Your On-Cycle AI Protocol

I've been on TRT the past few years and have upped that once a year with a mild cycle. I've been fortunate to where I've never needed AI, but I'm about to go on some compounds where that may change.

I'm curious for those of you that are on TRT year round, when you go on a cycle are you taking bloods a week or two in and checking E2 levels prior to making a determination or maybe starting some AI at a lower dose in anticipation followed up by bloods. Waiting on water retention, emotional response, libido markers?

I'll be starting with 240/wk test/mast/tren and possibly working a little higher. I've done 350/wk test/npp with no real sides as a sample.
have typically run bitch cycles (aka least effective dose) over trt weekly base. something like 175 prop + 150 tren a per week+ 20 mg anavar. early on pulled bloods monthly or thereabout. no more. also don't take an ai unless symtomatic. soon as the nips start itching, i head staight for the anastrazole. sobbinjg into my hagen daz over a lifetime movie? missed the warning signs and let it go too long. also pin more frequently than most. prefer short esters. this may help smooth thing out as well.

for the record, not recommending this, but has worked for me.