Will you get the covid vaccine ?

UH? there is no sensitizing agents in covid mrna vaccines.. just FYI

and yes agree the repeat catching of covid is fucking people up as usually get heart attack 3-6 months after infection and most people aren't getting laid up with covid anymore..

you get FAR more spike protein from INFECTION than a measured dose of vaccine.. this is why folks get SICKER when infected and have the inflammatory cascade with infection but not with vaccine.

agree it will be interesting how these kids grow up after getting covid 1-2 times a year as we know there is mechanism and infact very much an uptick in cancer still and wasn't just the nn diagnosis as we were first told.

most respiratory virus you catch once every 5 years or so not once a year and because of the damage covid does even when infection is minor it will eventually become a problem.. I mean for me seen heart attacks and strokes in vax and untaxed people and 9/10 its 3-4 months post infection. something like 40% of men get fluid around there heart after infection, I didn't know this till I looked into it after friend had it and was actually diagnosed because he has genetically bad heart so got a defibrillator which picks up on it.

if scared of vax, should be far more afraid of infection as get far more spike protein and vax does not infect your brain like infection so you loose your sense of smell.

the good news is after this winter there will be less infections as majority of people will of had contracted it 3+ times and mutations will slow further. it will get better for the next 5 years OR sizeably worse where it is so immune evasive most people will not be able to clear the virus. But it appears like it will get better (even though still we have 15%+ increase in excess deaths during waves).

infact all antibodies to this virus cause damage and of course because you get MORE spike protein from infection and you get MORE antibodies from infection it of course is much much worse. no virus is good to catch, heck normal flu they estimate gives 45% of young men carditis of some sort and 70% of kids get abnormal EKG from flu aswell, covid of course is worse and catch it FAR more than the flu.

what someone needs to study is the net spike protein level, if vaccines allow you to clear virus faster you will get less spike proteins total vs unvaccinated and being infected.
Im not about to argue this, lmao. Last thing I'll chip in: I work daily with colleagues surrounding medical research at one of the top medical schools in the US.

There is absolutely adjuvants in the mRNA vaccines to enhance immune response that further over activates the endothelial epigenetic disruptions.

There's a reason why every place currently manufacturing them are still plowing away in research for new vaccines, the ones we have now are actively harmful.

Further more we know how to treat serious COVID cases now, the death rate is virtually non existent in anyone that wouldn't have been killed by a flu or RSV anyways.

I'll trust my innate immunity. Do whatever you want, like I said, no judgement.

FYI, about half of my collegues at the university in medical research refused them as well.

Also, FWIW, you build a better immune response for a longer period from catching the virus itself with less clotting factor disruptions.

You're not going to die if you're healthy.

A massive clot will kill you young and healthy though.

I'll save the vaccines for when I'm 75 and the virus could kill me.

Like I said, no judgement to anyone's choices man. I'm alive and let live person. Truly wish you the best!
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UH? there is no sensitizing agents in covid mrna vaccines.. just FYI

and yes agree the repeat catching of covid is fucking people up as usually get heart attack 3-6 months after infection and most people aren't getting laid up with covid anymore..

you get FAR more spike protein from INFECTION than a measured dose of vaccine.. this is why folks get SICKER when infected and have the inflammatory cascade with infection but not with vaccine.

agree it will be interesting how these kids grow up after getting covid 1-2 times a year as we know there is mechanism and infact very much an uptick in cancer still and wasn't just the nn diagnosis as we were first told.

most respiratory virus you catch once every 5 years or so not once a year and because of the damage covid does even when infection is minor it will eventually become a problem.. I mean for me seen heart attacks and strokes in vax and untaxed people and 9/10 its 3-4 months post infection. something like 40% of men get fluid around there heart after infection, I didn't know this till I looked into it after friend had it and was actually diagnosed because he has genetically bad heart so got a defibrillator which picks up on it.

if scared of vax, should be far more afraid of infection as get far more spike protein and vax does not infect your brain like infection so you loose your sense of smell.

the good news is after this winter there will be less infections as majority of people will of had contracted it 3+ times and mutations will slow further. it will get better for the next 5 years OR sizeably worse where it is so immune evasive most people will not be able to clear the virus. But it appears like it will get better (even though still we have 15%+ increase in excess deaths during waves).

infact all antibodies to this virus cause damage and of course because you get MORE spike protein from infection and you get MORE antibodies from infection it of course is much much worse. no virus is good to catch, heck normal flu they estimate gives 45% of young men carditis of some sort and 70% of kids get abnormal EKG from flu aswell, covid of course is worse and catch it FAR more than the flu.

what someone needs to study is the net spike protein level, if vaccines allow you to clear virus faster you will get less spike proteins total vs unvaccinated and being infected.
Devils advocate. I am listening and hear you but what is the real risk. You state covid vax does not infect the brain. Can you expound? Last I heard they can't keep it put in the arm where its supposed to be. And they dont even aspirate so they are clearly not even trying to do what they say in application. Still a successful arm deposit releases spikes systemically. Covid IS a NEUROLOGICAL DISEASE so it would seem. Which would mean it proliferates in the CNS and blood brain got nothing to do with this.

I don't think there is any proof that vaccines help clear it faster. is there?

Keep in mind I am not vaxed and have had it at least 4 times and all the major strains and I am CERTAIN I am permanently damaged from covid. But i have no regrets about not vaxing. With my thick blood there is no way I would have survived a jab. ITS JUST TOO MUCH AT ONCE. Which is one major difference in natural infection and getting vaxed. Natural gives the body a slight start up curve and that is something if anything.

Then there is the matter of the white clot matter that lines the arterial side of the vascular system which is kinda documented to be strictly vax related. And correlates well with vax administration. You know, the clots that give morticians fits trying to flush a corpse with formaldehyde? Dont want that and the truth is this damage is UNTOLD in terms of what level it progressed in folks still living. I have met a bunch of people whose BP has risen dramatically and now on tri BP med cocktail and some are really fit people who take care of themselves. We are talking now 180/110 and could run 5 miles. In short there is no telling who is walking around with white shell arteries that developed partially and stopped in time, but not soon enuff.

Lastly there is the flat out group that just falls over dead within days of vaxing. Something tells me this data that is made available is skewed to say the least and we will never know.

No telling the long term unknowns messing around with DNA via RNA. No telling what is really up to as well. A lot more time wont even tell you can bet because folks just want to forget. But they can't deny the correlation of white arterial blockage with vaxing. I'd be happier if you could prove ET existed and engineered this as a must have to combat some other ailment put on us by a competing off world faction. LOL.

In short all the cunts that treated non-vaxers like monsters that were a liability to society are now all shut the fuck up and crossing their toes even. I shit on all of them quite frankly. Asshole chickenshits humanity is so quick to lynch a fella...

Granted and I have said this before. There is no doubt that big pharma science considers a 0.03% casualty rate a smashing success. And most likely in the past vaccine injuries were even greater unknown due to no internet for idiots like myself to sit around a gossip the news. This injury rate appears much higher though.

Finally, I would say that 0.03% would be acceptable if the benefit outweighed the risk (isn't that what they say??!?). BUT IT DOES NOT IMHO. The proof is in the lies.. The lies we have still yet to see. The LIES IN THE 97% REDACTED DOCS BIG PHARMA WAS FORCED TO RELEASE. Release jack shit that is... But call me an optimist...

What are you reading from anyway. There are still people out there chasing the demon and forcing more and more into the light every damnB day.! :oops: :)

AND just when was it that they cured the common cold.??! Cause it can't be done else there wouldn't be no Covid... My money says they have absolutely no intention of curing a cold. Redact that...
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SO many things you got very wrong. vax is not a virus and therefore does not infect brain like the virus... this is why people loose smell with infection and not from vax :)

there is no RAMPING up magic you speak of, again the immune cascade that happened SO fast is why made covid SOO dangerous. the amount of spike protein form a measured dose vs infection is orders of magnitude. its like taking the amount your nose produces of virus..

the only evidence we have that you produce LESS spike protein when vaccinated is that people do clear the virus faster, and get less sick. We see this not only by the studies done all over the world but also population levels.

this white clot matter you speak of is nonsense.. yes, all spike protein and infact the antibodies to covid is whats dangerous and can cause clots, infection is of course ALOT worse..

if we look back at the early days of vax, we had MANY months post vax roll out to 70+% of the population and excess deaths basically stopped the is until delta, which it increased and mirrored the infections wave, at this time 75% of those hospitalized for covid were unvaccinated. long story short I dont know 1 single person who died of the jab or any time around the jab roll out. of course some people did die, thats to be expected giving the world anything, but it was rare. infact there is more carditis from the normal flu than vax (even highest estimated) is 100X more infact.. which is important for perspective.

there is not much to see if the Pfizer docs.. I mean why would any company want to release its information its spent millions getting? not to say Pfizer or any drug company is all good but we have to understand there is OTHER things going on and not just "see they are withholding info!!!"

lucky for us the vax worked well enough that we were able to open things up.. if not for the vax it would of been more restrictions for alot longer and even further back up in hospitals we still are paying for... if you look at your local hospitals you will see STILL 5-10% of people in the hospital are there from covid (during a wave) which is a CRAZY high amount as like double all other respiratory virus admissions.

unfortunate is what we do need is the kids to get vaccinated as they are the ones that actually get full on protection, however they are only like 17% vaccinated. Again vaccinated or not I think it will be interesting how these kids hearts hold up in next 20 years as we leet them take the brunt of the repeat infections.
You guys should check this new study out of Oxford, very significant myocarditis and pericarditis rates in mRNA vaccinated groups only, none from natural infection.

These are children and adolescents as well, no other natural reason for the instances.

Again, not trying to be argumentative, I'm just relating my own knowledge from graduate school and working in Neuroscience/pharma labs for the last 7 years of my life.
You guys should check this new study out of Oxford, very significant myocarditis and pericarditis rates in mRNA vaccinated groups only, none from natural infection.

These are children and adolescents as well, no other natural reason for the instances.

Again, not trying to be argumentative, I'm just relating my own knowledge from graduate school and working in Neuroscience/pharma labs for the last 7 years of my life.
uh? thats not what study says! DOCUMENTED.. and 27 cases PER MILLION which is next to zero.. common flu is orders of magnitude higher for abnormal EKG and either carditis for reference. if you actually are in science you would know not to draw conclusions based on a throw away line that was not actually studied ;) remember folks who never got vax also less likely to see a DR live in the country etc..

this is MUCH lower than full population carditis from vax :) ie basically nn existent but 100% happens to folks.. also happened to people who got vaccinated after already having it in the early days before said to give 90 days b/w infection and vax...
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uh? thats not what study says! DOCUMENTED.. and 27 cases PER MILLION which is next to zero.. common flu is orders of magnitude higher for abnormal EKG and either carditis for reference. if you actually are in science you would know not to draw conclusions based on a throw away line that was not actually studied ;) remember folks who never got vax also less likely to see a DR live in the country etc..

this is MUCH lower than full population carditis from vax :) ie basically nn existent but 100% happens to folks.. also happened to people who got vaccinated after already having it in the early days before said to give 90 days b/w infection and vax...
Lol, okay bud. Whatever you gotta tell yourself. This is children, who should have exactly 0 incidences of such. Imagine adults with worse off hearts.

Aside from the above, I haven't interjected opinion in this post, I'll just keep with relevant studies. You seem pretty triggered by this bud, I'd try to pick that apart and analyze it if I were you. You come off unhinged and brainwashed, rather than offering any constructive counterpoints in a mature fashion.

I'm not even speaking to you, just offering the information to others. Yell into the abyss all you want, lol.

Also,what qualifications do you have to speak on any of this? Or did you just "do your research?"
Lol, okay bud. Whatever you gotta tell yourself. This is children, who should have exactly 0 incidences of such. Imagine adults with worse off hearts.

Aside from the above, I haven't interjected opinion in this post, I'll just keep with relevant studies. You seem pretty triggered by this bud, I'd try to pick that apart and analyze it if I were you. You come off unhinged and brainwashed, rather than offering any constructive counterpoints in a mature fashion.

I'm not even speaking to you, just offering the information to others. Yell into the abyss all you want, lol.

Also,what qualifications do you have to speak on any of this? Or did you just "do your research?"
triggered? you the one doing personal attacks lol ;)

anyway, as a scientist you need to do better at reading what the authors are saying.. what does 10 per million mean? basically nothing, lol and could be 100% an artifact of anything. antibiotics would cause more heart damage just FYI and your ok with those no? what is 10 ppm mean to you? alot? do you know about biases as those who see a dr more or at all?

as a scientist you need PERSPECTIVE. AGAIN, ~47% of young men get a type of carditis and heart damage from normal flu 47%(and this is of course much WORSE from covid esp as can catch it yearly or multiple times a year vs once every 5 years like the flu)... similar amount get fluid around the heart from covid and of course even more get carditis from covid. ~70% of kids get abnormal EKG when infected with any virus including covid. how many per million courses of antibiotics cause heart damage? do you know? if you look at side effect profiles of any drug you take you prob will see a MUCH higher instance of worse things happening, just FYI.. but of course you have no idea what your talking about.

anyway, im not saying everyone should go get more shots but we need to be real about what studies ACTUALLY say. IF you are so worried about the jabs you should be TERRIFIED of being repeatedly infected as of course you get far more spike protein from infection for far longer...
I'll just add in that to trust any stats "documented" to date is retarded without proper qualification. And the criteria for said qualification are very unknown. At first they called them ALL covid. In the end the are calling NOTHING Covid. The middle ground is the most demented of all. Big left nuts. Depleted ability to procreate, crazy cancer rates and unusual cancers, Brain issues, strokes, heart attacks, young atheleted falling over dead, ETC ETC ETC... THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN TAKE FROM DOCUMENTED STATS. NOTHING. They are liars and proved so still coming out. You cant be so simple really. There's a shit ton of EXCESS DEATHS either way you slice it... And they correlate with vaccine administration period this is documented already. @clearheaded I dont know what your motivation is but you will not help to slide this under the rug. And the next attack is always in route.

Do you know how long it took me to realize what the term "Agenda 21" meant?. Which is most likely a Davos term. It meant AGENDA 2021. DID YOU KNOW THERE IS NOW AND AGENDA 30. So guess what year that is.... ... .. That is if Apophis does not extinguish life on Earth.

You greatly disappointed me denying the white clot type linings in the arterial pathways. That's just shooting yourself in the foot denying what is clear fact. I like your work but how can you even type that with a straight face.

Tell you what. Seek out Jamie Fox and ask his how its going after he got turbo fucked the day after he took his vax. Pay mind they have YET to be able to present any up to date life life semblance on him.. Ask him how he feels about your thoughts.

The only problem with covid vaxing as the powers that be see it is that it miss the primary target. In my opinion it was a trail run at the first DNA targeted bioagent. Ask 23 and me who they sell their data to. Ask you doc why he wants your DNA to "See if your meds are working right".... L................... O.......................... L................................. Guess what he doesnt know he just gets money for getting them. now ask me how I know this..

Your entire argument is baseless and contrived SCATOLOGY... You disappoint me. But then again in the world on the internet and AI, only GOD knows who is who and if they have their way they will fool him too...

triggered? you the one doing personal attacks lol ;)

anyway, as a scientist you need to do better at reading what the authors are saying.. what does 10 per million mean? basically nothing, lol and could be 100% an artifact of anything. antibiotics would cause more heart damage just FYI and your ok with those no? what is 10 ppm mean to you? alot? do you know about biases as those who see a dr more or at all?

as a scientist you need PERSPECTIVE. AGAIN, ~47% of young men get a type of carditis and heart damage from normal flu 47%(and this is of course much WORSE from covid esp as can catch it yearly or multiple times a year vs once every 5 years like the flu)... similar amount get fluid around the heart from covid and of course even more get carditis from covid. ~70% of kids get abnormal EKG when infected with any virus including covid. how many per million courses of antibiotics cause heart damage? do you know? if you look at side effect profiles of any drug you take you prob will see a MUCH higher instance of worse things happening, just FYI.. but of course you have no idea what your talking about.

anyway, im not saying everyone should go get more shots but we need to be real about what studies ACTUALLY say. IF you are so worried about the jabs you should be TERRIFIED of being repeatedly infected as of course you get far more spike protein from infection for far longer...

Good luck in life dude. You're doing not only yourself, but the public a disservice by amoreliating these fears. Good job leaving the world a worse place.

We should always encourage critical thinking.
uh? no excess deaths aren't correlated AT ALL with vaccine administration. look them up yourself.. you will see they actually DROP for 3-4 months after vaccine came out and only rose once delta came around and 75% of people in hospital and died were not vax d..

anyway, perhaps your looking at the time the booster came and omicron killed a bunch of people?

things you have to remember. covid is still killing people but usually 3-6 months after last infection with heart attack. covid gives you MORE spike protein if thats your concern than vax. covid has been linked to cancer risk increasing.. more times someone is infected with covid it 3-4X all cause mortality each time (at least for the 3rd infection, not sure if still gathering data on this)

people who are vaccinated are less likely to die from all causes.

THE WORST REAL estimates from anti vexers about carditis rates is still 100X less than rates caused by normal flu, so REALLY need perspective. even if missed 10X the cases STILL the normal flu is FAR more damaging. and of course covid is FAR more damaging than normal flu by every metric.

when folks see kids having strokes or heart attacks or these athletes (alot of those were old pre covid btw) typically they end up being not taxed and got covid 3-4 times in the early days.

ALL meds have toxicity issues there is not 1 even OTC med that if you gave to billion people some people would get messed up, the spike protein is not great for you, but vax is a TINY TINY fraction of what infection gives you.. so if SOO afraid of vax you 10000% dont want to get infected and should take precautions. if you want to maintain your logic about the REAL dangers here.

remember, still vaccinated people catch it a little less but also less likely to die. now is that because they NET less spike protein because there body can fight it off faster? I would assume so. this is the theory of every vax. every vax gives you TINY amount of the symptoms of the disease to prevent MAJOR infection. if I had to bet the people who had issues with vax prob also were the same to have issues with infections.

long and short of it is you mis informed classic dunning Kruger effect and prob still need to be explained this fallacy How do death rates from COVID-19 differ between people who are vaccinated and those who are not?

long and short of it is we are approaching 5 years of covid and from here on out less people will be getting infected per year (or should be).. it is likely to have more and more variants circulating at 1 time vs 1 dominant over the next 5 years. evolution will start to slow a little and will settle into 1 wave per years vs 2-3. old people are the ones who will benefit the most from covid vaccine and like with delta in the future they will have a vaccine that actually is at least 60% effective at infection.

another stupid thing people say because of Joe rogan is "they didn't test transmission only if you catch it"... well how the F do you transmit something you dont catch lol are you brain dead?

another FACT is that mRNA covid vaccine have proven to be MUCH MUCH safer than any other form of vaccine they have made for covid. Johnson Johnson much much more dangerous astrazenica all WAAY worse.. So CLEARLY it has nothing to do with mrna otherwise they wouldn't have been found to be the safest. astrazenica was used for like a month before it got yanked remember.
Good luck in life dude. You're doing not only yourself, but the public a disservice by amoreliating these fears. Good job leaving the world a worse place.

We should always encourage critical thinking.
yes critical thinking is good!! the BIG issue is dumb dumbs who dont understand what they are reading and we get teh dunning Kruger effect. its like buddy on JRE a few weeks back that thought he figured out new math lol.. so they THINK they know what they are talking about however are VERY misguided and EASILY mislead.. china targeting these types of people on social media with fake stats and data to encourage USA not to get vaccinated. meanwhile china was attempting to actually protect its people from infection and loosing many TRILLIONS of dollars doing it.

how is reality making world a worse place? do you run away from things that scare you or plug your ears when the news comes on?

if you think china made the virus maybe they had the most data on it no? why would they be the ones to PREVENT as much infection as possible? maybe cause they saw how much damage it causes, its not just the 0.5% of people that died of covid its the other 2-5% who are disabled permenanty or die 3-6 months after covid infection from heart attack or strokes. chinas biggest resource is its people so of course they want to protect that resource as much as possible. USA of course this is less so.

anyway, if scared of vax should be TERRIFIED of catching covid as FAR more spike protein FAR more damaging antibodies that lat for ALOT longer. so its fine to say dont get vax but to be logical you then should take decent amount of precautions not to be infected if say the vax is SOOOO bad its killing millions.

we also have to remember without TRUMPS warp speed vax we would not of been able to open up without total collapse of healthcare system (which of course STILL isn't caught up as we have our hospitals with ~4-10% JUST covid patients at any one time esp during waves.. thats alot to have an extra 5% beds JUST for covid never mind the heart attacks and strokes that follow 3-6 months after..

my bro in law I gave his family high quality masks in the early days and was like we dont need that shit "we will be fine" I said ya I am sure you will be fine...he has cardiomyopathy.. she had cancer.. cut to get covid needed a defibulator installed asap (Can no longer work)and fluid around his heart she had a stroke after her second round of covid...36yo mother also does not work now.(although it also likely had something to do with chiropractor treatment on her neck aswell).. never have I said "told you so" because of severity of the issues but its like time after time, folks get sick with covid 3-6 months later heart attack, and I am sure I cant be the only one who has seen the uptick.. I mean they had articles about the uptick in heart attacks from covid many months before vax came out...
A million studies ????

Post ONE evidence based study that reveals Ivermectin, a drug that IS used to treat a select class of parasitic WORM infections is more effective than placebo for COVID-19, a VIRAL infection.

And incidentally the Pfizer vaccine received FULL FDA approval on Aug 23rd 2021, while the Moderna vaccine received FULL FDA approved on Jan 31 2022.
I'm bumping this to be sure YOU SUCK IT...