Your experience with coffee

There is nothing that answers my question, you probably forgot to finish that sentence of yours.

Maybe you can answer directly now that you're here ;)
I did finish my sentence previously. I wrote
"These days if i only have a couple cups a couple times a week it gives me energy, improves my mood and outlook."

Then the next sentence i talked of what i do most days.

" I usually take it on work out days about 5 days a week, a couple cups before i train and it seems to helps performance some"

That was the end of what i planned to say. on the subject. Maybe you were expecting more but i didn't mean to write any more.
Messes with my sleep .

Also despite main stream media bs studies, coffee isn't healthy .

I drink it a few times a week.

The health benefits of regular coffee consumption have been exhaustively confirmed by every major medical research organization. It's beyond dispute.

A couple of caveats, from someone who drinks at least a quart a day. I'm largely immune to its stimulant effects at this point, but two days without will trigger caffeine's unpleasant phyicsl withdrawal effects for a day.

Use a paper filter. Failing to do so will negatively impact your lipids. If you consume a lot of coffee this could be significant. This includes espresso based drinks which don't use filters. I learned this the hard way after switching to espresso for a while.

Caffeine is a sub-par stimulant with a short half life, jitters in proportion to the stimulant effect, rapid tolerance, physical withdrawal, and other unpleasant effects at high doses.

Modafinil is superior in every way. Non-addictive, far longer lasting, no tolerance buildup, no jitters.

Daily use is correlated with healthier weight and has been shown to boost brain health and neuroplasticity. It has a long and well documented safety record. I call it "designer caffeine", because it's everything you'd want from caffeine without the downsides.

Still, I keep drinking coffee for its positive impact on metabolic health and the high dose of antioxidants it provides.
Caffeine: good for improving early morning workout intensity and cardio.

Morning coffee: a nice tradition and good delivery vessel for caffeine.

No caffeine later in the day because it royally fucks up my sleep, unlike when I was in college. I don't know how older guys take caffeine pre-workouts after work and sleep well.
in my expierence it does fk all for me. so does pre works outs. 450mg caffine does nothing in a pre work out drink.

i can goto bed on 4-5 teaspoons fresh grounded coffee in a italian style perculator on the stove.

i have a chronic desensitivity to alot of stuff though.
I did finish my sentence previously. I wrote
"These days if i only have a couple cups a couple times a week it gives me energy, improves my mood and outlook."

Then the next sentence i talked of what i do most days.

" I usually take it on work out days about 5 days a week, a couple cups before i train and it seems to helps performance some"

That was the end of what i planned to say. on the subject. Maybe you were expecting more but i didn't mean to write any more.

You said you felt good on a couple of cups, I thought you were going to explain what happens when you take more ;)
Caffeine: good for improving early morning workout intensity and cardio.

Careful not to tear a muscle with the increased energy !

Morning coffee: a nice tradition and good delivery vessel for caffeine.

No caffeine later in the day because it royally fucks up my sleep, unlike when I was in college. I don't know how older guys take caffeine pre-workouts after work and sleep well.

It always messed with your sleep, it's just that in college it made you go from 100% quality sleep to 80% quality sleep, so you still had enough energy not to notice.

Today you probably average a 60% sleep quality and coffee takes you to 40% which you now notice.

Even one coffee in the morning completely changes sleep patterns, I wake up a new person if I don't have coffee at all the day before ;)
3-4 cups per day for me, only in the morning (having one right now!). Wouldnt go a day without. Addicted? Yes, but so what. Much worse things to be addicted to that's for sure. I NEED MORE healthy addictions!

In addition to all the mainstream health benefits, coffee also increases to effectiveness of your Oxandrolone, when taken together. "I don't use Oxandrolone very often, but when I do, I wash it down with java!"


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You said you felt good on a couple of cups, I thought you were going to explain what happens when you take more ;)
I didn't explain it as it didn't happen. I only talked about what did happen. Expectations are the biggest reason for dissatisfaction i find!
Caffeine: good for improving early morning workout intensity and cardio.

Morning coffee: a nice tradition and good delivery vessel for caffeine.

No caffeine later in the day because it royally fucks up my sleep, unlike when I was in college. I don't know how older guys take caffeine pre-workouts after work and sleep well.
Yeah, I stop all caffeine by like 10am otherwise I notice my sleep is more interrupted and my resting heart rate is higher.
The health benefits of regular coffee consumption have been exhaustively confirmed by every major medical research organization. It's beyond dispute.

A couple of caveats, from someone who drinks at least a quart a day. I'm largely immune to its stimulant effects at this point, but two days without will trigger caffeine's unpleasant phyicsl withdrawal effects for a day.

Use a paper filter. Failing to do so will negatively impact your lipids. If you consume a lot of coffee this could be significant. This includes espresso based drinks which don't use filters. I learned this the hard way after switching to espresso for a while.

Caffeine is a sub-par stimulant with a short half life, jitters in proportion to the stimulant effect, rapid tolerance, physical withdrawal, and other unpleasant effects at high doses.

Modafinil is superior in every way. Non-addictive, far longer lasting, no tolerance buildup, no jitters.

Daily use is correlated with healthier weight and has been shown to boost brain health and neuroplasticity. It has a long and well documented safety record. I call it "designer caffeine", because it's everything you'd want from caffeine without the downsides.

Still, I keep drinking coffee for its positive impact on metabolic health and the high dose of antioxidants it provides.
Watch and educate yourself
In this eye-opening video, Dr. Barbara O'Neill discusses the significant impact coffee has on our health. She starts by highlighting how coffee contributes to dehydration, heart malfunction, and imbalances in heartbeats. Dr. O'Neill stresses the importance of reducing caffeine intake to maintain heart health, explaining that caffeine depletes the body of essential magnesium, a mineral crucial for keeping the heart muscle relaxed


Watch and educate yourself
In this eye-opening video, Dr. Barbara O'Neill discusses the significant impact coffee has on our health. She starts by highlighting how coffee contributes to dehydration, heart malfunction, and imbalances in heartbeats. Dr. O'Neill stresses the importance of reducing caffeine intake to maintain heart health, explaining that caffeine depletes the body of essential magnesium, a mineral crucial for keeping the heart muscle relaxed



Sorry but there is something REALLY funny about "CaptainTren" talking about how dangerous coffee is to our health. Tren? Hell yes!! Coffee? No way...too dangerous!!
Watch and educate yourself
In this eye-opening video, Dr. Barbara O'Neill discusses the significant impact coffee has on our health. She starts by highlighting how coffee contributes to dehydration, heart malfunction, and imbalances in heartbeats. Dr. O'Neill stresses the importance of reducing caffeine intake to maintain heart health, explaining that caffeine depletes the body of essential magnesium, a mineral crucial for keeping the heart muscle relaxed



Coincidentally I supplement with magnesium. from my clen using days, in the fight against cramps. As a heavy coffee drinker it's a good reason for me to keep it up.

I'll see you one hippy doctor chick and raise you a Mayo Clinic

Coincidentally I supplement with magnesium. from my clen using days, in the fight against cramps. As a heavy coffee drinker it's a good reason for me to keep it up.

I'll see you one hippy doctor chick and raise you a Mayo Clinic


Coffee gives you a racing mind, makes you think you're smart while you're actually running circles, gives you anxiety in hard situations, makes you think you're tough when it just makes you confrontational and jittery, dries you out.