Your cruising dose poll

What's your cruise dose?

  • 125

    Votes: 17 10.2%
  • 150

    Votes: 26 15.7%
  • 160

    Votes: 14 8.4%
  • 200

    Votes: 43 25.9%
  • 250

    Votes: 17 10.2%
  • 300

    Votes: 10 6.0%
  • More than above

    Votes: 15 9.0%
  • Mix of steroids (T+ add ons)

    Votes: 19 11.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 3.0%

  • Total voters
Tren in a TRT?

How long are you running this for? Doesnt it tank your lipids big time?
bloods are fine. i do monthly and will have june bloods done soon. ive been on it since end of feb although i started at 5mg ED and titrated up to 10mg ED over the first month. almost no sides other than an uptick in aggression/anger that i utilize while in the gym. my wife says im snippier but other than that i sleep fine ( i take 2 benedryl ever 2-3 nights to really knock me out). we keep that house at 68 degrees and i sleep with a fan blowing on me so no sweats. ill prob drag it out all this year unless i have a burp on my bloods then ill assess.
I responded 'other.'
A cruise dose for me is essentially my TRT or a bit less. 75 to 100 mg of test a week.
Same here, doc prescribed me 120mg every two weeks lol, but I increased it to 80-100mg per week depending if I over/under draw my oil. This puts me to 750-900 Total testosterone.

I ran my cruise for 3-4 months or even longer depending on blood work results or if I am ready to dedicate to a growth/leaning phase.
Seems so far that most guys like 200mg per week followed by 150mg which takes a second place. I think it's safe to say it brings the best balance between performance enhancement, muscle retention and health. It's still very interesting discussion with many outliers and personal preferences. Love it.
bloods are fine. i do monthly and will have june bloods done soon. ive been on it since end of feb although i started at 5mg ED and titrated up to 10mg ED over the first month. almost no sides other than an uptick in aggression/anger that i utilize while in the gym. my wife says im snippier but other than that i sleep fine ( i take 2 benedryl ever 2-3 nights to really knock me out). we keep that house at 68 degrees and i sleep with a fan blowing on me so no sweats. ill prob drag it out all this year unless i have a burp on my bloods then ill assess.
Would you post your bloodwork? If not, feel free to DM it to me. I'm honestly interested in what it looks like on those dosages.
You should
Seems so far that most guys like 200mg per week followed by 150mg which takes a second place. I think it's safe to say it brings the best balance between performance enhancement, muscle retention and health. It's still very interesting discussion with many outliers and personal preferences. Love it.
check out the thread classic “10mg per day” on promuscle sometime. It totally changed my thoughts on TRT. Seriously, it’s an excellent thread for this topic.
150 test/150 primo.. is my crusie.. 1g usually blast. Sometimes 1.5g.. and I do 3-4 months at just 150mg test, sometimes longer.. I don't blast and cruise as much nkw as I used to..
That would barely get me to the middle

That would barely get me to the middle

Its just more nonsense by guys that are virtue signaling about their genetics and gatekeeping. its no surprise the post on pro muscle is written by an old man from the previous generation.
The need to convince everyone they took/need less and imply everyone is taking too much, pushes the basic scientific facts of how the body works out of their brain.