How much potassium is too much on 40mg Telmisartan?


New Member
I know Telmisartan causes us to reatain potassium and that hyperkylemia is a concern. I cannot find anywhere after extensive searching how that fact impacts how much we should consume. 4.5 grams is the recommended amount. I think this would be very helpful to understand especially given that statins are taken due to steroids impact on the RAAS system which electrolytes play a huge part in. You want high potassium to avoid bloat and you take Telmisartan for bp/bloat but high potassium could kill you. Say your 100kg and on 40 mg Telmisartan and 12mh HCTZ how much potassium is too much?
I know Telmisartan causes us to reatain potassium and that hyperkylemia is a concern. I cannot find anywhere after extensive searching how that fact impacts how much we should consume. 4.5 grams is the recommended amount. I think this would be very helpful to understand especially given that statins are taken due to steroids impact on the RAAS system which electrolytes play a huge part in. You want high potassium to avoid bloat and you take Telmisartan for bp/bloat but high potassium could kill you. Say your 100kg and on 40 mg Telmisartan and 12mh HCTZ how much potassium is too much?
The only way you are going to know is via bloodwork. We are all different. There are guys on here taking 80mg a day and never giving a thought to high potassium. I increased my dose a month or two back from 20 to 40 and my potassium was out of range in 2 weeks flat. It has always lurked around the higher end anyway but never high until now. On 1/8 it dropped to 5.5 but it needs to be 5.2 or lower. I avoid everything with potassium in it which makes consuming electrolytes difficult.
The only way you are going to know is via bloodwork. We are all different. There are guys on here taking 80mg a day and never giving a thought to high potassium. I increased my dose a month or two back from 20 to 40 and my potassium was out of range in 2 weeks flat. It has always lurked around the higher end anyway but never high until now. On 1/8 it dropped to 5.5 but it needs to be 5.2 or lower. I avoid everything with potassium in it which makes consuming electrolytes difficult.
Thank you for your reply. Doesn’t that mean you are bloated all the time eating a diet that has no potassium? It seems to be a minefield and I’m thinking I’d be better off without the Telmisartan and balanced electrolytes. I took some Telmisartan for about 2 weeks while I was ballooning with water on 300mg Test and it didn’t seem to help much. I suspect my low potassium diet was contributing to the bloat. Damned if you do damned if you don’t
Thank you for your reply. Doesn’t that mean you are bloated all the time eating a diet that has no potassium? It seems to be a minefield and I’m thinking I’d be better off without the Telmisartan and balanced electrolytes. I took some Telmisartan for about 2 weeks while I was ballooning with water on 300mg Test and it didn’t seem to help much. I suspect my low potassium diet was contributing to the bloat. Damned if you do damned if you don’t
No bloating. Primo, high hydration and a clean diet has kept me pretty dry. Too dry in fact. Dry skin, no E2, achy joints. lol
Thank you for your reply. Doesn’t that mean you are bloated all the time eating a diet that has no potassium? It seems to be a minefield and I’m thinking I’d be better off without the Telmisartan and balanced electrolytes. I took some Telmisartan for about 2 weeks while I was ballooning with water on 300mg Test and it didn’t seem to help much. I suspect my low potassium diet was contributing to the bloat. Damned if you do damned if you don’t
Correct me if I'm wrong, but since telmisartan has potassium-retaining effects, I would assume that even eating a low potassium diet would still have your body's potassium circulating at a moderate-high level. In essence, the potassium-retaining effects of telmisartan would artificially amplify the amount of dietary potassium you intake, so even a low-potassium diet would equate to a moderate-high potassium diet of someone not taking telmisartan. Therefore, you wouldn't suffer the typical consequences of a low-potassium diet. I hope I worded that in a way that makes sense.
No bloating. Primo, high hydration and a clean diet has kept me pretty dry. Too dry in fact. Dry skin, no E2, achy joints.

Unfortunately it’s always something . I cant do Primo because I want my hairline, really considering EQ next time to combat blot and avoid DHT hair destruction but it seems to be getting a lot of negative press. I might just have to get as lean as possible and do test again.

When you say clean diet what do you mean? Do you mean low sodium? Low carb?

I was eating pretty clean during my bulk. I think all the carbs (400g ed) were partly to blame for the bloat. So I fail to see how one can bulk on test without triggering bloat. Unless maybe I switch to potassium rich carbs as opposed to the endless white rice (which I was eating to avoid Telmisartan related potassium issues)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but since telmisartan has potassium-retaining effects, I would assume that even eating a low potassium diet would still have your body's potassium circulating at a moderate-high level. In essence, the potassium-retaining effects of telmisartan would artificially amplify the amount of dietary potassium you intake, so even a low-potassium diet would equate to a moderate-high potassium diet of someone not taking telmisartan. Therefore, you wouldn't suffer the typical consequences of a low-potassium diet. I hope I worded that in a way that makes sense.
Yes that makes sense. But how long does the retention last, would you need to top up potassium every few days or eat a lower amount daily? Not expecting you to have the answer just wondering aloud the things that confused me while trying to address RAAS issues and feel comfortable with electrolyte consumption
Unfortunately it’s always something . I cant do Primo because I want my hairline, really considering EQ next time to combat blot and avoid DHT hair destruction but it seems to be getting a lot of negative press. I might just have to get as lean as possible and do test again.

When you say clean diet what do you mean? Do you mean low sodium? Low carb?

I was eating pretty clean during my bulk. I think all the carbs (400g ed) were partly to blame for the bloat. So I fail to see how one can bulk on test without triggering bloat. Unless maybe I switch to potassium rich carbs as opposed to the endless white rice (which I was eating to avoid Telmisartan related potassium issues)
Low sodium, low carb, high protein, low fat. I don’t really have cheat meals or eat sugars. Primo/Mast/EQ are not the best for bulking which is perfect for my goals. There are times when I’m likely at a caloric deficit and those 3 help prevent muscle tissue loss while getting ripped and lowering BF %.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but since telmisartan has potassium-retaining effects, I would assume that even eating a low potassium diet would still have your body's potassium circulating at a moderate-high level. In essence, the potassium-retaining effects of telmisartan would artificially amplify the amount of dietary potassium you intake, so even a low-potassium diet would equate to a moderate-high potassium diet of someone not taking telmisartan. Therefore, you wouldn't suffer the typical consequences of a low-potassium diet. I hope I worded that in a way that makes sense.
That’s the case for me. I eat healthy, avoid potassium, and usually run high (but within a healthy range) on my potassium levels. But all other indicators of great health are right where they need to be so I don’t stress it.
Yes that makes sense. But how long does the retention last, would you need to top up potassium every few days or eat a lower amount daily? Not expecting you to have the answer just wondering aloud the things that confused me while trying to address RAAS issues and feel comfortable with electrolyte consumption
My very uneducated, non-expert hypothesis would be that just maintaining a lower daily potassium intake would keep your levels within a healthy range.

My mental outline of this issue is like this: the telmisartan is potassium-retaining, so let's just say 40mg artificially inflates your potassium intake 30%. So on a day where you ingested 3500mg of potassium, physiologically it's really the equivalent of ingesting 4550mg that will end up circulating in your body. The 30% figure is completely arbitrary and made-up, but that's how I envision this would work.

Again, let me stress that this is pure speculation on my part based off of my limited understanding of how the potassium-retaining effects of this drug work. I could be waaay off in how I'm envisioning this mechanistically.
Vigorous Steve, Derek MPMD, Anabolic Doc, r/steroids. I'm going to try it but I have heard about BP, Haematocrit, Kidney issues at a higher level than test. I'm hoping Telmisartan, Aldomine, Grapefruit, Water and Cardio will keep me right
Did you mean to write Aldomine or Amlodipine? I ask because there is an interaction between grapefruit and Amlodipine. Aldomine is a hypertension med but you are the first I’ve seen use it. They claim Telmisartan does not have an interaction with grapefruit but I think it does to some extent. Other ARBs do so I was surprised when Telmisartan wasn’t on the list.
Did you mean to write Aldomine or Amlodipine? I ask because there is an interaction between grapefruit and Amlodipine. Aldomine is a hypertension med but you are the first I’ve seen use it. They claim Telmisartan does not have an interaction with grapefruit but I think it does to some extent. Other ARBs do so I was surprised when Telmisartan wasn’t on the list.
I meant Amlodipine. Thanks for that I will look into it. Maybe Telmisartan and Nebivolol instead.
The Mayo Clinic, Cleveland clinic and the NHS need to update their websites. They all still recommend not mixing the two.

The Mayo clinic's current guidance:


The diabetes from 120g+ of sugar from 1.2 liters of grapefruit juice daily will probably kill you first :)

Similar potential grapefruit juice interactions for hundreds of drugs, including telmisartan, nebivolol, cialis, and all the related drugs in those classes.

Basically if the med you're using isn't working as expected, lay off the damn grapefruit,