I am starting this discussion to hopefully get more grappling content on here. Not just PED use either skill development, weight training, conditioning, nutrition, favorite techniques, or just funny ass memes that others won’t get.
Is this something others would be interested in? If so let’s see what the demographics are.
Do you train gi, no-gi, or both?
Do you compete?
If so, is it just a hobby or are you trying to make it?
Favorite Submission?
Here are my answers:
I only train in the gi but only because of the lack of classes.
I do compete but as a hobby.
Favorite submission is the Kimura but to expand I would say the Kimura system.
Is this something others would be interested in? If so let’s see what the demographics are.
Do you train gi, no-gi, or both?
Do you compete?
If so, is it just a hobby or are you trying to make it?
Favorite Submission?
Here are my answers:
I only train in the gi but only because of the lack of classes.
I do compete but as a hobby.
Favorite submission is the Kimura but to expand I would say the Kimura system.