This is crazy, I've tried for 30 pages and nothing productive has occured, ill be back on when i have HPLC testing. For anyone interested we will have a blood test out on evo beggining of july hes a respected guy and his order was purchased.


I asked a "productive" question but you decided to incite me instead.

Which compounds are you having tested?
Just to be clear, you haven't sent in the first sample yet. When you do, it will either be test-e or test-c.

All correct?

Yes that is correct i was trying to get it out last wednesday but there was an issue with the order and the the chinese dragon boat festival pushed it back even further. I will let everyone know when it is sent.

Also this is a new supplier im testing.
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It is finished product.

I will also reimburse random user testing through Simec for anyone who is interested in the future. Do not notify me beforehand, post the results and i will give double the cost in-store credit.

How will you attempt to validate that you're not sending in prescription testosterone you purchased from a pharmacy?
For who gives a damn I was curious about this gear. I took a chance on a small order.
Got 2 bottles of tren-a and 2 decca. First pin was tonight can't say anything good about the gear to early. But will keep those who care posted now and then.
Will be running this with test from another source.
For who gives a damn I was curious about this gear. I took a chance on a small order.
Got 2 bottles of tren-a and 2 decca. First pin was tonight can't say anything good about the gear to early. But will keep those who care posted now and then.
Will be running this with test from another source.
Good luck and just to help us all out why not put up bloods and/or a labmax?
Is now a bad time to state that shit in business rarely stays linear for anything? Cost functions aren't all linear. You already have potentially bankrupted yourself without even turning a profit and I don't think you even realize it.
Is now a bad time to state that shit in business rarely stays linear for anything? Cost functions aren't all linear. You already have potentially bankrupted yourself without even turning a profit and I don't think you even realize it.
Good logic there Doc
Is now a bad time to state that shit in business rarely stays linear for anything? Cost functions aren't all linear. You already have potentially bankrupted yourself without even turning a profit and I don't think you even realize it.

If everything i sent out was bad i have enough to replace it and yes at that point i would be in the red. I will always save enough to replace product, my point was this is not difficult to do considering the mark-up and at this time vials sold and profit are linear for me.

However i took precautions and everyone is happy.

If everything i sent out was bad i have enough to replace it and yes at that point i would be in the red. I will always save enough to replace product, my point was this is not difficult to do considering the mark-up and at this time vials sold and profit are linear for me.

However i took precautions and everyone is happy.

You aren't out of the woods yet so don't be so quick.
If everything i sent out was bad i have enough to replace it and yes at that point i would be in the red. I will always save enough to replace product, my point was this is not difficult to do considering the mark-up and at this time vials sold and profit are linear for me.

However i took precautions and everyone is happy.


I'm not even talking about if everything is bad. Quite the opposite, I went under the assumption everything would be good. Still doesn't change what I said.
If everything i sent out was bad i have enough to replace it and yes at that point i would be in the red. I will always save enough to replace product, my point was this is not difficult to do considering the mark-up and at this time vials sold and profit are linear for me.

However i took precautions and everyone is happy.


Still twisting the fail safe linear cash flow theory, huh?
@Xeno Pharmaceuticals , please answer this question:

How will you validate you are in fact sending in your finished product and not a prescription testosterone product from the pharmacy?

Im not sure how i would be able to validate that, i will see if Simec can take a picture of the vial? Even then i guess i could replace the pharma vial label with my own but that is the closest we can get if im sending it in myself. The user results will have to substantiate the test in that way unfortunately. There will have to be some form of trust on this. Your point is valid, this is not a fool proof method.

Im open to suggestion if there is a better way that im overlooking.

What i would really like to see is random user HPLC testing, which is why im offering the double in-store credit as an incentive. User results and bloodwork combined with HPLC testing on my end is still secondary to that.
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Im not sure how i would be able to validate that, i will see if Simec can take a picture of the vial? Even then i guess i could replace the pharma vial label with my own but that is the closest we can get if im sending it in myself. The user results will have to substantiate the test in that way unfortunately. There will have to be some form of trust on this. Your point is valid, this is not a fool proof method.

Im open to suggestion if there is a better way that im overlooking.

What i would really like to see is random user HPLC testing, which is why im offering the double in-store credit as an incentive. User results and bloodwork combined with HPLC testing on my end is still secondary to that.

