Your opinion on the best oil for homebrew test cyp and anyone done one with Castor oil?


New Member
Hey guys, I have a bunch of test cyp raws looking to make my best batch yet. Been contemplating doing all castor oil to extend the half life and keep levels most stable. Normally I brew in gso or cottonseed. Has anyone done test cyp in castor oil? How did it turn out and did you take bloods etc? I keep seeing pharm companies making test E and test U in castor now to extend the half life, however all of the pharm test cyp is still being made in mostly cottonseed oil amongst other thinner oils. Is there any reason for this other than that they simply don't feel like changing and that castor is harder to filter? Test cyp has a longer half life than enanthate so why wouldn't castor be used with cyp as well. I can't find a single person to explain this. Even vigorous Steve did those videos on the Enanthate and Test U being done in castor and then talks about cyps being done in cottonseed and says "cyp and cottonseed best friends" ok why? Why E and not C?? Gives no fucking rationale at all as to why aside from that's what pharm is using for cyp currently, it's pissing me the fuck off trying to find an answer on this lol.
Hey brother thank you I appreciate that. If everybody thought like you this would be a better place for everybody to learn because that's literally the only reason I'm here is to help people. I'm pretty much done learning. Don't get me wrong there's always something to learn. There was just some guy (maybe you) telling me about using an autoclave with mushroom bags to stop the moisture in the vials. I was never able to get the vials to come out dry so I stayed with dry heat sterilization for the past 12 years but other than that yeah I'm always trying to help cuz I remember how it was learning not everybody was willing to help...
Sorry I meant to post this somewhere else. This post was for you.

Yes it does matter for "some".. Carrier oils release at different rates, thus this will effect the serum levels of the parenting hormone, however the carrier really has little effect on a scale that you or anyone would even notice aside from its " kinetic profile under clinical investigation/studies" , although administration with certain carriers may yield different toxicological profiles for the same drug, some reaching supraphysiological serum testosterone levels, but this will vary with administered route (whether IM or subQ), different esters, individuals and so on..Also, different regions favor one oil over the other like western pharmacopoeia practice may often and commonly use Grape-seed, as in other regions of the world with therapies some use tea-seed oil,soy and cottonseed with the same promising returns (pro's and con's with both oils), much like Enanthate is manufactured in Europe for TRT, while Cypionate is manufactured in the U.S. Testosterone Cypionate and Enanthate both steroids have the same effects and functions, whilst there are studies claiming the longevity effect of Cypionate compared to Enanthate differ,but we know it's irrelevant on the small scale..The same can be seen and recognized with carriers to a degree, this is why most UGL's will use the same carriers to keep release time with-in a narrow range of others..

Now if we're talking about supraphysiological serum testosterone levels, with shorter esters in different carrier oils that possess different half-life/molecule weight (yes carrier half life's), with different routes of administration? Sure, we can see levels exceeding upper limits, but the extended release will balance out with a decline (ester dependent), this is just a quesstimation as there will be many variables to conciser (age,genetics) but you get the jist on the generalization here.

In the grand scheme of it all, It comes down to 90% allergies..Site reaction,and immune response, and even hormone release (castor oil has a slow,stable,steady release for heavier esters due to its longer half-life)..However for most generally used carriers the viscosity really isn't that different when compared through kinematic viscosity measurement (mm2/s) - Fluid resistance..
When being measured they're off by a few digits, but that's so insignificant..It's mainly immune response/allergies/site irritation..

Below is a template of kinematic viscosity measurements (mm2/s) - Fluid resistance with most major carrier oils. Top being thickest, and last being thinnest..I hope this helps..

Castor 297.0
Crambe 53.6
High-Oleic Safflower 41.2
Peanut 39.6
Sunflower 37.1
Grapeseed 37.0
Sesame 35.3
Corn 34.9
Cottonseed 33.5
Soybean 32.6
Safflower 31.3

Here is a study explaining how "castor oi" has a longer half-life than most traditionally used carriers in general practice

Intramuscular injection of testosterone undecanoate for the treatment of male hypogonadism: phase I studies.

Behre HM1, Abshagen K, Oettel M, Hübler D, Nieschlag E.
Author information



In the search for long-acting testosterone preparations suited for substitution therapy of hypogonadal men, testosterone undecanoate (TU) dissolved in either tea seed oil or castor oil was investigated.

In study I, 1000 mg TU in tea seed oil (125 mg/ml) were injected in equal parts into the gluteal muscles of seven hypogonadal men. In study II, 1000 mg TU in castor oil (250 mg/ml) were injected into one gluteal muscle of 14 patients.

In comparison with published data on testosterone enanthate, most widely used for i.m. injections, the kinetic profiles of both TU preparations showed extended half-lives and serum levels not exceeding the upper limit of normal. The castor oil preparation had a longer half-life than TU in tea seed oil (33.9+/-4.9 vs 20.9+/-6.0 days (mean pm S.E.M.)).

The longer half-life and the smaller injection volume make TU in castor oil a strong candidate for further applications in substitution therapy and in trials for male contraception.

In the search for long-acting testosterone preparations suited for substitution therapy of hypogonadal men, testosterone undecanoate (TU) dissolved in either tea seed oil or castor oil was investigated.In study I, 1000 mg TU in tea seed oil (125 mg/ml) were injected in equal parts into the gluteal muscles of seven hypogonadal men. In study II, 1000 mg TU in castor oil (250 mg/ml) were injected into one gluteal muscle of 14 patients.In comparison with published data on testosterone enanthate, most widely used for i.m. injections, the kinetic profiles of both TU preparations showed extended half-lives and serum levels not exceeding the upper limit of normal. The castor oil preparation had a longer half-life than TU in tea seed oil (33.9+/-4.9 vs 20.9+/-6.0 days (mean pm S.E.M.)).The longer half-life and the smaller injection volume make TU in castor oil a strong candidate for further applications in substitution therapy and in trials for male contraception.
I have done blood tests for total testosterone with Bayer Testoviron (which should be made in Castor Oil, was really thick) and with my test made in MCT oil.

The results were almost identical.

Recently I used Castor oil for DHB and it seems to resolve the pip but I have to inject more to be sure.
I have done blood tests for total testosterone with Bayer Testoviron (which should be made in Castor Oil, was really thick) and with my test made in MCT oil.

The results were almost identical.

Recently I used Castor oil for DHB and it seems to resolve the pip but I have to inject more to be sure.
Funny you say that. I've always had a theory on dhb and castor oil. So my favorite carrier oil personally is Mig840. However I've noticed with a few compounds one being dhb that if you use a thin carrier oil really any thinner than gso, including gso the carrier oil gets absorbed by the muscle leaving the dhb behind and therefore it falls out of suspension and crystallizes in the muscle and makes it hard to walk for a week, but when I used castor oil I didn't have that problem just like you said. My theory is that the castor oil absorbs slow allowing the dhb time to absorb into the muscle and therefore not causing as much pip as you would get with thinner carrier oils. If that makes sense and this is just a theory.
I like the good old Cotton seed oil. Not too thin, not to thick, and no one ever complained about it. MCT seems to be a trend in the latter years but I favor the CSO, GSO, and even peach oil is nice.
I've tried a wide range of carriers.. MCT, mig840, GSO, CSO, sesame, and even the more rare olive.

Sesame and olive oil are my go-tos for medium-long esters like cypionate. The olive oil is ridiculously thick, so I tend to use sesame now, as otherwise it takes too long to fill 29g insulin needles.

I used to use MCT for fast acting compounds, personally I have an allergy to it, so I prefer sesame oil for even test no ester and propionate.
My theory is that the castor oil absorbs slow allowing the dhb time to absorb into the muscle and therefore not causing as much pip as you would get with thinner carrier oils. If that makes sense and this is just a theory.
It's probably because castor oil is analgesic and anti-inflammatory on it's own.

Observational studies indicate that topical application of ricinoleic acid (RA), the main component of castor oil, exerts remarkable analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

I have done blood tests for total testosterone with Bayer Testoviron (which should be made in Castor Oil, was really thick) and with my test made in MCT oil.

The results were almost identical.

Recently I used Castor oil for DHB and it seems to resolve the pip but I have to inject more to be sure.
When you got your blood work done for the test done for the test in Castor oil and The test made in MCT oil, Did you get the test done with the equivalent amount of days after your last shot for both carrier oils? If that makes sense?
I like the good old Cotton seed oil. Not too thin, not to thick, and no one ever complained about it. MCT seems to be a trend in the latter years but I favor the CSO, GSO, and even peach oil is nice.
To each is own. Personally I can't stand thick carrier oils because I hate needles. So the smaller than needle I can use the better. Therefore my favorite carrier oil.hands now is Mig840.. And if you brew you just can't beat how it helps increase the mg/ml and how fast it filters.
I like the good old Cotton seed oil. Not too thin, not to thick, and no one ever complained about it. MCT seems to be a trend in the latter years but I favor the CSO, GSO, and even peach oil is nice.
To each is own. Personally I can't stand thick carrier oils because I hate needles. So the smaller than needle I can use the better. Therefore my favorite carrier oil.hands now is Mig840.. And if you brew you just can't beat how it helps increase the mg/m and how fast it filters.
When you got your blood work done for the test done for the test in Castor oil and The test made in MCT oil, Did you get the test done with the equivalent amount of days after your last shot for both carrier oils? If that makes sense?
yes mate, i respected same timing.

Injected 1ml Test on Monday, for 5 weeks, then did blood tests always on Saturday morning.
I have done blood tests for total testosterone with Bayer Testoviron (which should be made in Castor Oil, was really thick) and with my test made in MCT oil.

The results were almost identical.

Recently I used Castor oil for DHB and it seems to resolve the pip but I have to inject more to be sure.

Any more opinions on DHB in castor oil instead of MCT for the PIP?

What was the concentration on your DHB brew?

also is Castor Oil thicker than MCT?

I worry as I do daily shots with a 30g 1" pin and split it up that way, thanks.
What was the concentration on your DHB brew?

also is Castor Oil thicker than MCT?
Castor oil is a natural anti inflamatory and analgesic so less pip expected at the usual 100mg/ml

It's WAY more thicker than MCT. You need at least 24g-25g to push in reasonable amount of time
Castor oil is a natural anti inflamatory and analgesic so less pip expected at the usual 100mg/ml

It's WAY more thicker than MCT. You need at least 24g-25g to push in reasonable amount of time
It will still mix nice in a syringe with my Test E in MCT?

I'll probs stop being a pussy and get 25g pins then.
I like CSO, I have a lot of allergies and CSO doesn't bother me at all. I think finding an oil that will not raise any inflammatory markers is the most important part of the process, many people are allergic to carrier oils and don't even know.
Bayer puts 342mg of benzyl benzoate per mL in it's testoviron. Isn't that something to be worried about? I want to do subcutaneous injections.
No I don't. Online in the package instructions I found 250 mg testosteron enanthate ( 180 mg testosteron ). Then they just mention it goes with 342mg BB. Also PanPharma, same numbers in it's castor based solution.