Mod GRF/Ipamorelin efficacy

200mcg mod grf and 500 ipa? I'd say that is a good dose for both, not insane ... It's what I take.

The head flushing I also get from ipa but not from mod grf. Did you try mod by it self and got a head flush?
Most people say 100mcg of each is a regular dose, so that's why I said that.

Anyway, no I never tried MOD GRF by itself, it was a blend, 6 mg Ipa/15mg MOD GRF. Worked really well for sleep. I definitely saw some leaning out but I can't say whether it was diet and exercise or the peptides, whereas with the HGH I can absolutely say the HGH has improved my physique. I just wish it gave the same sleep benefits. I just don't notice any sleep quality improvement on HGH, although I know others do. Once I get my carpal tunnel surgery I plan to increase my dose back to 10 IU per day. I'm excited for that!!
I bought an 10 vial box of 10mg blend of Ipam/Mod GRF, and sure, you can feel it working with the flush, but it was annoying to shoot 3x a day, on an empty stomach...and like GH, did it do much? Probably not. You'll spend more money on these peps than a kit, and you'll have to time your shots on empty stomach, which is annoying and not worth it, compared to taking GH whenever you feel like it.

I wasn't impressed with this, and frankly, not even impressed with GH lol.
Most people say 100mcg of each is a regular dose, so that's why I said that.

Anyway, no I never tried MOD GRF by itself, it was a blend, 6 mg Ipa/15mg MOD GRF. Worked really well for sleep. I definitely saw some leaning out but I can't say whether it was diet and exercise or the peptides, whereas with the HGH I can absolutely say the HGH has improved my physique. I just wish it gave the same sleep benefits. I just don't notice any sleep quality improvement on HGH, although I know others do. Once I get my carpal tunnel surgery I plan to increase my dose back to 10 IU per day. I'm excited for that!!

GH is bad for sleep. GHRH is good for sleep. You can run both, a GHRH at night, and GH in the AM. Just don't use GH in the evening if you cherish your sleep.
I bought an 10 vial box of 10mg blend of Ipam/Mod GRF, and sure, you can feel it working with the flush, but it was annoying to shoot 3x a day, on an empty stomach...and like GH, did it do much? Probably not. You'll spend more money on these peps than a kit, and you'll have to time your shots on empty stomach, which is annoying and not worth it, compared to taking GH whenever you feel like it.

I wasn't impressed with this, and frankly, not even impressed with GH lol.

Why would you pin GH whenever and peps only non fed? GH should be pined away from food, but if you don't care about insulin resistance and high BG then sure, pin whenever you want ...
Having played with GHRP-6, GHRP-2, mod GRF, CJC-1295 DAC, long R3 IGF-1, etc. I can say regular old GH is cheaper to use and more effective.

Not to shill but QSC, a source on this forum, sells dirt cheap and legit GH, ive used and it comes out substantially cheaper than running these peptides and less of a hassle. Its like $55/kit for 100iu, plus less needles being used so you save there too,

That said, of all the peptides i used i found CJC-1295 (DAC) to be the most novel. Guys shit on it alot “GH bleed is bad bro” but to be honest it was the only peptide that actually had a unique profile of action. The other secretagogue peptides offer no real advantage over GH itself, and with dirt cheap legit GH available these days, they are actually more expensive to use and way more of a hassle to use.
200mcg mod grf and 500 ipa? I'd say that is a good dose for both, not insane ... It's what I take.

The head flushing I also get from ipa but not from mod grf. Did you try mod by it self and got a head flush?
My wife has a tendon issue in the top of hamstring, butt area for about the last 6 months, so when my peptides turned up she wanted to try some. She's doing BPC/TB in hamstring each day, but also doing the same protocol as me with MOD GRF/IPA. 100/100 fasted am, 100/300 before bed. Both of us no head flushing, Me crazy appetite. her no change appetite. l did her bloods a few days ago for a different reason, but included lGF-1 and GH just out of interest.
l know this a while ago, but 6 months ago on nothing her lGF-1 was 12.2.
This recent test 22.2 range (6.9-28.0), GH 3.5 Range >5 , bloods were taken about 2 hours after 100/100 was pinned. l will be doing my bloods in about a month and will pin about 40 mins before. So it might mean my stuff is at least legit. Are these the sorta rises you would expect on our dosage?
Having played with GHRP-6, GHRP-2, mod GRF, CJC-1295 DAC, long R3 IGF-1, etc. I can say regular old GH is cheaper to use and more effective.

Not to shill but QSC, a source on this forum, sells dirt cheap and legit GH, ive used and it comes out substantially cheaper than running these peptides and less of a hassle. Its like $55/kit for 100iu, plus less needles being used so you save there too,

That said, of all the peptides i used i found CJC-1295 (DAC) to be the most novel. Guys shit on it alot “GH bleed is bad bro” but to be honest it was the only peptide that actually had a unique profile of action. The other secretagogue peptides offer no real advantage over GH itself, and with dirt cheap legit GH available these days, they are actually more expensive to use and way more of a hassle to use.
l totally agree with you about GH. l ordered GH and BPC/TB from 2 different ugls on here to try and help heal a bad shoulder injury. Unfortunately both seized. l am in Australia where customs is a nightmare. You can get decent peptides local, but GH would be more like $1200 a month and cross your fingers its any good.
Having played with GHRP-6, GHRP-2, mod GRF, CJC-1295 DAC, long R3 IGF-1, etc. I can say regular old GH is cheaper to use and more effective.

Not to shill but QSC, a source on this forum, sells dirt cheap and legit GH, ive used and it comes out substantially cheaper than running these peptides and less of a hassle. Its like $55/kit for 100iu, plus less needles being used so you save there too,

That said, of all the peptides i used i found CJC-1295 (DAC) to be the most novel. Guys shit on it alot “GH bleed is bad bro” but to be honest it was the only peptide that actually had a unique profile of action. The other secretagogue peptides offer no real advantage over GH itself, and with dirt cheap legit GH available these days, they are actually more expensive to use and way more of a hassle to use.
Exactly why I bought the kits from QSC
Why would you pin GH whenever and peps only non fed? GH should be pined away from food, but if you don't care about insulin resistance and high BG then sure, pin whenever you want ...
Peps you must eat away from food, otherwise you blunt the effect, because you are still using the body to make the GH, whereas exogenous Gh you can shoot it whenever you want. I do my GH in the am fasted.
I also found sleep improvements on ipam/mod GRF but not with GH. Does anyone know which of the two compounds is responsible? I might have to test this
Having played with GHRP-6, GHRP-2, mod GRF, CJC-1295 DAC, long R3 IGF-1, etc. I can say regular old GH is cheaper to use and more effective.

Not to shill but QSC, a source on this forum, sells dirt cheap and legit GH, ive used and it comes out substantially cheaper than running these peptides and less of a hassle. Its like $55/kit for 100iu, plus less needles being used so you save there too,

That said, of all the peptides i used i found CJC-1295 (DAC) to be the most novel. Guys shit on it alot “GH bleed is bad bro” but to be honest it was the only peptide that actually had a unique profile of action. The other secretagogue peptides offer no real advantage over GH itself, and with dirt cheap legit GH available these days, they are actually more expensive to use and way more of a hassle to use.

Yeah, cjc1295 is the shit. GH bleed also is a myth. Pulsatile GH secretion, to my knowledge, is retained with cjc. There is a study with something like that in it's name ... And 60mcg/kg of body eeight of cjc will nett you almost 400 igf if your baseline is around 150 ...
I also found sleep improvements on ipam/mod GRF but not with GH. Does anyone know which of the two compounds is responsible? I might have to test this
GH is bad for sleep. GHRH is good for sleep. You can run both, a GHRH at night, and GH in the AM. Just don't use GH in the evening if you cherish your sleep.

Literally answered this 2 times already in this thread. GHRH by a mechanism unrelated to gh secretion, promotes slow wave sleep and GH by it self, promotes rem and sleep fragmentation, especially in the second part of the night.
Literally answered this 2 times already in this thread. GHRH by a mechanism unrelated to gh secretion, promotes slow wave sleep and GH by it self, promotes rem and sleep fragmentation, especially in the second part of the night.
By what mechanism? Can you point to any research that examines this?
By what mechanism? Can you point to any research that examines this?

This is a well know mechanism of ghrh, just not so much amongst bodybuilders, who still think gh is good for sleep. Tons of studies, if you took 5 minutes, you'd find more then enough. I did come by something once, where large boluses of gh can also help with more nrem, but I can't seem to find/remember where I saw that or if it's actually true.

Anyway, patients who have a problem with pituitary GH release, for instance, and not with hypothalamus GHRH release, have way to much GHRH and thus, they sleep way to much and have almost no rem sleep. This individuals are treated with GH in order to "normalize" their sleep. Me personally, I would welcome such a "problem" as my sleep is shit.

A significant portion of the total daily growth hormone (GH) secretion is associated with deep non-REM sleep (NREMS). GH secretion is stimulated by the hypothalamic neurohormone, GH-releasing hormone (GHRH). Exogenous GHRH promotes NREMS in various species. Suppression of endogenous GHRH (competitive antagonist, antibodies, somatostatinergic stimulation, high doses of GH or insulin-like growth factor) results in simultaneous inhibition of NREMS. Mutant and transgenic animals with a defect in GHRHergic activity display permanently reduced NREMS which cannot be reversed by means of GH supplementation. GHRH contents and mRNA levels in the hypothalamus correlate with sleep-wake activity during the diurnal cycle and sleep deprivation and recovery sleep. Stimulation of NREMS by GHRH is a hypothalamic action. GABAergic neurons in the anterior hypothalamus/preoptic region are candidates for mediating promotion of NREMS by GHRH. In contrast to NREMS, stimulation of REMS by GHRH is mediated by GH. Simultaneous stimulation of NREMS and GH secretion by GHRH may promote adjustment of tissue anabolism to sleep.

GH is bad for sleep. GHRH is good for sleep. You can run both, a GHRH at night, and GH in the AM. Just don't use GH in the evening if you cherish your sleep.
When I ran Ipa/MPD GRF and HGH I noticed my nips got super sensitive so I stopped. Not trying to have any surgeries again. Perhaps it'd be worth trying just MOD GRF or CJC without ipamorelin before bed though.
Thats the feeling i got to and thought its low blood sugar its similar to igf1-lr3 and ghrp2/6 just less strong.
What do you think it was?
Did you also take it during the day or when not going to sleep to see if it made you really hungry?
I'm not sure, it definitely didn't feel like low blood sugar to me though. I thought it was the release of pituitary GH by the peptides flooding the body. this study concludes "GH exerts an acute vascular effect independent of both systemic and local IGF-I production, and this effect is likely via direct action on GH receptors and eNOS in the vascular endothelium."

That was what I felt, the flushing/pins and needles. Perhaps it causes enough vaporization to drop blood pressure, supporting one to go to sleep easier.

I did take it during the day at lower doses like before a workout. Would get a little flush but wouldn't be tired or fall asleep as I was at the gym and not in a sleep setting.

Didn't notice any effects on hunger. I tried GHRP6 to see of it would increase my appetite but all it did was make me want to sleep all day and I personally had no change in appetite. So maybe I'm just weird. I threw the GHRP6 away because I couldn't stand to be that tired. I took a low dose too!
I'm not sure, it definitely didn't feel like low blood sugar to me though. I thought it was the release of pituitary GH by the peptides flooding the body. this study concludes "GH exerts an acute vascular effect independent of both systemic and local IGF-I production, and this effect is likely via direct action on GH receptors and eNOS in the vascular endothelium."

That was what I felt, the flushing/pins and needles. Perhaps it causes enough vaporization to drop blood pressure, supporting one to go to sleep easier.

I did take it during the day at lower doses like before a workout. Would get a little flush but wouldn't be tired or fall asleep as I was at the gym and not in a sleep setting.

Didn't notice any effects on hunger. I tried GHRP6 to see of it would increase my appetite but all it did was make me want to sleep all day and I personally had no change in appetite. So maybe I'm just weird. I threw the GHRP6 away because I couldn't stand to be that tired. I took a low dose too!
For me ghrp6 and mk667 is hunger city i could eat steel on them.
When I ran Ipa/MPD GRF and HGH I noticed my nips got super sensitive so I stopped. Not trying to have any surgeries again. Perhaps it'd be worth trying just MOD GRF or CJC without ipamorelin before bed though.
just a heads-up. The study I referenced above suggests that taking HGH prevents exogenous GHRH from working. It still has a synergistic effect with hexarelin if taken after HGH - bizarrely.
just a heads-up. The study I referenced above suggests that taking HGH prevents exogenous GHRH from working. It still has a synergistic effect with hexarelin if taken after HGH - bizarrely.
Now THAT is interesting. I mean HGH is placental GH vs GHRH which releases a pulse of pituitary HGH. I would be keen to learn what the mechanism of blockage is for that.

WheN I did a stint of raking HGH is in AM and Ipa/MOD GRF before bed I absolutely felt the usual effects of the peptides despite taking 8 IUs of HGH in the morning.

I wonder if taking HGH EOD instead of ED would reduce the blockage effect.

Do you know if thay blockage effect has been reproduced by any other studies?
For me ghrp6 and mk667 is hunger city i could eat steel on them.
That's what most people say. I won't take MK677 due to the side effects (namely insane insulin insensitivity ans high blood glucose), but as I said GHRP6 did fuck all for me except make me tired. I didn't even realize until the 2nd or 3rd day. I noticed I was dozing off at my desk (thankfully I work from home) and needing a nap and wanting to just lay in bed and read a book alll day. Then It finally clicked that it was the pep t idea and I stopped it and the next day I was fine.
I'm not sure, it definitely didn't feel like low blood sugar to me though. I thought it was the release of pituitary GH by the peptides flooding the body. this study concludes "GH exerts an acute vascular effect independent of both systemic and local IGF-I production, and this effect is likely via direct action on GH receptors and eNOS in the vascular endothelium."

That was what I felt, the flushing/pins and needles. Perhaps it causes enough vaporization to drop blood pressure, supporting one to go to sleep easier.

I did take it during the day at lower doses like before a workout. Would get a little flush but wouldn't be tired or fall asleep as I was at the gym and not in a sleep setting.

Didn't notice any effects on hunger. I tried GHRP6 to see of it would increase my appetite but all it did was make me want to sleep all day and I personally had no change in appetite. So maybe I'm just weird. I threw the GHRP6 away because I couldn't stand to be that tired. I took a low dose too!
*Vasodilation not vaporization. Definitely needed to clear that up.