Mod GRF/Ipamorelin efficacy

No, imo you should not be hungry after that combo. Ipa does not produce any hunger sides in me and it generally shouldn't in other users. You might have a low mix of ghrp2 there instead of ipa, ie. fake ipa.

But, I was once hungry and anxious, unbereably so, from a bad batch of Hilma's GH. But there might have been a ghrp in it to.

What's your source?
The first 3 weeks on it l didn't really notice anything much at all except slightly better sleep. The start of week 4 was when the appetite went crazy and l'm not even working out like l normally would because of my shoulder. Because l eat so much protein and fat on the carnivore diet l'm never really that hungry. No anxiety at all, just more energy and slightly better sleep. My brother reckons the same combo makes him hungry as well. As for fake, not sure but would not think so. l got all my peptides from premium peptides local in AUS. Never heard a bad word about them. They say there peptides come out of the US and are always a minimum of 98% purity.
l have got lGF and GH levels from my last blood test when l was taking nothing, and was going to check lGF and GH levels again when l do my next blood test while on MOD GRF/ IPA.
l would normally get bloods taken around 8 to 9am fasted. That ok?
As for fake, not sure but would not think so. l got all my peptides from premium peptides local in AUS. Never heard a bad word about them. They say there peptides come out of the US and are always a minimum of 98% purity.

That doesn't mean chit, really. If they don't do their own testing of each batch they receive, they have no idea what's inside. All this statements of online peptide websites are laughable.
And if you got better sleep, then at least you now you've mod grf. Ghrh is responsible for slow wave sleep.
Do it at Tmax of the drugs that you are taking. Idk exactly what that means for both, but I recon it's at app 30 - 45m.
Yeah l agree most website advertising is just bullshit hype to push their products. l will jab MOD GRF/ IPA about 40 mins fasted before blood test.
Yeah l agree most website advertising is just bullshit hype to push their products. l will jab MOD GRF/ IPA about 40 mins fasted before blood test.
I get this to from ipa/mod grf
Ipa on its own no hunger, but combined i empty the fridge .
I think its from the sudden and high peak of GH
So, for those who think that clinical trials hold some relevance, here’s one that shows comparative serum GH levels between hexrelin and 2UI (IV) of HGH:

Mechanisms Underlying the Negative Growth Hormone (GH) Autofeedback on the GH-Releasing Effect of Hexarelin in Man

Emanuela Arvat, Lidia Di Vito, Laura Gianotti, Josefina Ramunni, Muni F. Boghen, Romano Deghenghi, Franco Camanni, and Ezio Ghigo

This goes some way to answering the question at the top of the post. Question is does Ipamorelin have similar efficacy.
I get this to from ipa/mod grf
Ipa on its own no hunger, but combined i empty the fridge .
I think its from the sudden and high peak of GH

Hm, interesting. Need to look up if gh on it's own has a pathway to hunger signaling ...
Hm, interesting. Need to look up if gh on it's own has a pathway to hunger signaling ...
Im thinking more in the line of drop in blood glucose from igf.
But one thing i can tell you for sure it does feel like low blood glucose .
A simple glucose meter test before the peptide and another one when the hunger sets in could answer the question .
I get this to from ipa/mod grf
Ipa on its own no hunger, but combined i empty the fridge .
I think its from the sudden and high peak of GH
l have been hungry pretty much the whole time l am awake. l can eat 1 kg of meat and be ready to eat again in 2 hours, bloody crazy. Great for when l get back to training.
Would be a great combo to add while bulking, terrible for cutting. LOL
Well one thing i noticed no matter how much i binge eat at night i would wake up leaner.
The real detriment is insulin resistance as my blood sugars go to shit after doing this for couple of weeks
Im thinking more in the line of drop in blood glucose from igf.

Hm, the opposite should be true imo. GH is a "fasting" hormone, meaning, during periods of fasting, GH will rise and it's purpose is to keep BG elevated. As to my knowledge, GH and low BG levels don't really belong together in the same sentence. And the igf1 response from peptides is really poor, unless you're pinning them 5 x in a day and/or are using cjc1295 upwards of 60mcg/kg.

I've had some bad peptides from "bio-peptide", the worst peptide company imo, and I had a real bad hypo after pining their cjc1295. I suspect there was actual insulin in that vial combined with peptides maybe. Scary shit, I threw all the vials in the bin. Had a similar experience with another peptide company. Imo peptides should not make you feel that way and imo good ipamorelin and ghrh's should not make you hungry.

The only possible scenario, maybe, is that the sudden spike in GH causes insulin resistance and that makes you feel hypo, which you actually wouldn't be if you measured your BG with a BG meter but your cells still aren't getting glucose. But this is beyond me and I don't have the energy to do the research needed to prove or disprove this theory.

All in all, I think sourcing is a big problem here and the reason why there are so many different reports.
Well one thing i noticed no matter how much i binge eat at night i would wake up leaner.
The real detriment is insulin resistance as my blood sugars go to shit after doing this for couple of weeks
Yeah, l cant train at the moment because of a bad shoulder injury and are eating as much if not more than when l train hard and have actually lost weight. The blood sugars might not be a problem to me because l eat carnivore.
Hm, the opposite should be true imo. GH is a "fasting" hormone, meaning, during periods of fasting, GH will rise and it's purpose is to keep BG elevated. As to my knowledge, GH and low BG levels don't really belong together in the same sentence. And the igf1 response from peptides is really poor, unless you're pinning them 5 x in a day and/or are using cjc1295 upwards of 60mcg/kg.

I've had some bad peptides from "bio-peptide", the worst peptide company imo, and I had a real bad hypo after pining their cjc1295. I suspect there was actual insulin in that vial combined with peptides maybe. Scary shit, I threw all the vials in the bin. Had a similar experience with another peptide company. Imo peptides should not make you feel that way and imo good ipamorelin and ghrh's should not make you hungry.

The only possible scenario, maybe, is that the sudden spike in GH causes insulin resistance and that makes you feel hypo, which you actually wouldn't be if you measured your BG with a BG meter but your cells still aren't getting glucose. But this is beyond me and I don't have the energy to do the research needed to prove or disprove this theory.

All in all, I think sourcing is a big problem here and the reason why there are so many different reports.
Thats not the case for me because i tried many companies and all have the same effect.
I had the chance to try life tech labs witch was a very good and expensive company, also a bunch of others.
Regarding igf from peptides i agree that they are not the best for raising igf over a long period of time but the instant raise they give from the huge surge of growth hormone could raise it and cause this drop in BG .
Lets not forget its called Insulin like growth factor for a reason as oposite to GH its a storage hormone (pushes nutrients in the muscle).
When i next use this peptide combo i will measure glucose levels and report back on it.
Regarding peptides containing insulin i don't know if possible as i have never seen powdered insulin.
Thats not the case for me because i tried many companies and all have the same effect.
I had the chance to try life tech labs witch was a very good and expensive company, also a bunch of others.
Regarding igf from peptides i agree that they are not the best for raising igf over a long period of time but the instant raise they give from the huge surge of growth hormone could raise it and cause this drop in BG .
Lets not forget its called Insulin like growth factor for a reason as oposite to GH its a storage hormone (pushes nutrients in the muscle).
When i next use this peptide combo i will measure glucose levels and report back on it.
Regarding peptides containing insulin i don't know if possible as i have never seen powdered insulin.

Idk, how fast does GH transform to IGF1 and if that is enough to cause a sudden hypoglycemia? And IGF1's action is touted to be around 1/12 that of insulin in regards to lowering blood glucose, at least according to quick research I just did. What was weird about the hypo I got was that it was resistant to me eating carbs/sugar. I needed something like an hour to come to my senses. I've never injected insulin, so I don't know how that feels though ...

I still suppose GH is more at fault here then IGF1:

"When GH is secreted in excess, it acts directly to block insulin signaling by inducing resistance to stimulation of downstream signaling molecules such as insulin receptor substrate-1 and PI3K, which are important for glucose transport in muscle and fat and for inhibiting hepatic gluconeogenesis (7). This results in elevation of glucose and insulin concentrations. Thus patients with acromegaly often have impaired glucose intolerance and relative hyperinsulinemia (8)."

But it's all still just a guess on my behalf.
Idk, how fast does GH transform to IGF1 and if that is enough to cause a sudden hypoglycemia? And IGF1's action is touted to be around 1/12 that of insulin in regards to lowering blood glucose, at least according to quick research I just did. What was weird about the hypo I got was that it was resistant to me eating carbs/sugar. I needed something like an hour to come to my senses. I've never injected insulin, so I don't know how that feels though ...

I still suppose GH is more at fault here then IGF1:

"When GH is secreted in excess, it acts directly to block insulin signaling by inducing resistance to stimulation of downstream signaling molecules such as insulin receptor substrate-1 and PI3K, which are important for glucose transport in muscle and fat and for inhibiting hepatic gluconeogenesis (7). This results in elevation of glucose and insulin concentrations. Thus patients with acromegaly often have impaired glucose intolerance and relative hyperinsulinemia (8)."

But it's all still just a guess on my behalf.
This mystery is best answered by a glucose meter as i said before .
It does take some time for it to go away so you might be on to something
Is it possible to achieve IGF-1 levels compatible to 2IU per day of HGH, by using a combination of MOD GRF and Ipamorelin?
Yes it is. My IGF-1 was 370 something. I was on a Ipamorelin/MOD GRF blend. My doses were 200 mcg/500mcg, respectively, literally as I laid down to fall asleep. I would get a heat rush, like I'd get really warm for a few minutes almost like I was gonna sweat, so I would always fall asleep with the blanket off.

I didn't notice anywhere near the benefit regarding body comp that I get from straight HGH though...although I did get better sleep on the peptides than HGH. Howeverz those doses were insane (there were what the doc told me to take, too). Also HGH gives me carpal tunnel side effect, which the peptides did not.
Yes it is. My IGF-1 was 370 something. I was on a Ipamorelin/MOD GRF blend. My doses were 200 mcg/500mcg, respectively, literally as I laid down to fall asleep. I would get a heat rush, like I'd get really warm for a few minutes almost like I was gonna sweat, so I would always fall asleep with the blanket off.

I didn't notice anywhere near the benefit regarding body comp that I get from straight HGH though...although I did get better sleep on the peptides than HGH. Howeverz those doses were insane (there were what the doc told me to take, too). Also HGH gives me carpal tunnel side effect, which the peptides did not.

200mcg mod grf and 500 ipa? I'd say that is a good dose for both, not insane ... It's what I take.

The head flushing I also get from ipa but not from mod grf. Did you try mod by it self and got a head flush?
Yes it is. My IGF-1 was 370 something. I was on a Ipamorelin/MOD GRF blend. My doses were 200 mcg/500mcg, respectively, literally as I laid down to fall asleep. I would get a heat rush, like I'd get really warm for a few minutes almost like I was gonna sweat, so I would always fall asleep with the blanket off.

I didn't notice anywhere near the benefit regarding body comp that I get from straight HGH though...although I did get better sleep on the peptides than HGH. Howeverz those doses were insane (there were what the doc told me to take, too). Also HGH gives me carpal tunnel side effect, which the peptides did not.
Thats the feeling i got to and thought its low blood sugar its similar to igf1-lr3 and ghrp2/6 just less strong.
What do you think it was?
Did you also take it during the day or when not going to sleep to see if it made you really hungry?