im very far from an expert, but some protocols say 1-2 time a day vs 3, with the higher dose before bed (likely to mimic natural night time hgh production). while of course more will give more results wi majority of drugs. im obv in school of thought of less is more and mimic natural cycles to work with your body vs against it to mitigate sides in long or short term and avoiding becoming desensitized as quick. ie perhaps the reason hgh at night is highest naturally is not only best time for recovery but also happens to be during a natural fast. do I have research? nope... just something to keep in mind as its your body and im not a DR, of course u can read an article saying more more more, and another saying never, and some say moderation, long and short of it none/rarely of them will cite 100% definitive repeatable studies in the literature and if they do its in mice. with all drugs, start very low and slow see where it gets you and decide from there, thats sort of the harm reduction mantra. anyhoo, maybe run a search as I am sure some posts already, but you simply cant go wrong with lower and slower esp if concerned about getting a tolerance.