will trt be enough to keep me from losing my gains

I see this quite a bit actually. People pushing their T to supraphysiological levels but it’s still “TRT” or my other favorite “TRT+”
True. What I’m taking is doctor prescribed I honestly don’t make any testosterone. And I need that much to make enough free testosterone.
Lee Priest, very unsolicited btw, told me at Arnold he sits at 200 per 10days. That's fkn as legit as it gets bc dudes still a fucking tree trunk.
His ig doesnt have a current body pic so I have no idea what he currently looks like size wise, I will say ton of pro bodybuilders lie straight to your face on what they actually take
His ig doesnt have a current body pic so I have no idea what he currently looks like size wise, I will say ton of pro bodybuilders lie straight to your face on what they actually take
Despite the anonymity, let.me assure you at Arnold dudes fkn huge and he posts daily on IG and FB. Look at his forearms alone dude. Also, that dudes so Raw nd real, his whole point was other guys who drop their training and maintaining at TRT doses isn't that hard. He's really in no need of lying about anything, he isn't regulated at all.
Lee Priest, very unsolicited btw, told me at Arnold he sits at 200 per 10days. That's fkn as legit as it gets bc dudes still a fucking tree trunk.
Dude has insane top tier elite genetics what he can do does not apply to the average person, not even close

What you can maintain on “Trt” after a blast will come down to genetics. Some guys will slowly shrink back to their starting weight some guys will keep the same size and just get a little softer but you will not maintain the same size and look on Trt as you get on a blast
Dude has insane top tier elite genetics what he can do does not apply to the average person, not even close

What you can maintain on “Trt” after a blast will come down to genetics. Some guys will slowly shrink back to their starting weight some guys will keep the same size and just get a little softer but you will not maintain the same size and look on Trt as you get on a blast
Well, consider the original source comment was him asking about mass monsters specifically.
Testosterone runs around 1150-1200 at 320 a week
This is a prime example of how different we all are when it comes to gear response. My testosterone was 1400 on my last blood work @ 200mg a week. My buddy runs around 1100 on 200mg a week. Honestly, I see maximum results by keeping my diet and lifestyle in check. Be real interested to see how high your levels go up on a blast.
My issue when stopping blasts and lowering the test dose is that im not hungry enough.

Lee Priest, very unsolicited btw, told me at Arnold he sits at 200 per 10days. That's fkn as legit as it gets bc dudes still a fucking tree trunk.

Thats pretty good weight for the midget he is
I'm currently taking .80 of 200 test cyp twice a week for trt. I'm looking at adding a blast of tren and hgh. my real question, is the trt enough to maintain the gains I make on the blast?
Hey Brother,
When are you taking your bloodwork with your last pin since you're pinning twice per week?

I’m pinning twice per week now, not the one a week my doctor wanted me to - Monday morning and Thursday night. When should I get my blood work?

I’m currently taking 100mg of CYP per week with results at 920…that said, this was pining once a week. I haven’t gotten blood work since my splitting since I’m not sure when I should get the bloodwork.


From my own anecdotal experience I would say it's pretty much impossible to get a 1:1 reciprocal landing from on cycle vs. Test only aftermath

Biological and physiological realities aside, you are basically not talking to the same guy as of this moment that you were when I was 8-10 weeks deep on Parabolan most recently. Just the sheer ferocity that I was getting after it I legit can't do now to the same degree. There is just no comparing a dude balls deep on Tren deadlifting vs. a guy on Test-C that has not touched an AAS in a couple of months. Those are 2 different head spaces. Guy #1 thinks he is the baddest motherfucker on the planet and will get that barbell up or die trying. His entire life and reason for existing in that moment is the bar. Guy #2 might have just got into a fight with his GF the night before and is worried about his next powerpoint presentation at work on Friday. It's this dynamic that makes the waiting game of starting back up on cycle so excruciating, and as @jdubzzz44 alludes to, why the whole blast and cruise method is a thing.
Hey Brother,
When are you taking your bloodwork with your last pin since you're pinning twice per week?

I’m pinning twice per week now, not the one a week my doctor wanted me to - Monday morning and Thursday night. When should I get my blood work?

I’m currently taking 100mg of CYP per week with results at 920…that said, this was pining once a week. I haven’t gotten blood work since my splitting since I’m not sure when I should get the bloodwork.


I do my blood work on the day before I pin. Like Wednesday morning and pin Wednesday night. I do twice a week. Sunday morning Wednesday evening