Your cruising dose poll

What's your cruise dose?

  • 125

    Votes: 17 10.2%
  • 150

    Votes: 26 15.7%
  • 160

    Votes: 14 8.4%
  • 200

    Votes: 43 25.9%
  • 250

    Votes: 17 10.2%
  • 300

    Votes: 10 6.0%
  • More than above

    Votes: 15 9.0%
  • Mix of steroids (T+ add ons)

    Votes: 19 11.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 3.0%

  • Total voters
Have you tried any other dosages? How would you compare them?

Btw I like your response, it makes sense.
I have tried 125(0,5ml)-150-200-250-300-200with primo or mast-200 with 100deca.

Honestly 300 Test prop feels best but i cant stop feeling guilty like its too much so i stick with 200 TestC.

My health markers all go back to normal with even 300 but to be safe i just do the 200.

When i used Mast or Primo my Shbg and lipids never fully recovered so its a no go and Deca just makes me feel weird.
I have tried 125(0,5ml)-150-200-250-300-200with primo or mast-200 with 100deca.

Honestly 300 Test prop feels best but i cant stop feeling guilty like its too much so i stick with 200 TestC.

My health markers all go back to normal with even 300 but to be safe i just do the 200.

When i used Mast or Primo my Shbg and lipids never fully recovered so its a no go and Deca just makes me feel weird.
I guess we are very similar right here. I experience almost the same you do, just right now experimenting with Test U (undecanoate ester) and it kinda works good, besides pinning once per week is a relief.
Since most people voted for 200mg followed by 150mg weekly. What differences do you notice between 150 vs 200 if any? Side effects, estrogen control, blood pressure, gains, size, strength retention, feels and anything else. Please share.

Ive done 140 and 200,
200 I know Im on something because I feel it, just feels different. 140 doesnt produce that same feeling, more natty feeling at that dose.
250mg will bring many people to only 1,000-1,500ng/dl.
Milligrams of testosterone are not worth comparing, it is 2024, we should be discussing blood levels.
Also, the effect of 900ng/dl vs 1,500ng/dl on bloodwork is negligible in my experience.
Not that you do this, but many people speak about this topic and gatekeep/virtue signal and attempt to shame others over 50mg or 100mg difference, when there is high individual variability.
It’s quite individual, 175mg of test U once per weeks keeps me at an an average of 977ng/dl
From personal experience 125mg makes me feel like a natural, but then I start to question myself why I bother if it's not enough?

150 and 160 (160 cuz it gets me straight to 1000's and it's a bit psycholigical boost if nothing else, I just love that number). Here I can say I feel the difference and I'm gettin the benefits over the natural. Looking fuller, hornier cuz sex drive is amazing here, feeling good, only perhaps missing some of the fireworks that come with a bit higher dosages.

200 is where it brings the best balance I guess the advantage over the natural is night and day. Size retention is good, fullness is balanced with just good enough and zero bloat, strength is decent, feeling well and sex drive is fine. Feeling kinda enhanced but on the edge of maximum TRT dose, so not cheating technically speaking. Supernatural feeling lol. But it's good, very good, maybe even damn good.

250, I used to love this dose. Man, I thought this was it. But later on as time passed by things have changed. It's unnecessary and brings more sides for no real benefit for a cruise. Half cycle, half cruise makes no sense anymore.

300 pretty much the above, just more e2 sides and feeling more mood swings here and there. Not exactly what I like, so I just skip it.

400 is good, I have to admit. It brings exactly what I want out of steroids. Enhanced feeling, confidence boost, size, fullness, strength and sex drive is sometimes just crazy. But the sides creep up and over time body just gets tired, so not really sustainable long term. Otherwise my favorite Testosterone dosage ever.

500 is where that limit is for me, I definitely feel like a tank and so dominant. Size and strength are beast like. Not too heavy, but already feel like a weighty backpack attached to my back. Something like an M5 BMW. Crazy and daily, but still practical nonetheless. Sides are manageable, but still there and bothers me overtime.

600 is the absolute maximum I can personally tolerate. Beyond which makes me feel like a gorilla and not think straight. It brings it's own set of side effects and makes it quite hard to sustain this state. I feel good, but the heaviness and all that nasty stuff becomes too much and too intense to do long term.
Fyi the above post is my personal observation and experience, trying to find the perfect or the best cruise dose and protocol for myself.
75mg test C every 3.5 days for 150/wk
25mg DHEA am
20mg pregnenolone at bed
250mcg HCG M/W/F

When on TRT before I ran the above along with 12.5mg of Proviron 2x daily. Instead of the Proviron, I'm probably going to opt for Primo this time around and keep an eye on my labs. I'm thinking 150 Test C to 60mg Primo, split as 30mg 2x weekly.

Proviron always kept my e2 in the perfect zone with that regimen in the past. I'm hoping primo will offer the same without overdoing it.
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I've tried quite a few doses from 125mg - 250mg.

Went to a TRT clinic to get a legal prescription and they put me on 200mg a week. Feels great, but doesn't feel like I'm "on" if you know what I mean. This is the "proper" medical dose for me (5'8-5'9 and 195lbs with an athletic build).

As you said, 200 seems to be the best balance. No sides at all, but I'm able to lift hard 5-6 days a week and rarely have to take an extra rest day. I can go hiking or boxing and don't feel weighed down by bloat or funk. It also keeps my health markers good so I can sprinkle in some masteron or anadrol without having to worry about unnecessary risk.

Current cruise is 200mg test / 75mg mast weekly, and 2.5iu of GH every night. This is the best I've ever felt as far as health, training, recovery, sleep, etc.
Of course I'm not filling out clothes and setting PRs like I would on cycle, but this is an awesome balance for me.