Your experience with coffee


10+ Year Member
What has been your experience with coffee ?

It personnally, at any dose :

- makes me jittery
- has my mind racing with chaotic thoughts
- makes me irritable
- makes me submissive and stressed
- makes me feel acid overall and ill at ease.

When I'm off coffee I'm cool, calm, stable, have rational and relevant thoughts, I enjoy moments a lot more.

I can tell when someone has had coffee : they don't look at you in the eyes, they go from one leg to the other, they get excited for no reason.
If I have to much caffeine I get anxious and then crash hard. Limit to 2-3 cups, 750ml max, none after 3pm.

Never noticed anyone else's caffeine psychosis, but I'll be on the lookout now.
I don't get any jitters from caffeine/coffee but those who do seem to get good results from consuming with L-theanine.

I do feel a much better mind muscle connection on caffeine and studies have suggested more explosive strength with a moderate or high dose of caffeine
I have 3 teaspoons of instant coffee with my breakfast every morning. It has absolutely no effect on me. It doesn’t wake me up (I can nap right after). It doesn’t give me more energy. Absolutely nothing. With one exception: it gives me a massive shit.

I eat around 150 grams of fibre a day. The few days I miss my coffee I end up having 4 shits a day. By having coffee in the morning I can induce an enema and shit an ungodly amount in one go and save myself from shitting later in the day.

Chronic coffee consumption is meant to be good for you, which is why I drink it.
You are sensitive to stimulants perhaps.

Caffeine provides me moderate boost in energy and mood. Supresses my appetite and possibly increases metabolism. I don't dose it high anymore and I experience minor to no side effects. Moderation is key I guess.
It doesn’t wake me up (I can nap right after). It doesn’t give me more energy. Absolutely nothing.

You probably don't notice it anymore as you have grown used to it.

Have you tried going more than 48h without coffee ? You will probably get a massive headache and intense fatigue until your adenosine receptors normalize back again.
Chronic coffee consumption is meant to be good for you, which is why I drink it.

You can read everything and its opposite on the subject.

One thing that does seem to be better on coffee is my liver, I get a more vibrant skin tone, when I'm off coffee I am slightly yellow.
I don't get any jitters from caffeine/coffee but those who do seem to get good results from consuming with L-theanine.

I do feel a much better mind muscle connection on caffeine and studies have suggested more explosive strength with a moderate or high dose of caffeine

Yes good point I had seen some advice to consume with L theanine.

Doesn't it negate the very actions you use coffee for in the first place ?
Yes good point I had seen some advice to consume with L theanine.

Doesn't it negate the very actions you use coffee for in the first place ?
Ehh not really. Allows me to take advantage of the additional energy from the caffeine without spinning myself out with anxious thoughts or sweating and pacing lol.
In my early decades of using coffee it got me up some but no noticeable downsides. These days if i only have a couple cups a couple times a week it gives me energy, improves my mood and outlook. I usually take it on work out days about 5 days a week, a couple cups before i train and it seems to helps performance some. I drink decaf much of the time when not using it for performance so i can get the health benefits coffee seems to have.
In my early decades of using coffee it got me up some but no noticeable downsides. These days if i only have a couple cups a couple times a week it gives me energy, improves my mood and outlook. I usually take it on work out days about 5 days a week, a couple cups before i train and it seems to helps performance some. I drink decaf much of the time when not using it for performance so i can get the health benefits coffee seems to have.

And if you have more ?
- sometime,s it make me chaotic
- it gives me energy
- i feel stressed

i like the tast of coffee ,
but to much and i have a bad effect
Messes with my sleep .

Also despite main stream media bs studies, coffee isn't healthy .

I drink it a few times a week.
What has been your experience with coffee ?

It personnally, at any dose :

- makes me jittery
- has my mind racing with chaotic thoughts
- makes me irritable
- makes me submissive and stressed
- makes me feel acid overall and ill at ease.

When I'm off coffee I'm cool, calm, stable, have rational and relevant thoughts, I enjoy moments a lot more.

I can tell when someone has had coffee : they don't look at you in the eyes, they go from one leg to the other, they get excited for no reason.
Is this raw coffee or pasteurized, asking for my hairy friend lol.
Read the next sentence after the one you highlighted for the answer to that question.

There is nothing that answers my question, you probably forgot to finish that sentence of yours.

Maybe you can answer directly now that you're here ;)
I have 3 teaspoons of instant coffee with my breakfast every morning. It has absolutely no effect on me. It doesn’t wake me up (I can nap right after). It doesn’t give me more energy. Absolutely nothing. With one exception: it gives me a massive shit.

I eat around 150 grams of fibre a day. The few days I miss my coffee I end up having 4 shits a day. By having coffee in the morning I can induce an enema and shit an ungodly amount in one go and save myself from shitting later in the day.

Chronic coffee consumption is meant to be good for you, which is why I drink it.
How is that diet looking with 150g fibre a day? thats impressive. Any particular reason you eat that much?
How is that diet looking with 150g fibre a day? thats impressive. Any particular reason you eat that much?
Mostly comes from my breakfast and dinner. Breakfast is oats, nuts and seeds. Dinner is 700g of a soup I prep and 200g of lentils.

I don’t purposely seek out fibre. I just want to eat lots of plants lol. Meant to be good for you.