
well kane we know you have an agenda too, but that doesnt even concern me.
im done listening to anything you say.
i just hope the PeP vials i have are g2g, and i will find out sooner than you think.
is that a threat gf? Not my gear. Its his and it is good to go.

well kane we know you have an agenda too, but that doesnt even concern me.
im done listening to anything you say.
i just hope the PeP vials i have are g2g, and i will find out sooner than you think.
How ignorant are you? There are half a million N Korean soldiers standing all the time. What war in Afghanistan? We are done there. HAHAHA, how fucking stupid are you? CIA and OPS got Afghan. We have been in Korea since the "supposed" war started and we have been there ever since. Fucking dumbass.
Kane your Internet muscles are so huge.

So what do you have to say about:

A) Mast E that was bunk.

B) Test Prop that was bunk.

C) Floaters in the gear.

Do you support shit bags in your unit ?
I use the supercuts and its the shit. Ask Dr Jim or whoever posted about floaters asshole. Even pharma grade gear gives a 1.5% chance for floaters. Pep is beating that by a long shot.

My muscles are much bigger in person bitchface.

Kane your Internet muscles are so huge.

So what do you have to say about:

A) Mast E that was bunk.

B) Test Prop that was bunk.

C) Floaters in the gear.

Do you support shit bags ?
I use the supercuts and its the shit. Ask Dr Jim or whoever posted about floaters asshole. Even pharma grade gear gives a 1.5% chance for floaters. Pep is beating that by a long shot.

My muscles are much bigger in person bitchface.

Pharm does not have a 1.5 % floaters issue. That's bullshit.

What about the bunk Prop and Mast ?

Did you miss that part of the message ? Lol
As a matter of fact yes that is their tolerance, 1.5%.

Supercuts has prop, mast and tren.

Fucking dumbass.

Well I guess your prop and mast won't fail since your his bitch.

Lots of other peoples have failed.

Real ethical of you supporting PEP there "soldier."
You are the only shit bag we support, we decided you can dig the shitholes and clean them. Unless we frag you and toss you in the hole then we will let your boyfriend fill it in.

QUOTE=dealer;990859]Kane your Internet muscles are so huge.

So what do you have to say about:

A) Mast E that was bunk.

B) Test Prop that was bunk.

C) Floaters in the gear.

Do you support shit bags in your unit ?[/QUOTE]
How ignorant are you? There are half a million N Korean soldiers standing all the time. What war in Afghanistan? We are done there. HAHAHA, how fucking stupid are you? CIA and OPS got Afghan. We have been in Korea since the "supposed" war started and we have been there ever since. Fucking dumbass.

So you implying you are/were USFK? I highly doubt it, just because of the way you present yourself here.
You are the only shit bag we support, we decided you can dig the shitholes and clean them. Unless we frag you and toss you in the hole then we will let your boyfriend fill it in.

QUOTE=dealer;990859]Kane your Internet muscles are so huge.

So what do you have to say about:

A) Mast E that was bunk.

B) Test Prop that was bunk.

C) Floaters in the gear.

Do you support shit bags in your unit ?

Lol ok I'll get laid now while you pound your chest on the Internet. Loser. Peace E-1.
I dont like the deaths of my brothers being minimized and having to go to their wifes and kids and parents when I get home. Trying a new sources gear is pretty minimal when you put it in perspective. If you havent been there you wont understand....and you want to argue about whos gear is better? Fuck man.

So you implying you are/were USFK? I highly doubt it, just because of the way you present yourself here.
I dont like the deaths of my brothers being minimized and having to go to their wifes and kids and parents when I get home. Trying a new sources gear is pretty minimal when you put it in perspective. If you havent been there you wont understand....and you want to argue about whos gear is better? Fuck man.
I would bet very large sums of money that you have never seen a shot fired in anger pog. Have fun in the rear eating pizza and playing video games at the MWR fobbit.
Kane you brought up
Your service to arm forces in a steroid forum nobody else did ... You are the lowlife you are trying to refer to. Leave the honorable men and women of arm forces from your fucking last attempt to scam noobs.... Your status as a servicemen has nothing to do with your choice of UGL...
You are a fucking shill who's only intent is profit