Worse pip you had ?


Well-known Member
Figured that would be a nice topic and hear fun stories.
What was the worse pip you ever experience ?

Ill start, usually i do my VG, but that one time i was not focused and think i did it too high, everything was fine but then after around 4 hours the pip started and was amplifying to the point i couldn't get out of bed unless im doing a weird ass roll over and grabbing something lol.

Sitting hurt, getting up hurt, laying down on the stop was unbelievable pain, took it around a week to go away, def my WORSE PIP EVER !
I’m sure some will remember symbiotic.

His test prop fucked me up so bad.

Haven’t tried any since. Still have some actually I may give it another go since I want to run a shorter cycle this time around.
My first shot was test e in miglyol 840. I couldnt walk without massive pain for over a week. The site (glute) was hard like a cramp, and as wide as my fist. I thought it was virgin muscle pip and kept pinning my delts with it for another 8 weeks. My delt would be rock hard for days and I could barely lift my arm above my head.

Im glad that is over. That sucked.
I’m sure some will remember symbiotic.

His test prop fucked me up so bad.

Haven’t tried any since. Still have some actually I may give it another go since I want to run a shorter cycle this time around.
actually im not familiar with them can you share ?
Pinned my calf before to show a buddy how much of a pussy he is for not wanting to pin himself. Never again.
haha never even thought about pining my calf
My first shot was test e in miglyol 840. I couldnt walk without massive pain for over a week. The site (glute) was hard like a cramp, and as wide as my fist. I thought it was virgin muscle pip and kept pinning my delts with it for another 8 weeks. My delt would be rock hard for days and I could barely lift my arm above my head.

Im glad that is over. That sucked.
if i recall correctly Deus uses Miglyol and i did not had any problems when using them before i got my prescription but its def sounds like a bad experience haha
My first 3 career injections I did in my glutes and I could barely walk each time. Was hobbling around work like a retard looking like I just got fucked in the ass the night before / Told them I fucked my ass cheek on a 4 wheeler
That test from Mexico in the amps. Drawing a blank on name off top of head. The test flu from it was brutal too. Absolute test Cyp (compounding pharmacy) had a brutal batch too for pip.
I’m sure some will remember symbiotic.

His test prop fucked me up so bad.

Haven’t tried any since. Still have some actually I may give it another go since I want to run a shorter cycle this time around.
He was a source here a few years ago. Maybe 2020? Could even be early 2021. I believe he exit scammed? Or just fell off the map after a ton of floater issues with his gear. Can’t remember exactly what happened.

He used to be considered a Stanford level source here if I remember correctly, even considered better.

But his test prop just destroyed me. I would pin delts quads and ass cheeks and by the end of the week I’d be crippled.

Every single movement hurt. I couldn’t train properly and would stand crooked some days because it was so tight.

Mast went in smooth as butter though.
In my much younger and dumber days.....3g pakistani sustanon split in right/left quads and right/left glutes EOD in week 1 of a cycle for a frontload.

Now THAT was pain and sickness on another level !!!

Needless to say the cycle ended very quickly and I didn't get past week 2 ROFL
Figured that would be a nice topic and hear fun stories.
What was the worse pip you ever experience ?

Ill start, usually i do my VG, but that one time i was not focused and think i did it too high, everything was fine but then after around 4 hours the pip started and was amplifying to the point i couldn't get out of bed unless im doing a weird ass roll over and grabbing something lol.

Sitting hurt, getting up hurt, laying down on the stop was unbelievable pain, took it around a week to go away, def my WORSE PIP EVER !
Last year I was pinning my quad and someone knocked on my front door very loudly. Scared the fuck out of me and I jumped, 1in needle basically moved completely horizontal in my leg. Pip for DAYS.
BP/SP switched to miglyol carrier oil and my body seems to HATE it. Anything over .3mL and I get insane inflammation that leaves me barely able to walk. Now I'm pinning stuff with GSO and it's smooth af
My first shot was test e in miglyol 840. I couldnt walk without massive pain for over a week. The site (glute) was hard like a cramp, and as wide as my fist. I thought it was virgin muscle pip and kept pinning my delts with it for another 8 weeks. My delt would be rock hard for days and I could barely lift my arm above my head.

Im glad that is over. That sucked.
mig is the devil's oil
Last year I was pinning my quad and someone knocked on my front door very loudly. Scared the fuck out of me and I jumped, 1in needle basically moved completely horizontal in my leg. Pip for DAYS.
This reminded me of the story where someone either had slip tips on or dropped the syringe while pinning and it shot through their big toe and they stood in shock because it was buried.

if I recall correctly it was .5-75 inches into his toe lol.
This reminded me of the story where someone either had slip tips on or dropped the syringe while pinning and it shot through their big toe and they stood in shock because it was buried.

if I recall correctly it was .5-75 inches into his toe lol.

I scared myself a couple weeks back. Dont know why but anxiety was sky high. Got everything ready, just washed my hands good, swabbed, went to do subq abdomen and just as needle touched my skin instead of just pushing it in I hesitated. I thought oh shit and pulled back. Somehow the syringe slipped from my fingers and dropped right on my cock! Luckily it was the good end that hit but I had to take a xanax after that lol.
Mine was running a domestics from Meso Test E 300. I tried it for a trt replacement @ .3(90mg’s) twice a week. It was leaving a Huge knot, physically protruding an inch out of my glute, it would some times take a week and a half for it to go away.
Homebrewed test E from a few years back.... first batch was fine. Next brew was like battery acid, knots and pain for weeks. Had to toss all the shit in the garbage. Nothing but test cyp. from now on.
Not sure if many remember the source IP but his sust and tren took me out for almost a week. Test flu, giant lump you name it. His sust was bad but mixed with his tren I threw the tren out. Haha