Wife is interested in losing weight


New Member
Hey all, I was wondering if someone could give me a bit of an idea of what a woman can supplement with for weight loss. My wife has been seeing the results I'm getting with my training and obviously it's the gear that's making the difference, now she's asking me if I can get her something to help her get fit too. I don't have a clue and I don't wanna go by what random internet articles say. She isn't fat at all but like every other girl I've ever been with, she thinks that she is..I ended up getting a free box of clen with one of my orders perhaps I can give her that? She doesn't wanna get muscular, and doesn't wanna gain any masculine traits, she just wants really skinny legs. Advice is much appreciated thanks:)
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I recon if she is really wanting to do it go with Clenbuterol. There’s also dnp but that stuff is deadly so I wouldn’t go with it.
Hey all, I was wondering if someone could give me a bit of an idea of what a woman can supplement with for weight loss. My wife has been seeing the results I'm getting with my training and obviously it's the gear that's making the difference, now she's asking me if I can get her something to help her get fit too. I don't have a clue and I don't wanna go by what random internet articles say. She isn't fat at all but like every other girl I've ever been with, she thinks that she is..I ended up getting a free box of clen with one of my orders perhaps I can give her that? She doesn't wanna get muscular, and doesn't wanna gain any masculine traits, she just wants really skinny legs. Advice is much appreciated thanks:)
Or you can try guromine, that won’t cause any androgenic effects
Hey all, I was wondering if someone could give me a bit of an idea of what a woman can supplement with for weight loss. My wife has been seeing the results I'm getting with my training and obviously it's the gear that's making the difference, now she's asking me if I can get her something to help her get fit too. I don't have a clue and I don't wanna go by what random internet articles say. She isn't fat at all but like every other girl I've ever been with, she thinks that she is..I ended up getting a free box of clen with one of my orders perhaps I can give her that? She doesn't wanna get muscular, and doesn't wanna gain any masculine traits, she just wants really skinny legs. Advice is much appreciated thanks:)
I personally think clen is terrible, wouldn't recommend it for a woman. While I use DNP, I don't think it should be the first thing for her to try.

I'd try semaglutide, it's pretty affordable here and there's a huge thread with feedback.
Smh at these responses.....

Focus on diet, training and cardio. This isn't a situation that needs any sort of compounds added. If you are unsure if you know how to design nutrition and training for a female and her goals, reach out to a knowledgeable coach and have them take the wheel.

Definitely no need for things like semaglutide. Dial in diet, training and cardio, if she gets to a sticking point use some yohimbine HCL as an aid.
Smh at these responses.....

Focus on diet, training and cardio. This isn't a situation that needs any sort of compounds added. If you are unsure if you know how to design nutrition and training for a female and her goals, reach out to a knowledgeable coach and have them take the wheel.

Definitely no need for things like semaglutide. Dial in diet, training and cardio, if she gets to a sticking point use some yohimbine HCL as an aid.

If we were all limited to only using AAS when it was needed, there'd be maybe 3 people on this forum. I'll really never understand this gatekeeping.

Yohimbine is used in clinical settings to induce panic attacks. DNP in the middle of the night feels better than yohimbine does.
Hey all, I was wondering if someone could give me a bit of an idea of what a woman can supplement with for weight loss. My wife has been seeing the results I'm getting with my training and obviously it's the gear that's making the difference, now she's asking me if I can get her something to help her get fit too. I don't have a clue and I don't wanna go by what random internet articles say. She isn't fat at all but like every other girl I've ever been with, she thinks that she is..I ended up getting a free box of clen with one of my orders perhaps I can give her that? She doesn't wanna get muscular, and doesn't wanna gain any masculine traits, she just wants really skinny legs. Advice is much appreciated thanks:)

An hour of slow cardio a day, everyday. Better than anything else. Safest too.
While I agree with others I that diet and training are safest, I think we can all relate to watching others make seemingly great progress in little time.

My wife made a huge transformation in about 8 months and competed in a local show womens wellness this month.

170lb fat to 130 lean and muscular with great skin.

She dieted and got progressively tighter with it as she lost weight. She worked out 5 days a week and similar to diet- ramped up cardio closer to show date.

She cycled anavar 25mg daily 8 weeks on three times during that 8 months. Added Armour 60mg but her labs warranted it.

For her case adding gear gave a boost and helped mentally to see results and dig in further. Labs are all good as well.

Best wishes to both of you


Just noticed your wife wasn’t interested in gaining any muscularity. I don’t have any experience with fat burners. Going hungry and some intermittent fasting along with diet training will get the job done.


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While I agree with others I that diet and training are safest, I think we can all relate to watching others make seemingly great progress in little time.

My wife made a huge transformation in about 8 months and competed in a local show womens wellness this month.

170lb fat to 130 lean and muscular with great skin.

She dieted and got progressively tighter with it as she lost weight. She worked out 5 days a week and similar to diet- ramped up cardio closer to show date.

She cycled anavar 25mg daily 8 weeks on three times during that 8 months. Added Armour 60mg but her labs warranted it.

For her case adding gear gave a boost and helped mentally to see results and dig in further. Labs are all good as well.

Best wishes to both of you


Just noticed your wife wasn’t interested in gaining any muscularity. I don’t have any experience with fat burners. Going hungry and some intermittent fasting along with diet training will get the job done.
Wow I’ve never heard of a woman taking 25mg var usually more like 5-10. No bad sides tho?
Wow I’ve never heard of a woman taking 25mg var usually more like 5-10. No bad sides tho?
Used a clinic out of FL via telemed.

They prescribe 25mg for females and 50mg for males.

Her labs looked good during and after. Saw free T out of range from lowered shbg. I suppose that could cause issues in women given time.

I don’t recall her complaining of sides really. Maybe some tiredness but the diet and training will do it eventually.
Used a clinic out of FL via telemed.

They prescribe 25mg for females and 50mg for males.

Her labs looked good during and after. Saw free T out of range from lowered shbg. I suppose that could cause issues in women given time.

I don’t recall her complaining of sides really. Maybe some tiredness but the diet and training will do it eventually.
But no virilization? Clitoris enlargement?
That does seem like a high female dose, but I HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE of female dosing, just what I read... so "bro-science".
But no virilization? Clitoris enlargement?
That does seem like a high female dose, but I HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE of female dosing, just what I read... so "bro-science".

No I don’t think she even got sensitive on clit which I was kinda disappointed about

Anavar has a very low androgenic rating. I think the elevated free T - due to low shbg would be a bigger issue over time.
Smh at these responses.....

Focus on diet, training and cardio. This isn't a situation that needs any sort of compounds added. If you are unsure if you know how to design nutrition and training for a female and her goals, reach out to a knowledgeable coach and have them take the wheel.

Definitely no need for things like semaglutide. Dial in diet, training and cardio, if she gets to a sticking point use some yohimbine HCL as an aid.
This is the correct answer. When someone has the initial idea that they want to take control of their weight and health the first suggestion should never be to take drugs. It’s honestly sad that this is where people’s heads go first. It sounds like she doesn’t even workout or diet so obviously the solution is for her to start training and to focus on her nutrition.

Using anabolic steroids to be able to break our natural threshold to take our body to places it can not physically go with hard work and diet alone is one thing.

Throwing drugs at a regular woman who just wants to lose a little weight before they even have their nutrition or training dialed in is wild.

Seeing people suggest semaglutide is crazy to me. What ever happened to learning discipline and putting in a little bit of effort.

I understand the use in a clinical setting for someone who is obese as a last resort option when they are literally incapable of making good decisions for themselves.

people who are using it with their peds are just fucking lazy and are scared of a little discomfort and hard work. If you need to use semaglutide in order to lose weight, find a different hobby. Go play golf or tennis or something, because this shit ain’t for you.

If you can’t even control your own cravings and put on your big boy pants and put in the hard work then you have no business using peds in the first place.
Seeing people suggest semaglutide is crazy to me. What ever happened to learning discipline and putting in a little bit of effort.

What if the said woman has fucked up hormone levels though? Many such cases ... not only men are affected by this. Post pregnancy, menopause, xenoestrogens etc.

I can understand women trying to cheat too.
This is the correct answer. When someone has the initial idea that they want to take control of their weight and health the first suggestion should never be to take drugs. It’s honestly sad that this is where people’s heads go first. It sounds like she doesn’t even workout or diet so obviously the solution is for her to start training and to focus on her nutrition.

Using anabolic steroids to be able to break our natural threshold to take our body to places it can not physically go with hard work and diet alone is one thing.

Throwing drugs at a regular woman who just wants to lose a little weight before they even have their nutrition or training dialed in is wild.

Seeing people suggest semaglutide is crazy to me. What ever happened to learning discipline and putting in a little bit of effort.

I understand the use in a clinical setting for someone who is obese as a last resort option when they are literally incapable of making good decisions for themselves.

people who are using it with their peds are just fucking lazy and are scared of a little discomfort and hard work. If you need to use semaglutide in order to lose weight, find a different hobby. Go play golf or tennis or something, because this shit ain’t for you.

If you can’t even control your own cravings and put on your big boy pants and put in the hard work then you have no business using peds in the first place.
I find it absolutely Hilarious you want to call people here using semaglutide lazy (might as well say any fat loss drugs). While at the same time justifying your AAS use all because "beyond natural limits."

One of the most opinionated statements I've read here, insulting a lot of members. All the while thinking your AAS use is "different", LMAO.
It’s a personal choice and the user should decide if the benefits are worth it to them.

I’ll quote the FL docs message to me when I started getting my ass in shape over a year ago.

“You’ve got a mountain to climb but we can certainly throw you some ropes to help you get there.”

Put the work in, and no shame in using the ropes!


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I find it absolutely Hilarious you want to call people here using semaglutide lazy (might as well say any fat loss drugs). While at the same time justifying your AAS use all because "beyond natural limits."

One of the most opinionated statements I've read here, insulting a lot of members. All the while thinking your AAS use is "different", LMAO.
I honestly don’t care if people find that statement offensive. I stand by it 100%. Literally the easiest part of this whole game is losing weight, all it takes is a little bit of self control to make dietary changes, and some discipline.

Semaglutide doesn’t do anything for weight loss it just kills your appetite which is just band-aiding lack of will power. If you lack the will power to do that I find that pathetic, and anyone who lacks the willpower to make those kind of decision shouldn’t be using performance enhancing drugs, they should be learning the basics of how to diet.

Now the person who can’t diet in the first place will most likely become pretty reliant on the drug, not physically, but mentally if you’re using it to band aid will power. It will only make it even more difficult to diet in the future without the drug. I don’t sympathize with people using this drug for these reasons. If it’s someone who has a serious eating disorder due to mental trauma or something sure, but not just guys being too lazy to do the work.

It also has a lot of downsides for a person who is trying to optimize their performance in the gym, etc. it slows down gastric emptying so shit just sits in your stomach all day. So now any specific food choices you’re making around training time or around cardio are now pointless because gastric emptying is so slow. Even water just sits in the stomach so you can’t hydrate quickly when needed. Hunger ques can be incredibly beneficial as well.

Not to mention the digestion issues this can cause which is something that plays a huge role in our progress.

I don’t think people should be using / abusing more drugs to achieve the same things you can achieve without them. No one on planet earth is going to look like a professional bodybuilder without using steroids. Literally anyone can go on a diet and lose weight without using a drug that nukes your appetite so that you can feel a little bit more comfortable to make you feel all warm and fuzzy during your diet phase. You’re choosing to lose weight, man up and do the work. Gtfo outta here man