but packing on lean mass is tougher for me than it might be for others. Getting to 200 is going to take a long and dedicated effort that I am fully prepared to strap in for.
I am guessing you’re a short dude like me lol.