Your cruising dose poll

What's your cruise dose?

  • 125

    Votes: 17 10.2%
  • 150

    Votes: 26 15.7%
  • 160

    Votes: 14 8.4%
  • 200

    Votes: 43 25.9%
  • 250

    Votes: 17 10.2%
  • 300

    Votes: 10 6.0%
  • More than above

    Votes: 15 9.0%
  • Mix of steroids (T+ add ons)

    Votes: 19 11.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 3.0%

  • Total voters
Somebody already did, this is not new. There has been numerous discussions about this already even among doctors for years, I don’t want to dig up all the information.

Anyway, maybe @Liter O' Test just don’t use gh if you’re scared of bubble gut or stay lean, guess who else have bubble guts, obese people.

Anyway, if you can prove that gh causes turtle shell guts then tell pfizer so they can add it to the other side effects in their leaflets.
honestly im scared of acromegoly, thats what people dont talk about. Its fine if you're a competitor or 40+ years old or married to a committed partner. Its a sensitive subject, but if we dont talk about it, with the prices and "harm reduction" we have going on right now, we are going to have kids with fucked up faces from chinese GH that don't look like they lift, cause they were told to do 5IU year round because using 1 gram + is "dangerous".

Some people can pull it off, if theyre jacked enough its proportional, or started off handsome enough they could knock themselves down a point or two (jay cutler) and still look good, or if it goes straight to their jaw... or they get a rhinoplasty or other plastic surgeries.. I'm lucky to come out unscathed from my 10IU a day for 2 months at 23 years old, at the time I had no idea of the risks and i'm glad external forces in my life caused me to stop because lord knows I cannot afford to make myself even 1% uglier.
honestly im scared of acromegoly, thats what people dont talk about. Its fine if you're a competitor or 40+ years old or married to a committed partner. Its a sensitive subject, but if we dont talk about it, with the prices and "harm reduction" we have going on right now, we are going to have kids with fucked up faces from chinese GH that don't look like they lift, cause they were told to do 5IU year round because using 1 gram + is "dangerous".

Some people can pull it off, if theyre jacked enough its proportional, or started off handsome enough they could knock themselves down a point or two (jay cutler) and still look good, or if it goes straight to their jaw... or they get a rhinoplasty or other plastic surgeries.. I'm lucky to come out unscathed from my 10IU a day for 2 months at 23 years old, at the time I had no idea of the risks and i'm glad external forces in my life caused me to stop because lord knows I cannot afford to make myself even 1% uglier.
I can understand you’re position, however, you cannot base your thinking off fear mongering make decisions based on information you come across the forums without further checking the information yourself.

Any of these drugs we use can be harmful if abused, hell the most famous obesity drug right now and its kind, glp1s can cause cancer to some individuals yet pharmaceutical companies peddle it like crazy.

End of the day, make an educated decision and live with it. You want to be safe, don’t use anything, that is harm reduction at its finest. But to mitigate the risks, you need to keep on researching or work with a professional to ensure that you have access to proven information.

Good luck.
I can understand you’re position, however, you cannot base your thinking off fear mongering make decisions based on information you come across the forums without further checking the information yourself.

Any of these drugs we use can be harmful if abused, hell the most famous obesity drug right now and its kind, glp1s can cause cancer to some individuals yet pharmaceutical companies peddle it like crazy.

End of the day, make an educated decision and live with it. You want to be safe, don’t use anything, that is harm reduction at its finest. But to mitigate the risks, you need to keep on researching or work with a professional to ensure that you have access to proven information.

Good luck.

There is zero evidence GLPs cause cancer in humans, in fact, the evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates cancer risk is significantly reduced by use of GLPs, unless you're a lab rat.

I'm well aware some desperately want there to be some awful life destroying downside for these "cheaters", but with over 50 million people having used GLP meds over 30 years there's not a shred of clinical evidence.

We can see the reality of acromegaly in numerous living examples, even though only a minuscule proportion of people use HGH.
if HGH made you look younger, these guys taking 20-40IU a day would be the youngest looking guys on the planet.

Joints might feel good, but if you grow literally everything and have increased cell turnover in every cell, youre basically speeding up time, look at how guys noses/ears compare to old mens.

Compare that to some alcoholics or drug addicts who probably have had their IGF-1 in the gutter for years since their sleep has been ruined and their diet was nearly malnutrition. Some of these guys in their 40s look much younger than their age when they get clean, and i think theres more to it than genetics.
I call BS on that. Look at Stallone .... he looks good for 77.
i can maintain my body at 600 mg test while eating like shit or not training for 2 weeks sometimes. Will i be able to do this with 200 mg?
Actually, if your diet and training is in place then 200mg will beat 600mg with his shit diet anytime. People think it like steroids are number one when in reality it's just a tool that can unlock your potential and let you achieve next level body given stimulus (training) and balanced energy intake (diet).
honestly im scared of acromegoly, thats what people dont talk about. Its fine if you're a competitor or 40+ years old or married to a committed partner. Its a sensitive subject, but if we dont talk about it, with the prices and "harm reduction" we have going on right now, we are going to have kids with fucked up faces from chinese GH that don't look like they lift, cause they were told to do 5IU year round because using 1 gram + is "dangerous".

Some people can pull it off, if theyre jacked enough its proportional, or started off handsome enough they could knock themselves down a point or two (jay cutler) and still look good, or if it goes straight to their jaw... or they get a rhinoplasty or other plastic surgeries.. I'm lucky to come out unscathed from my 10IU a day for 2 months at 23 years old, at the time I had no idea of the risks and i'm glad external forces in my life caused me to stop because lord knows I cannot afford to make myself even 1% uglier.

The poison is in the dose like all things. I dont think Acromegaly is something to worry about if you start HGH in your late 30's or later. Also I think there's a huge difference in running 2ius Ed for anti-aging vs 10+ ius for new lean tissue. Where the line falls in between that dose no one really knows. It's probably individualized where that dose needs to be. I do wish we saw more randomized control studies but I don't the no you'll get doctors signing up to test dose ppl with HGH for aesthetics.
The poison is in the dose like all things. I dont think Acromegaly is something to worry about if you start HGH in your late 30's or later. Also I think there's a huge difference in running 2ius Ed for anti-aging vs 10+ ius for new lean tissue. Where the line falls in between that dose no one really knows. It's probably individualized where that dose needs to be. I do wish we saw more randomized control studies but I don't the no you'll get doctors signing up to test dose ppl with HGH for aesthetics.

Exactly. Therapeutic at one dose, toxic at another.

Water is deadly at a high enough dose.
Exactly. Therapeutic at one dose, toxic at another.

Water is deadly at a high enough dose.
Even food is. Overeat and you get fat. Everything needs to be done with moderation and balance, it's when people lose it and want more and more and it's not enough then it's a problem.
Sorry gents - I created a post for this before finding this one but its relevant here also:

I'm about 6 weeks into my summer "blast" of 12 weeks
-100mg Test C pinned every 3rd day
-12.5 mg Oxandrolone 2x per day (6 weeks only - just started for last 6 weeks of blast)
-2.4 iu GH 5 on/2 off

This puts me at trough at 1200
IGF-1 of 370

55 years old
6'4, 255 lbs
Solid/muscular but no idea on bf%
Not trying to compete just battle father time, look good and have some fun in the gym while avoiding injury
Mostly TRT with a few "blasts" per year

(I realize this is less than a cruise for some of you young bucks)

Been great in the gym but holding a bunch of water, having bitchy mental sides, etc. so added .25 anastrozole after last pin two days ago. Wow - in two days my body comp and appearance has changed dramatically as well as my state of mind. I usually avoid AI but glad I jumped on this time (I was starting to blame my normally-reliable gh but it wasn't that). Normally I would have confirmed with bloods but I was 95% sure it was estrogen and I was right.

Will stay with .25 anastrozole after each pin for the remainder of the blast and drop it once I drop back down to TRT (50mg every 3rd day, no oral).
Your "Blast" is less weekly than @bighunanballs "TRT +". LOL.

I like your style and I think those doses are great! Lowest necessary doses to achieve the goal is always best. Smart moves right here.
Since most people voted for 200mg followed by 150mg weekly. What differences do you notice between 150 vs 200 if any? Side effects, estrogen control, blood pressure, gains, size, strength retention, feels and anything else. Please share.