Fucking HATERS... Let this guy make some fucking money. He's a god damn UGL WTF do you guys expect from us UGL's?!?! WE ARE NOT OPERATING WITH A MULTI MILLION DOLLAR BUDGET like a pharmaceutical company. Guys here at Meso clearly have hidden agendas I've seen it first hand. This level of hate HAS TO BE FUELED BY GREED!!!

He's allowed to make money when and where ppl want to buy from him. The majority here so far seem to not want to buy from him and it is their right to choose who to buy from
You don't get it.
I don't care who you "were" or what you "were" doing here, or how many accounts you have or had, or what you use them for.

Turning source is the same as turning snitch.
Once a snitch, always a snitch.
Your past here is irrelevant.
You are Xeno now and you have an agenda that is driven by monetary gain.

You want me to believe that you were once a respected member of this board, you want me to believe that "you are a good guy".
I don't.
I believe you are Xeno and you're here to market and sell yourself to members of this free forum for profit.

If its irrelevant, then why imply there is something wrong with having a previous handle? All i was saying in that statement is the fact i admitted to a previous handle should not mean anything, which it seems you agree with?
If its irrelevant, then why imply there is something wrong with having a previous handle? All i was saying in that statement is the fact i admitted to a previous handle should not mean anything, which it seems you agree with?
Hi dickhead.
I didn't imply anything was wrong or right with it.
I "simply" stated <---(you like that "simply" shit don't you) "The guy with at least 2 meso accounts wants to make another name for himself"
My, my for such a self proclaimed "good guy" you have quite the guilty conscience.
WTF do you guys expect from us UGL's
Ah this just warms my fucking heart, it's so sweet seeing you good guy sources sticking up for each other.
How many old ladies did you help cross a street today?
As far as our expectations for UGL's, mainly under-dosed or bunk, contaminated gear, or just straight up scams.
Why do you ask, should we expect different than what history has shown to be true?
Hi dickhead.
I didn't imply anything was wrong or right with it.
I "simply" stated <---(you like that "simply" shit don't you) "The guy with at least 2 meso accounts wants to make another name for himself"
My, my for such a self proclaimed "good guy" you have quite the guilty conscience.

You said it in a manner to incite doubt in my integrity based on the fact i want to make "another name for myself" aka had a previous handle.

Yes it is self proclaimed, i don't expect you to believe anything i say, i dont, but i was just speaking my mind. Its frustrating having all of the good intentions in the world and being told you're an asshole, piece of shit who will destroy peoples health and/or steal from them just to make a dollar.

I understand your opinion i really do, I would assume the same, it is reckless to assume otherwise. Im just doing my best to answer these accusations.

Im not telling anyone to buy from me just yet, wait until you see hard evidence from your own board, in the meantime lets be civil and i will be more than happy to answer questions and work with everyone.
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I always liked Hammers business model....Refuse to test product...posts pics of tits and ass..proclaim testing useless, go by "feel"...posts tits and ass....repeat....tests show gear is shit....hang head and go home...jack off to pics of tits and ass from members pic gallery at meso.
I always liked Hammers business model....Refuse to test product...posts pics of tits and ass..proclaim testing useless, go by "feel"...posts tits and ass....repeat....tests show gear is shit....hang head and go home...jack off to pics of tits and ass from members pic gallery at meso.

Yesterday a client posted bloodwork on EVO his total test was 10X good sir. A well known trusted member here at Meso posted 10X blood results as well. Do some reading pal. Sorry if you're a cock sucker and don't enjoy looking at hot pussy but my clients love the HAMMER-GIRLS :) and I have a lot of clients you fucking HATER YOU'RE PROBABLY PEDDLING SOME COOKING OIL THROUGH PM's HERE AT MESO AND THATS WHY YOU'RE ON HERE HATING ON THIS GUYS THREAD. THIS NEW HAMMER GIRL IS FOR YOU BUDDY :) ENJOY HER I KNOW I DID.
You said it in a manner to incite doubt in my integrity based on the fact i want to make "another name for myself" aka had a previous handle.

Isn't this kind of like you saying "100% confident that will never happen"? Saying it in a manner to incite doubt in ppl's mind about how an issue with sterility would never happen with your gear?
Go Fuck Yourself Hammer..... That is a tranny...We know you like em like that you twisted fuck.... As for your 10x? Every blind squirrel finds a nut one day.. Not everyday...
He's allowed to make money when and where ppl want to buy from him. The majority here so far seem to not want to buy from him and it is their right to choose who to buy from

Well the MAJORITY of REAL buyers don't even fucking post on here or the other boards they are members of. My biggest clients just lerk in the shadows. You dumb loud mouth attention whores don't buy shit anyways.
Go Fuck Yourself Hammer..... That is a tranny...We know you like em like that you twisted fuck.... As for your 10x? Every blind squirrel finds a nut one day.. Not everyday...

See this is what I'm talking about lol. You've never once done business with me and all the HATE. Honestly why do you give a FUCK what me or Xeno do pal? Looking out for the community huh lol yea I bet what a crock of SHIT. Hidden agendas!!!
Isn't this kind of like you saying "100% confident that will never happen"? Saying it in a manner to incite doubt in ppl's mind about how an issue with sterility would never happen with your gear?

Yes, I wanted to say it in a way that made it sound contamination was as close to never happening as it could get within the realm of possiblity. 100% is impossible, i know that, and i think everyone else does as well.
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Yesterday a client posted bloodwork on EVO his total test was 10X good sir. A well known trusted member here at Meso posted 10X blood results as well. Do some reading pal. Sorry if you're a cock sucker and don't enjoy looking at hot pussy but my clients love the HAMMER-GIRLS :) and I have a lot of clients you fucking HATER YOU'RE PROBABLY PEDDLING SOME COOKING OIL THROUGH PM's HERE AT MESO AND THATS WHY YOU'RE ON HERE HATING ON THIS GUYS THREAD. THIS NEW HAMMER GIRL IS FOR YOU BUDDY :) ENJOY HER I KNOW I DID.
Hammer Girls? Does that roughly translate to Google image pics that you've overlaid your logo onto? :rolleyes:
See this is what I'm talking about lol. You've never once done business with me and all the HATE. Honestly why do you give a FUCK what me or Xeno do pal? Looking out for the community huh lol yea I bet what a crock of SHIT. Hidden agendas!!!
I have no hidden agenda.. I could buy and sell you everyday for the rest of your life... Why does it matter to me you ask? I do not want new members taking the bullshit you post regarding your great results on a shit board (EVO) and thinking you are great. You had a bad run here and some shit results I have watched unfold involving new/younger members.. You don't even pretend to test your shit! I have been around for decades in this game only as a consumer, guys like you come and go...
Isn't this kind of like you saying "100% confident that will never happen"? Saying it in a manner to incite doubt in ppl's mind about how an issue with sterility would never happen with your gear?
Excellent!...X will never understand, because double standards do not apply to him.
Well the MAJORITY of REAL buyers don't even fucking post on here or the other boards they are members of. My biggest clients just lerk in the shadows. You dumb loud mouth attention whores don't buy shit anyways.

Well if the MAJORITY of REAL buyers don't post here or on other boards as you say why do you care what's said on the boards?

And you're right, I don't buy shit anyway... I brew my own gear ;)
Xeno try to bring out the big gun(hammer)
fuck you dip shit you can both get out of meso you won't make money here good bye sir
That is why hammers thread is on like the 5page be gone
To be honest I didn't expect much from xeno, like hammer said every ugl probably has a basic setup, I doubt anyone has a pharmacy like lab or anything close for that matter. The reason why everyone jumped on him, was because the way he presented himself, the procedures he takes and some of the claims he made.


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