MESO-Rx Sponsor GenericAsia - International & US Domestic

You are wasting your time. I know people hate on @Axle Labs but he vacuum seals his stuff and nothing has leaked yet. I know Musclecandy does too. Marcus is a stubborn bitch that will keep saying he will fix shipping but nothing will change because in all this time only 1-2 orders leaked.

Yeah, just trying to help, even though it probably will fall on deaf ears. I was really happy with the promo of the EQ/Mast/ Test E that I got, was packaged properly and arrived relatively quickly. I was hyping him up to my friends who are definately deeper in the AAS game than I am. But with the huge price increase and now a few broken vials I sadly gotta wait and see if things change.

I thankfully can afford to wait since I'm just on TRT with my Uro and won't blast for a bit until my physique is in a better spot so that I can try and maximize the Blast instead of just being in a "okay" shape afterwards and wasted what could of been done naturally.

Though I do take GH with my TRT to help with the fatloss and recovery so I guess that's a mild TRT+. Couldn't help buying a lot with all the sales/promo's :p
Yeah, just trying to help, even though it probably will fall on deaf ears. I was really happy with the promo of the EQ/Mast/ Test E that I got, was packaged properly and arrived relatively quickly. I was hyping him up to my friends who are definately deeper in the AAS game than I am. But with the huge price increase and now a few broken vials I sadly gotta wait and see if things change.

I thankfully can afford to wait since I'm just on TRT with my Uro and won't blast for a bit until my physique is in a better spot so that I can try and maximize the Blast instead of just being in a "okay" shape afterwards and wasted what could of been done naturally.

Though I do take GH with my TRT to help with the fatloss and recovery so I guess that's a mild TRT+. Couldn't help buying a lot with all the sales/promo's :p
Smart approach. Good luck with your recomp and future blasts.
we do not have any telegram channel lol..

ENDS FRIDAY 15.11.2024

1 KIT HGH 360IU - 175$
1 KIT EQ 300 - 55$
Too much drama here and I agree that there are serious issues brought up above that need to be resolved. However, could I get an answer on why I placed an order for the tirzepatide promo, which was listed as $270 + $35 for shipping, but received a message saying $275 + $35 shipping? The $5 difference isn’t a huge issue, but if one price was listed, it would be appreciated if it could be honored. Thank you.
Most sources vac seal and bubble wrap. It makes no sense not too when shipping stuff like this. The only reason one wouldn’t is because it’s an extra step and they are lazy.

The free shipping is comical. Well I would hope so when you jack prices up because you are a sheep who follows the crowd. We see something similar to what’s currently happening in China nearly every year and every year we find out who’s who. GA has showed their true colors here. Very unprofessional and bickers like a teenager.
Was told my order from the 25th needs to be reshipped. I guess movement won't happen this week. If your shipment still says "Label Created" better send a email asking about it because it does not look like they will contact you unless you ask about it.
Same same!!
I sent an email this morning and the response I got this evening was the same. So I suppose that boat did sink with all our stuff………
Order sent on the 26th, it has arrived at the local airport and it is been sitting there for a week. Obviously Xmas came early to customs agents...

Jennifer replies my email with:

You have to call the courier and ask what is happening...

My question are:

What courier?
Do I work for GA now?
Should I call a number that I don't have and don't know who they are and ask where is my 60 steroid vials?

You guys can do better than that...
You know what, no, I’m not fucking done. 1% of mistakes? Are you fucking kidding me? You say this so lightly. Let’s say there are 4,000 orders on the domestic side, and 1% is a mistake—or whatever you want to sugarcoat it as—that’s 40 fucking packages that are compromised. That’s 40 chances for your lab to be fucked, 40 chances for postal inspectors to probe and start an investigation (if they haven’t already).

“1% guys, don’t worry, keep ordering, play China roulette with me—only a 1% chance you’ll blow your head off!”

And you’ll reship one vial? Are you freaking kidding me?! How about fucking ten for your stupid mistake that could cost someone their freedom, or at the very least, thousands in legal fees, maybe loss of employment, and other serious life consequences.

I mean, what the actual fuck. I take back my last statement. This is beyond unacceptable, and you keep trying to make it sound better than it is. “Only 1%,” folks. No big deal, only a 1% chance you’ll be fucked sideways till tomorrow.
You should buy pharma and you won't have this problem. This asshat wants to purchase illegal drugs and have his drug dealer ensure zero risks. Good luck.
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Order sent on the 26th, it has arrived at the local airport and it is been sitting there for a week. Obviously Xmas came early to customs agents...

Jennifer replies my email with:

You have to call the courier and ask what is happening...

My question are:

What courier?
Do I work for GA now?
Should I call a number that I don't have and don't know who they are and ask where is my 60 steroid vials?

You guys can do better than that...
What the actual fuck is going on with GA? This whole thing is just getting more concerning with every post. Like holy fuck
My EQ promo packs are in my city now via FedEx I'd guess they will be out for delivery tomorrow. 10/31 tracking sent to me honestly not bad in my case I'll report back when it arrives.