Would combining mod GRF/Ipamorelin and HGH be a good option?


New Member
This is mainly for budgeting reasons but also receptor sensitivity, although idk how much of that is BS. Assuming I did something like GH 5 days per week with the mod Grf/Ipa on wknds or E/O for each? The mod GRf/ipa would be 100mcg of each three times per day. I got the idea from people who do something similar with pharma GH and generics.
you would be wise to start with one and see how it goes. never know may end up with CRAZY sides having way to much hgh.

REMEMBER every new thing is safe and great until its not(not enough tests). be it pesticides(every NEW one is safe and awesome until like magic 15 years later its found out its not when easier for folks to study after patent runs out or have the long term data). new types of drugs (remember oxy and even steroids were 100% awesome u til studies came out alot of them caused alot of problems).

anyway, stick with one or the other and go from there, no point jumping the gun and worrying about desensitivity when may not even work that great for you. Also will make it VERY hard to dial in doses switching things up back and forth. TOO much HGH is not a great thing, has benefits, but also downsides. and you start getting your body to dump a bunch then give it exogenous sources its just asking for it to go into panic mode.

and unless you blasting for a comp and is how u make a living, what are you trying to accomplish? I am new and far from an expert but I think most here will agree even though may have a more liberal approach to use.

I would love to hear from 5-10 guys who ran peptides for 10+ years wi no traditional gear and see how they feel/bloods/health etc. there out there forsure, just funny dont hear success over long periods. maybe there are and I just haven't seen them yet. 1 of the biggest guy in peptides died in canada and the other French guy doesn't look like pinnacle of health either, body composition aside. anyhoo getting off topic, hopefully some folks will chime in with more experience.
hmmm and yet a BRAND new apparently "rigorous" study saying grhelins increase longevity in mice and from my quick read despite increase eating didn't increase bw (would think if increased hgh would of gotten more mass be it water muscle or otherwise, but again browse)... would of been interesting if tested hgh levels OR is this study just payed for by Lilly who happen to have a peptide that does the same thing and maybe helped them reach there conclusion. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/acel.13787
oh and while 3x a day peptide stack may be BEST for levels/results, may not be best for sensitivity or overall health and . there is a reason the pulsatory peptides are considered safer/better as closer to how our bodies natural work. ie our bodies have peak hgh at night for a reason, T in the am etc etc.
oh and while 3x a day peptide stack may be BEST for levels/results, may not be best for sensitivity or overall health and . there is a reason the pulsatory peptides are considered safer/better as closer to how our bodies natural work. ie our bodies have peak hgh at night for a reason, T in the am etc etc.
What do you recommend for a non-3x per day stack, without compromising too much on results?
im very far from an expert, but some protocols say 1-2 time a day vs 3, with the higher dose before bed (likely to mimic natural night time hgh production). while of course more will give more results wi majority of drugs. im obv in school of thought of less is more and mimic natural cycles to work with your body vs against it to mitigate sides in long or short term and avoiding becoming desensitized as quick. ie perhaps the reason hgh at night is highest naturally is not only best time for recovery but also happens to be during a natural fast. do I have research? nope... just something to keep in mind as its your body and im not a DR, of course u can read an article saying more more more, and another saying never, and some say moderation, long and short of it none/rarely of them will cite 100% definitive repeatable studies in the literature and if they do its in mice. with all drugs, start very low and slow see where it gets you and decide from there, thats sort of the harm reduction mantra. anyhoo, maybe run a search as I am sure some posts already, but you simply cant go wrong with lower and slower esp if concerned about getting a tolerance.