Im not changing logic, 100% is always a figure of speech when there is clear room for human error.

So in your Intro this too is a figure of speech: "We will never put out a product we do not have 100% faith in".
Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we first practice to......market and sell homemade drugs on free internet forums.
Im not changing logic, 100% is always a figure of speech when there is clear room for human error. "i know" is not always a figure of speech especially in the context in which it was used and thus the difference.

"i know" always implies some form of evidence and usually a lot of it.

Dude, are you really reading what you're writing? You're grasping at straws at this point and reaching for the wrong straw to boot.

If you had wanted to be upfront you would have not used 100% confident, you would have amended your statement in the 200pgs since instead of simply continuing to defend an indefensible stance, or you would have explained the chance for human error from the beginning. The fact of the matter is, you used your "figure of speech" to imply sterility will never be a concern with your gear. You can sing and dance around the semantics for the next 200pgs but this does not change matters; it only keeps your name at the top of the queue.

You could have left it at "I'm confident that will never be an issue" or "I take precautions to ensure sterility is the highest priority", or something along those lines but you didn't leave room for human error in the words you actually posted. You left them out hoping the reader would interpret it as everyone in this thread has. You went back to your fail safe once it was called out which is "it's a figure of speech guys".

It's like when you're buying a car and the salesman tells you it's got a bumper to bumper warranty to cover everything....then when you go in to get a burnt out clutch replaced under warranty you find in the fine print "it's bumper to bumper but doesn't cover wear and tear items". You are using misleading and manipulative statements just like car salesmen do.

Furthermore, when I see "I know" and "I'm 100% confident" I place the higher burden of proof on "100% confident". You're asking Ben to defend himself with proof bc of his statement but for all we know he, like you're doing yourself, is allowing for human error and saying his burden of proof is met. Yet still you have done nothing to prove evidence for your statement even taking into account the human error deflection you're using. All you've mentioned is you use sealed sterile vials. That's only one part of the equation. What about the rest of the process???? Is sealed vials the only way you're 100% confident within human error deviations? What other steps do you take?

See we both can play on semantics.

You seem like your pretty good at reading a situation so ill ask your opinion.

If ben says he knows my other handle and proceeds to bash that handle, i ask him for evidence he then dodges the question, several days later he says he knows a second time on a seperate board and i ask for evidence again, he provides none.

What was ben's intention and was he being deceptive?

I think he wanted to make it look as if he had evidence to back up his claim and used his status to his advantage knowing everyone would believe him outright. He could have easily said "i think becuase" instead he said "i know" and left it at that.

I would say use this same criteria to evaluate your own statements.

You wanted it to look like sterility was a forgone conclusion not a continuous process and you used your old handle status/info to your advantage then refused to show it. I can somewhat understand why you don't want that public but the point remains, you attempted to use status yourself.

Just like Ben could have said "I think" or whatever so could you like I mentioned above.

I'm not personally attacking you nor am I belittling you. You've remained respectful so I will as well. Having said that, take yourself off defense and read my words wih an open mind. Do notAttempt to continue trying to save face bc you only dig your ditch deeper. I would wager members would respect you more for admitting an erroneous statement and manning up to it vs defending it to your dying breath.
So in your Intro this too is a figure of speech: "We will never put out a product we do not have 100% faith in".
Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we first practice to......market and sell homemade drugs on free internet forums.

You are right on this one since it is possible to have 100% faith, that was a gross overstatement long term. I do have a hell of a lot of faith in the product on hand but i cant say near 100% until i have HPLC testing.

You are right.
You are right on this one since it is possible to have 100% faith, that was a gross overstatement long term. I do have a hell of a lot of faith in the product on hand but i cant say near 100% until i have HPLC testing.

You are right.
How bout this one from your intro as well, is it also a figure of speech:
"We have done melting point tests on our products and all have passed and 100% liquefied at the correct temperatures and temperature ranges".
I mean if "100% is always a figure of speech when there is clear room for human error"..is there NOT "clear room for human error" on the correct temperatures and temperature ranges, or the conclusion of 100% liquefaction?
Dude, are you really reading what you're writing? You're grasping at straws at this point and reaching for the wrong straw to boot.

If you had wanted to be upfront you would have not used 100% confident, you would have amended your statement in the 200pgs since instead of simply continuing to defend an indefensible stance, or you would have explained the chance for human error from the beginning. The fact of the matter is, you used your "figure of speech" to imply sterility will never be a concern with your gear. You can sing and dance around the semantics for the next 200pgs but this does not change matters; it only keeps your name at the top of the queue.

You could have left it at "I'm confident that will never be an issue" or "I take precautions to ensure sterility is the highest priority", or something along those lines but you didn't leave room for human error in the words you actually posted. You left them out hoping the reader would interpret it as everyone in this thread has. You went back to your fail safe once it was called out which is "it's a figure of speech guys".

It's like when you're buying a car and the salesman tells you it's got a bumper to bumper warranty to cover everything....then when you go in to get a burnt out clutch replaced under warranty you find in the fine print "it's bumper to bumper but doesn't cover wear and tear items". You are using misleading and manipulative statements just like car salesmen do.

Furthermore, when I see "I know" and "I'm 100% confident" I place the higher burden of proof on "100% confident". You're asking Ben to defend himself with proof bc of his statement but for all we know he, like you're doing yourself, is allowing for human error and saying his burden of proof is met. Yet still you have done nothing to prove evidence for your statement even taking into account the human error deflection you're using. All you've mentioned is you use sealed sterile vials. That's only one part of the equation. What about the rest of the process???? Is sealed vials the only way you're 100% confident within human error deviations? What other steps do you take?

See we both can play on semantics.

I would say use this same criteria to evaluate your own statements.

You wanted it to look like sterility was a forgone conclusion not a continuous process and you used your old handle status/info to your advantage then refused to show it. I can somewhat understand why you don't want that public but the point remains, you attempted to use status yourself.

Just like Ben could have said "I think" or whatever so could you like I mentioned above.

I'm not personally attacking you nor am I belittling you. You've remained respectful so I will as well. Having said that, take yourself off defense and read my words wih an open mind. Do notAttempt to continue trying to save face bc you only dig your ditch deeper. I would wager members would respect you more for admitting an erroneous statement and manning up to it vs defending it to your dying breath.
(Slow golf clap)....clap, clap, clap, clap.
Dude, are you really reading what you're writing? You're grasping at straws at this point and reaching for the wrong straw to boot.

If you had wanted to be upfront you would have not used 100% confident, you would have amended your statement in the 200pgs since instead of simply continuing to defend an indefensible stance, or you would have explained the chance for human error from the beginning. The fact of the matter is, you used your "figure of speech" to imply sterility will never be a concern with your gear. You can sing and dance around the semantics for the next 200pgs but this does not change matters; it only keeps your name at the top of the queue.

You could have left it at "I'm confident that will never be an issue" or "I take precautions to ensure sterility is the highest priority", or something along those lines but you didn't leave room for human error in the words you actually posted. You left them out hoping the reader would interpret it as everyone in this thread has. You went back to your fail safe once it was called out which is "it's a figure of speech guys".

It's like when you're buying a car and the salesman tells you it's got a bumper to bumper warranty to cover everything....then when you go in to get a burnt out clutch replaced under warranty you find in the fine print "it's bumper to bumper but doesn't cover wear and tear items". You are using misleading and manipulative statements just like car salesmen do.

Furthermore, when I see "I know" and "I'm 100% confident" I place the higher burden of proof on "100% confident". You're asking Ben to defend himself with proof bc of his statement but for all we know he, like you're doing yourself, is allowing for human error and saying his burden of proof is met. Yet still you have done nothing to prove evidence for your statement even taking into account the human error deflection you're using. All you've mentioned is you use sealed sterile vials. That's only one part of the equation. What about the rest of the process???? Is sealed vials the only way you're 100% confident within human error deviations? What other steps do you take?

See we both can play on semantics.

I would say use this same criteria to evaluate your own statements.

You wanted it to look like sterility was a forgone conclusion not a continuous process and you used your old handle status/info to your advantage then refused to show it. I can somewhat understand why you don't want that public but the point remains, you attempted to use status yourself.

Just like Ben could have said "I think" or whatever so could you like I mentioned above.

I'm not personally attacking you nor am I belittling you. You've remained respectful so I will as well. Having said that, take yourself off defense and read my words wih an open mind. Do notAttempt to continue trying to save face bc you only dig your ditch deeper. I would wager members would respect you more for admitting an erroneous statement and manning up to it vs defending it to your dying breath.

I havent been defending the claim itself ive been defending the intention, as it was portrayed as intended to decieve. This was not the case and thus i defended that fact.

I totally agree with you, i will amend my statement to 99.9% which i do not think is an overstatement. If i do 100 cooks i can almost guarantee none of them will be contaminated, ive done almost 100 already in seperate experiments and homebrews and none of them have had issues.

I stated i use mask glove full gown .22 filters and pre-sealed vials.

I mentioned my old handle for two reasons,
1.for full disclosure (i actually intended on releasing it but that was ignorant considering the information on it)
2. To let everyone know i care.
I agree that 2. looks suspicious.

You are also right that sterility is not a forgone conclusion and i did make it look that way however i wasnt trying to decieve anyone i was only trying to say the chances of contamination are slim to none because they are.

Ive only been trying to defend my integrity not my claim. That claim should have been "im confident that will never be an issue" like you say.
How bout this one from your intro as well, is it also a figure of speech:
"We have done melting point tests on our products and all have passed and 100% liquefied at the correct temperatures and temperature ranges".
I mean if "100% is always a figure of speech when there is clear room for human error"..is there NOT "clear room for human error" on the correct temperatures and temperature ranges, or the conclusion of 100% liquefaction?

No not this one, your proving my point again, human error deviation is intrinsic and therefore does not need to be spelled out for this statement, because like you just stated there is clear room for human error here.
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I would just like to mention,

Im not trying to pull one over on anyone, i even made posts where i said dont buy from me im new spend your money elsewhere in bold and underlined. I really dont feel like i come off as this decietful scammer or incompetent bro trying to push shitty gear.

Ive admitted all of my shortcomings without even being asked. Im new to sourcing and i have limited testing. Im just here to slowly make a name for myself.
I would just like to mention,
Im not trying to pull one over on anyone, i even made posts where i said dont buy from me im new spend your money elsewhere in bold and underlined. I really dont feel like i come off as this decietful scammer or incompetent bro trying to push shitty gear.
Ive admitted all of my shortcomings without even being asked. Im new to sourcing and i have limited testing. Im just here to slowly make a name for myself.

A name? Really?
The guy with at least 2 meso accounts wants to make another name for himself?
Don't you really mean "I just want to sell homemade drugs anonymously here on this free internet site"?
Well, I suppose congrats are in order, because you're absolutely making a name for yourself.
A name as a source.

Why is admitting to a previous account so terrible. Anyone could have had a previous account and im willing to bet alot of these sources like one pharma and 24k were previous members. I dont know if they admitted to that or not but its highly likely in my opinion. I dont have anyone here thats raving about my gear, so what exactly do you believe im doing with that account and is it something not possible for a source who has not admitted to a second account to do?
Hate to say it but One of the names mentioned above was just a newbie with an idea now everyone is on the cock
Just saying he even wanted members to chip into his cause
But carry on on how your so truthful and genuine and not a liar
Hate to say it but One of the names mentioned above was just a newbie with an idea now everyone is on the cock
Just saying he even wanted members to chip into his cause
But carry on on how your so truthful and genuine and not a liar

I said everything i wanted to, thanks for looking at the previous handle thing objectively.
A name as a source.

Why is admitting to a previous account so terrible. Anyone could have had a previous account and im willing to bet alot of these sources like one pharma and 24k were previous members. I dont know if they admitted to that or not but its highly likely in my opinion. I dont have anyone here thats raving about my gear, so what exactly do you believe im doing with that account and is it something not possible for a source who has not admitted to a second account to do?
You don't get it.
I don't care who you "were" or what you "were" doing here, or how many accounts you have or had, or what you use them for.

Turning source is the same as turning snitch.
Once a snitch, always a snitch.
Your past here is irrelevant.
You are Xeno now and you have an agenda that is driven by monetary gain.
You want me to believe that you were once a respected member of this board, you want me to believe that "you are a good guy".
I don't.
I believe you are Xeno and you're here to market and sell yourself to members of this free forum for profit.
Fucking HATERS... Let this guy make some fucking money. He's a god damn UGL WTF do you guys expect from us UGL's?!?! WE ARE NOT OPERATING WITH A MULTI MILLION DOLLAR BUDGET like a pharmaceutical company. Guys here at Meso clearly have hidden agendas I've seen it first hand. This level of hate HAS TO BE FUELED BY GREED!!!
Leave this guy alone Jesus Christ. He's probably got a regular old UGL set up like the rest of us. He sounds intelligent so I'm sure he can follow a fucking steroid recipe to brew. If you want PHARMA GRADE shit go buy PHARMA GRADE shit. Fucking haters.
Leave this guy alone Jesus Christ. He's probably got a regular old UGL set up like the rest of us. He sounds intelligent so I'm sure he can follow a fucking steroid recipe to brew. If you want PHARMA GRADE shit go buy PHARMA GRADE shit. Fucking haters.
You're funny LOL


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