Woman cycle


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What do you think it is better for women?
25mg Anadrol or 10mg anavar

Does anyone know of any long term studies with 25mg Anadrol?
I have no idea but this does.

It also has links to research.

Anadol is safer in women?! Crazy, I would of thought Anavar was.

"However, in practice, we have found Anadrol to be surprisingly well-tolerated by women, with research also suggesting it is safer than Anavar for inhibiting masculinization (3)."
I follow some Brazilian coaches and they usually recommend:
1. Turinabol 5-10mg 3x per week
2. Homogenin (Anadrol) 10-25mg 3x per week
3. Deca or NPP 20-40mg per week

Some also recommend anavar but doesn't seem that common.

My girlfriend has been using anavar recently and has gotten good results, 5mg on training days. I'm not a coach so I've been pushing her food instead of the drugs, which seems to be the approach most of the Brazilian coaches I follow also take.

Reason I mention the Brazilians is because they are a lot more forthcoming about this stuff than American or European coaches.
Reason I mention the Brazilians is because they are a lot more forthcoming about this stuff than American or European coaches.
Yah… and a crap ton of them look like 1980s East German power lifting Fraus…. *gag* No slam on your take KV, just fact. Who wants to look at Cris Cyborg …. Ugh
Yah… and a crap ton of them look like 1980s East German power lifting Fraus…. *gag* No slam on your take KV, just fact. Who wants to look at Cris Cyborg …. Ugh
You’re not wrong! But I do think you’ll need quite a bit more than what I posted for those masculinising effects to set it. Especially if cycle duration is sensible then I think it’s unlikely. I could be wrong though!
I have no idea but this does.

It also has links to research.

Anadol is safer in women?! Crazy, I would of thought Anavar was.

"However, in practice, we have found Anadrol to be surprisingly well-tolerated by women, with research also suggesting it is safer than Anavar for inhibiting masculinization (3)."
Interesting read, thanks for the link. Some of the stuff I’d read, coaches recommended lowering T if you start Oxandrolone (for a woman), but on first glance, it says Oxandrolone lowers T levels, so I wonder if a woman is on TRT if she should INCREASE her T to compensate.

Looking forward to reading the rest of this, I’m trying to decide on a winter cycle once my competition season is finished up in a couple of weeks. I figure it’s a great time to try and bulk up with MUSCLE instead of spending dark winter days eating cookies LOL.

Interesting read, thanks for the link. Some of the stuff I’d read, coaches recommended lowering T if you start Oxandrolone (for a woman), but on first glance, it says Oxandrolone lowers T levels, so I wonder if a woman is on TRT if she should INCREASE her T to compensate.

Looking forward to reading the rest of this, I’m trying to decide on a winter cycle once my competition season is finished up in a couple of weeks. I figure it’s a great time to try and bulk up with MUSCLE instead of spending dark winter days eating cookies LOL.
I was mentioning to my wife about the Anadrol and she was like "so are you going to get me some" lol.

I was also concerned about the T lowering aspects of the compound. I figured we could use blood work to determine how much if any it does lower her T levels. The way I understand it (I could be wrong) is it will only effect the natural production of T. Since you and her are on TRT it should not effect T levels since the TRT has already shut down your natural production.
I was mentioning to my wife about the Anadrol and she was like "so are you going to get me some" lol.

I was also concerned about the T lowering aspects of the compound. I figured we could use blood work to determine how much if any it does lower her T levels. The way I understand it (I could be wrong) is it will only effect the natural production of T. Since you and her are on TRT it should not effect T levels since the TRT has already shut down your natural production.
Well since our ovaries die halfway through our lives, and our ovaries produce T, it was going away anyway LOL.

It was also of interest to me that Anadrol stimulates estrogen receptors. While a younger woman might not want that, it perked up MY interest as a mid 40s woman who *wants* more estrogen circulating… That just seems like a positive to me.

And of course I already have a browser tab open for a domestic source I trust that sells tabs LOL
The r/steroidsxx and sister community r/steroids has a solid amount of info for women. The wiki in the main sub has well organized breakdown of each one.
I would never administer Anadrol to a woman, as it metabolizes into 17α-Methyl-5α-androstan-3-one-17β-ol (Mestanolone), an active DHT-derived metabolite with pronounced androgenic potency.

Anavar,Primo, NPP are "more" friendly.