Winstrol: how long into cycle before upping dose ?


New Member
Hi guys

ive seen folks saying 50mg winstrol is a good dose but when doing Injectable you so 50 eod.

I am fine with doing daily injections. The PIp from the oil isn’t as bad in the shoulder (glutes did hurt ). But figured for bloods to just do 25 daily and I just mix it w my test.

How long would you give it on 25 to see whether to bump to 50 mg daily ?

Running 210 test cyp weekly. I didn’t want to add more test cuz I just didn’t like the higher dose. Even with AI Ordered some test propionate to bump the overall test into 300

my post here is less for cycle design but more for experience in titrating winstrol. How long to give it at 25 before trying 50 mg of injectable /d ?

so far it feels far better than high test doses for me so if possible I’d rather bump winstrol than test but wanted to see how long I should give it on initial dose

sides of concern:
hair. Acne Was a problem on higher test but I started Anastrazole and it killed the acne.

Plus I’m on Finasteride. I know winny is dht derivative but maybe some of the bad sides are from it’s releasing of free test via SHBG crushing ?

Anyway. I’m rambling

TLDR: I’m in week one of 25mg/ day injectable winstrol. Planning on running it no more than six weeks. How long should I give 25g to see benefits /sides before trying higher dose like 50mg /day?

Thank you
You didn't mention your goals, stats and other details like training experience and diet. Even if you feel like it is not important, it is relevant and overall cycle design needs to be structured around that.

You as individual must first of all educate yourself on the matter before you use steroids.

It's hard to give you any advice because again as I said, you didn't talk about any important details, rather you said you take injectable winstrol for whatever reason and now ask about titration and dosing.

To me it seems you are complicating the cycle for no apparent reason and don't even really know the reason you use these steroids in the first place.

However, to give some advice on injectable stanozolol. My own experience with the drug is that it is a strong dht which is fast acting and harsh. I have used injectable and I injected every day at 50mg. The results were impressive in my book and I rate it highly because I experienced great strength gains and drying effect even combined with 1000mg Testosterone per week.

I would advise to inject daily for stability and if it is water based know that you can swallow it, instead of injecting it.

In the end you need to provide us more details about yourself if you want some meaningful advice that is going to help you and even lead to better understanding and results in the end.
If you cut a 25mg in half and add it to another 25:tabb it might hit you at 37.5 mg Winny, I shoot for the lowest dose possible and rely on training harder then trying to get a short cut by relying on the compound, too much gear also equals more sides , hope you find your good spot
Hi guys

ive seen folks saying 50mg winstrol is a good dose but when doing Injectable you so 50 eod.

I am fine with doing daily injections. The PIp from the oil isn’t as bad in the shoulder (glutes did hurt ). But figured for bloods to just do 25 daily and I just mix it w my test.

How long would you give it on 25 to see whether to bump to 50 mg daily ?

Running 210 test cyp weekly. I didn’t want to add more test cuz I just didn’t like the higher dose. Even with AI Ordered some test propionate to bump the overall test into 300

my post here is less for cycle design but more for experience in titrating winstrol. How long to give it at 25 before trying 50 mg of injectable /d ?

so far it feels far better than high test doses for me so if possible I’d rather bump winstrol than test but wanted to see how long I should give it on initial dose

sides of concern:
hair. Acne Was a problem on higher test but I started Anastrazole and it killed the acne.

Plus I’m on Finasteride. I know winny is dht derivative but maybe some of the bad sides are from it’s releasing of free test via SHBG crushing ?

Anyway. I’m rambling

TLDR: I’m in week one of 25mg/ day injectable winstrol. Planning on running it no more than six weeks. How long should I give 25g to see benefits /sides before trying higher dose like 50mg /day?

Thank you
Add in some npp/fish oil supplements for dry joints test/npp/Winny a classic
winstrol really boosted strength and aggression for me but lost a good bit of it a few weeks after i finished... think i did 50mg for about 6 weeks, didnt really feel any sides. did it with test and deca.
Guys. Thanks a lot for everyone’s feedback so far.

Five days on it so far. Did three days of 25 mg and then upped it to 50mg daily

So far running 210 mg of test cyp weekly/ daily pin. (my TRT prescription is 160mg per week ).

holy hell the winatrol PIP lol. It kicks in like two days later. Once the oil is absorbed. Massaging it immediately helps

This is my first steroid cycle. ive done 300 mg of test-c blast before but didn’t like it. Even with anaStrazole 1mg 3x per week. This actually got me into wanting to find a way to lower my test but get another compound in there.

my primary goal at this point is weight loss and cutting

I know win is not usually a starter compound but i Liked the profile Lipids I can handle. I’m on statins for cholesterol. Hematodrit ticked up from 47 in the spring to 53 now just before I started the win.

My main tool for cutting has been tirzepatide and it helped me shed 20 lbs. Started BF was 25-26% and am about to crack 20%. Wanted somethitn that helped preserve gains , give me strength in the gym cuz at 1600 calories it’s been less than optimum. Even tho I load 50 g carbs pre workout and take 200-220g protein per day. (215 lbs body weight ). Two hours post winstrol injection It really improves my sessions. Not super strength but just not gassed And the benefits really came at 50 mg. Very little at 25 mg

i got test-P and plan on substituting some of the test-c I take (pharma grade ) for this test -P. Two reasons. One is so the blast can kick in sooner and line up w the win cycle. Second is so I can throttle it down fairly quickly after the cycle in time for bloods in September , when I have to go for a checkup w my TRT doc.

so far gonna give this winstroL 50mg daily injection (oil ) about two weeks to see if any sides come in.

I Really want to see any feedback or research on whether injectable is materially different in the damage that it does with either liver or lipids. Yes the Pin bypasses first liver pass but does this move the needle much in terms of txicity. Anyway. We shall see. So far it Takes 3-4 days for injection site to heal up. Did delts on Thursday and Friday and they welted up - actually gave me broader shoulders lol.

Will be adding test prop tomorrow.

Maybe take down test-c to 140 per week (daily injection), and add 100 mg prop, for first week. Then raise it ?

Thanks again for everyone’s feedback. Really appreciate it.
Add 12.5 mg for a total of 62.5 mg Winny if it's tolerated 75mg might break ya

so far im five days into daily injectable. Second day on 50 mg.

Just waiting daily to wake up to acne and bald head lol.

with test cypionate it took about two weeks for sides to start coming. Figured a week maybe for acne - if any - on win ?

I switched to dumbell for chest and shoulders during the cycle - partly cuz of what I read on the joints sides and and partly to fix muscle imbalances. (My tris feel stronger than my chest or shoulders. )

I did buy RU58841 for hair and started using it this week. On top of Finasteride and minox. fin won’t help w winstrol but maybe win makes guys bald because it frees up test from SHBG and that free test is what causes hair /acne sides. I don’t know.

I did notice my skin getting a bit more angry And perhaps that’s more test being freed up. Going back to Anastrazole Helped so far. My rx is 1mg 3x/ week. I need a full milligram within a day of injecting anything more than 30 mg of test -c.