Pharmasource EU pharmaceuticals

Teva here, Teva there ...simply Teva everywhere :D:D

I’m considering to try this one and see if it can manage my estrogens by blood testing again, making sure I’m not resistant to the compound, have you planned a test on some orals? Like AIs maybe, I can say with certainty that this would considerably boost your business. I still can’t find a local Lab that can do discreet tests for private individuals here.
I think I may have been vague. I mean: testing his pressed AIs, not the pharma ones, that would be totally nonsense.

He mentioned like a while back that he was going to send in some of his line of oils to get analyzed. However I think it was solely oils and not his pressed tabs.

I’m 99% sure on the oils only being tested.
He mentioned like a while back that he was going to send in some of his line of oils to get analyzed. However I think it was solely oils and not his pressed tabs.

I’m 99% sure on the oils only being tested.
I remember PRL getting tested but not his own (so many pages to sift through now). I’d imagine if there was, there’d be many newer batches since then.
He mentioned like a while back that he was going to send in some of his line of oils to get analyzed. However I think it was solely oils and not his pressed tabs.

I’m 99% sure on the oils only being tested.

Yes I know what he said about the first tranche of oils’ tests, I was only intending to suggest him some tests on his orals too. (Not so sure about my English today, sorry :confused:)
Yes I know what he said about the first tranche of oils’ tests, I was only intending to suggest him some tests on his orals too. (Not so sure about my English today, sorry :confused:)

You’re all good man. I think sending in orals is a great idea as well.
You’re all good man. I think sending in orals is a great idea as well.
Thanks! Yes I think that would be a nice business move, at least regard AIs, nobody is really concerned about getting 7mg of Stanozolol instead of 10, it can piss You off, but no exceptional worries about.. But the fear of getting 15mg examestane instead of 25, same for adex, keeps me a little scared about those products, I’m sure that PS is accurately dosing his powders, but I’d always have some pharma letro on hand.
Being on trt you get to know this E2 balance well. I pretty much need none unless I go over 200mg test. But when you tank it it's worse than letting it get elevated imo. So even without bloods all the time you can get a feel for it. On my normal protocol I only need .125 every 10 days. I think if I was new to this stuff I would only use pharma AIs until I really knew how to feel the right zone. But again the trt doc I have is awesome and I can order bloods a la cart online. So if I just want like one test for 30$ it's super easy. That is in the US, but I know it's possible in parts Europe too. I guess I should not say where but in central europe where you can get cheap bloods for your own review.
Being on trt you get to know this E2 balance well. I pretty much need none unless I go over 200mg test. But when you tank it it's worse than letting it get elevated imo. So even without bloods all the time you can get a feel for it. On my normal protocol I only need .125 every 10 days. I think if I was new to this stuff I would only use pharma AIs until I really knew how to feel the right zone. But again the trt doc I have is awesome and I can order bloods a la cart online. So if I just want like one test for 30$ it's super easy. That is in the US, but I know it's possible in parts Europe too. I guess I should not say where but in central europe where you can get cheap bloods for your own review.

Yeah, people pay taxes to have public healthcare, I really don’t want to get a prescription to take bloods at low prices, for me that would be like stealing money to my country and from who really needs those tests at those prices.
Yeah, people pay taxes to have public healthcare, I really don’t want to get a prescription to take bloods at low prices, for me that would be like stealing money to my country and from who really needs those tests at those prices.

Lmao what?

Or more like properly ensuring your blood levels/health are in check so you don’t fuck up and come on here complaining.....

Lmao what?

Or more like properly ensuring your blood levels/health are in check so you don’t fuck up and come on here complaining.....


We have a clear evidence: you’re acting like a dickhead with me, it’s okay, I love you anyway and I don’t think you’re a dickhead, I’m only saying that your performance is very convincing this time.

I didn’t complain about a fucking thing, I didn’t complain about PS’ AIs, I didn’t complain about gear, and I didn’t complain about my overall health. I just stated that my levels are high for the gear with that dose of adex, without implying PS lack of professionalism in its business, just adding my personal advice about testing his orals to improve its service. Now you come here and say that blood tests keep me in check... OH REALLY?! Wow, we must have the next Nobel prize here. Let me clarify what I said some messages before: I planned on pulling blood on my fourth week (which I did), my tenth week and my second week of PCT. Three blood tests are more than the 80% of users here do in an entire year, and I’ll do them paying with my money, not with public money because I don’t feel good with spending public healthcare’s funds for something that my country strictly forbids, it’s an ethical choice, is that a big problem for you if I don’t pull blood each week? Do you have bloods every five days while on cycle?

What the actual fuck dude, you won’t piss me off that way, you will only put yourself in ridiculous keeping constantly an eye on my posts waiting for glory.

Cool story.

Improve your English because you’re entirely off base and misinterpreted what I even stated. I was commenting on how you’re claiming you don’t want to utilize your government funded healthcare. That’s it, not a single thing else. I never implied anything. I don’t care about your comments on the sources stuff or your 10% over normal blood levels. I was simply stating you should take full advantage of as much blood testing as possible. Otherwise, if stuff fucks up, cycle crashes, you’ll complain and it could be prevented by keeping bloods in check to begin with. That’s the only thing I was mentioning. As your posting kind of implied you’re not even doing proper blood work to begin with.

If I actually wanted to criticize you there’s a ton to criticize you about. Please. We could start with the ridiculous fact you’re even juicing at 160lbs at 16% body fat to begin with. Not to mention the whack cycling you’re doing.

But yeah, anyways, look forward to the incessant posting we see from ‘Mister Suit’ on every fucking page of this thread as of late.
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The problem is that those blood tests here are quite damn expensive, so I’ll only take at wk 4, 10 and second week of pct :D
Of course sir I have a ton of Letrozole on hand since the very start of the cycle, I’m an hell of a planner about this shit.
I have injectable liver intoxication antidotes, eparine and adrenaline for eventual vein shot, blood pressure solutions, SSRIs for mental state after cycle, anxiolytics, everything about PCT, anti emetics, ...

I don’t want to blame @pharmasource without certainty, and we aren’t certain until some lab test his adex and AIs, that’s how I act. On the other hand: I save money with UGL AI, I accept the risk.

Man you’re right, 36 isn’t so high, if you are on 500 test, 500 deca and 10 mg/ed DianaBol, but for god sake I’m just taking 250 test and 500 deca since 3 weeks

I believe deca can show up as e2 on some labs tests. Did you make sure to use the right lab by checking the blood test forum?
Cool story.

Improve your English because you’re entirely off base and misinterpreted what I even stated. I was commenting on how you’re claiming you don’t want to utilize your government funded healthcare. That’s it, not a single thing else. I never implied anything. I don’t care about your comments on the sources stuff or your 10% over normal blood levels. I was simply stating you should take full advantage of as much blood testing as possible. Otherwise, if stuff fucks up, cycle crashes, you’ll complain and it could be prevented by keeping bloods in check to begin with. That’s the only thing I was mentioning. As your posting kind of implied you’re not even doing proper blood work to begin with.

If I actually wanted to criticize you there’s a ton to criticize you about. Please. We could start with the ridiculous fact you’re even juicing at 160lbs at 16% body fat to begin with. Not to mention the whack cycling you’re doing.

But yeah, anyways, look forward to the incessant posting we see from ‘Mister Suit’ on every fucking page of this thread as of late.

I’ll keep you posted about my stats if you’re really that interested in, and I’m quite sure that my scale didn’t estimate bf accurately, I’ll provide you a clinical exam so you can laugh on a solid base. Last but not least: oh sweetie, you was implying a lot of things, since the very first time, but I know how people like you act, you have a constant need of feeling better, bigger, stronger, than other people. That’s okay with me, big guy, if this helps you feeling appeased I’m here whenever you want.

I believe deca can show up as e2 on some labs tests. Did you make sure to use the right lab by checking the blood test forum?

Thank you but yes, I double checked several forums. I’m not concerned anymore about e2, now I’m on Letrozole and that should help.
I’ll keep you posted about my stats if you’re really that interested in, and I’m quite sure that my scale didn’t estimate bf accurately, I’ll provide you a clinical exam so you can laugh on a solid base. Last but not least: oh sweetie, you was implying a lot of things, since the very first time, but I know how people like you act, you have a constant need of feeling better, bigger, stronger, than other people. That’s okay with me, big guy, if this helps you feeling appeased I’m here whenever you want.

It has absolutely nothing to do with ‘wanting to feel bigger’. It’s the fact that if you’re training for 4 years, have already done 2 cycles and you’re a mere 160 lbs, you’re an idiot.

Don’t have time to waste any more energy with you. Your response was exactly as predicted. You misinterpret a post and go on a rant and still can’t stfu. You act like you’re 20.

It has absolutely nothing to do with ‘wanting to feel bigger’. It’s the fact that if you’re training for 4 years, have already done 2 cycles and you’re a mere 160 lbs, you’re an idiot.

Don’t have time to waste any more energy with you. Your response was exactly as predicted. You misinterpret a post and go on a rant and still can’t stfu. You act like you’re 20.


Maybe I'm an idiot. I practiced many more sports than you, bb is not even a sport, but let me introduce you a simple concept: maybe I'm a short lightweight, but I competed in Thai Boxe, tennis, swimming and fencing, I speak 3 languages fluently and a bit of english, I got two degrees. You're right, I'm an idiot wasting my time discussing with a piece of mud behind a keyboard.

Have the best day possible.