Your reasoning 100% is not possible is because im human therefore to take 100% literally you would have to think im claiming to be more than human.
So you thought i was claiming to be more than human?
This is really starting to not make any sense guys.
Typical source behavior.
Spin it back on the community, accuse us, spin, spin, spin.
I can say with 100% confidence that I will eventually die...it will occur.
Do you think I am human when I make that statement, did you take it literally?
Bitch please...just admit you were talking out of your ass.
Typical source behavior.
Spin it back on the community, accuse us, spin, spin, spin.
I can say with 100% confidence that I will eventually die...it will occur.
Do you think I am human when I make that statement, did you take it literally?
Bitch please...just admit you were talking out of your ass.

Umm yes i did because 100% of humans die? You just proved my point of intrisic human traits actually.

I wasn't talking out of my ass, 100% is clearly impossible as long as you're human, like i said it was a figure of speech meant to be taken as such, i was not claiming to be a god. Im not sure why thats hard to believe.
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Umm yes i did because 100% of humans die? You just proved my point of intrisic human traits actually.

I wasn't talking out of my ass, 100% is clearly impossible as long as you're human, like i said it was a figure of speech meant to be taken as such, i was not claiming to be a god. Im not sure why thats hard to believe.

Actually, dickhead, you just proved my point.
When I said 100% I actually meant it and you understood it to mean 100% and to also be true...but when you said it you couldn't back it up and side stepped the statement when you were called out on it.

Admit the facts, you actually can't forecast a guarantee with ANY percentage that your gear will never cause harm to someone, not 100%, not 99.99% not 1%.
Just as we can't guarantee that it will cause harm.

However I wasn't the one that said I'm 100% confident that contaminated gear will occur...I "simply" <---you like that word don't you) asked you what you would do if it did occur.
And just like every other slick-willy source that has come and gone in meso's past, you were QUICK to march out an agenda based marketing retort that doesn't hold water.

AKA talking out of your ass.
Actually, dickhead, you just proved my point.
When I said 100% I actually meant it and you understood it to mean 100% and to also be true...but when you said it you couldn't back it up and side stepped the statement when you were called out on it.

Admit the facts, you actually can't forecast a guarantee with ANY percentage that your gear will never cause harm to someone, not 100%, not 99.99% not 1%.
Just as we can't guarantee that it will cause harm.

However I wasn't the one that said I'm 100% confident that contaminated gear will occur...I "simply" <---you like that word don't you) asked you what you would do if it did occur.
And just like every other slick-willy source that has come and gone in meso's past, you were QUICK to march out an agenda based marketing retort that doesn't hold water.

AKA talking out of your ass.
Nice, laying the smackdown!
Im sorry but you arent making any sense, i understood your 100% claim of death to be true because it is an intrisic human quality that 100% of us die, the same as it is an intrisic human quality that 0% of us can make a 100% guarantee in which we are involved. The potential for human error will always exist. Therefore for you to assume my statement was literal you would have to assume i was claiming to be more than human, this is irrefutable.

You want something to discredit me with i get it, but this will never make any sense.

This dialouge is neither constructive or helpful to anyone. Im content to letting you have the last word, say what you will in response and lets end this.
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Im sorry but you arent making any sense, i understood your 100% claim of death to be true because it is an intrisic human quality that 100% of us die, the same as it is an intrisic human quality that none of us can make a 100% guarantee in which we are involved. The potential for human error will always exist. Therefore for you to assume my statement was literal you would have to assume a claim of being more than human.

This dialouge is neither constructive or helpful to anyone.

Im content to letting you have the last word, say what you will in response and lets end this.
Again, more of your agenda based opinions on what is or ins't "helpful" to meso members!
But yet you don't fancy yourself as a condescending know-it-all....smfh.

It is an intrinsic human quality that AAS sources can't be trusted.
The End.
I can careless
Are any meso members testing this gear lab max, bloods, sending it out Any trusted member anyone
That doesn't help right now
Other members should speak up I can.take a.guess who order from you and that they are wkms hope they can test it and speak up
This is crazy, I've tried for 30 pages and nothing productive has occured, ill be back on when i have HPLC testing. For anyone interested we will have a blood test out on evo beggining of july hes a respected guy and his order was purchased.

I know you think I'm giving you a hard time. I was gonna stand down, as these guys are handling things just fine, until the remark about the respected guy at evo. I think you know where I'm going with this?
I can think of 1 guy I would consider worthy of having his handle in the same paragraph as the word respect. I know its not him doing whatever it is you have someone doing.
I also am of the belief that you thought hinting but not telling us your handle would afford you a bit of credibility. Unfortunately, I told you the adjectives I'd tag to your handle. They're in a different zip code than "respected" resides.
Silence is golden indeed, after BB69 laid the royal smackdown on Xeno...now that says a lot about the people we have here!

Come on Xeno you got any other great comebacks?


Guess not...bet Evo hates you as well as UGBB so that tells even more ;)
I know you think I'm giving you a hard time. I was gonna stand down, as these guys are handling things just fine, until the remark about the respected guy at evo. I think you know where I'm going with this?
I can think of 1 guy I would consider worthy of having his handle in the same paragraph as the word respect. I know its not him doing whatever it is you have someone doing.
I also am of the belief that you thought hinting but not telling us your handle would afford you a bit of credibility. Unfortunately, I told you the adjectives I'd tag to your handle. They're in a different zip code than "respected" resides.

Well you're entitled to your opinion, im not having him do anything, but if you would like to believe that i cant stop you.

I only gave the information that was requested regarding my handle. I didnt hint at anything i answered a question.

I asked this on ugbb as well but didnt recieve a response, you keep claiming you "know" my handle and you stated it was @SpartacusOmega but you havent produced any type of evidence linking me to him, which you should have more than a decent amount of since your claiming to know?
Silence is golden indeed, after BB69 laid the royal smackdown on Xeno...now that says a lot about the people we have here!

Come on Xeno you got any other great comebacks?


Guess not...bet Evo hates you as well as UGBB so that tells even more ;)

They defintely dont but i thought Evo didnt mean anything?

Cant be both.
It's "very simple" fellas, he's obviously preoccupied filling his duties as a Keynote speaker at Donald Trump's Buisness Sustainability Symposium, or off doing "nothing but honest" random acts of kindness for the good of the community, walking old ladies across streets and shit. He'll be back....he has meso right where he wants us!
And there he is!
@Xeno Pharmaceuticals , please answer this question:

How will you validate you are in fact sending in your finished product and not a prescription testosterone product from the pharmacy?
I would ask 1fnprick to send in a vial of test he has and resend his with shipping cost he will incur jammed in the box of replacement test.
My friend prick will shoot it. We trust him. We practically could write each others biography.