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Dragon Ordnance - INT/US PEDs, Raws, & Turkish Pharmacy

Everyone thought u were serious we dont gay bash round here meso loves its ladyboys
Wasn’t bashing at all. Just some humor. Tryin to be ambiguous, was the attempt at said humor.

And...everyone gets it when it’s funny. I don’t care who or what you identify as. All in good fun though. The world needs to be less offended sometimes.
Took a few days to prepare my package. But once shipped, it took less then 24h to deliver it!!! (Pharma order)

Great seller, will order more soon!
And our pharma shipping is cheap now. I cut some costs with the boxes we used to lighter, smaller boxes, tighter packaging. It went from 50$ to 35$.
I thought i was somewhat intilliguent...but this is the 2nd time i am fooled by stealth. No details....just sayin, still feeling pretty stupid.
I don’t even know what you were saying
Nothing too detailed, i pm a few pple and have been checking on here for activity.....i got my pack today. It’s unlike any pack i’ve seen. I can’t distinguish what is what. I don’t want to give any stealth details
I can be patient, but also have to give a few of these out and i don’t know what is what. I must be missing something. Something going over my head or something.