All things grappling


I am starting this discussion to hopefully get more grappling content on here. Not just PED use either skill development, weight training, conditioning, nutrition, favorite techniques, or just funny ass memes that others won’t get.

Is this something others would be interested in? If so let’s see what the demographics are.

Do you train gi, no-gi, or both?
Do you compete?
If so, is it just a hobby or are you trying to make it?
Favorite Submission?

Here are my answers:
I only train in the gi but only because of the lack of classes.

I do compete but as a hobby.

Favorite submission is the Kimura but to expand I would say the Kimura system.
Hell yea, let’s get this party started…

I train both Gi and Nogi, depending on time of year. Right now until masters worlds it’s Gi only for me. After that it will be No Gi only for a few months. I prefer Gi.

I compete when I’m not hurt. Last year was a tough injury year for me so i didn’t compete. The few years prior I competed in 7-10 comps per year including a few of the bigger ones. This year i intend to do one warm up comp prior to worlds then hit that, no gi pans and no gi worlds. At my age definitely a hobbyist.

Current favorite submission is Cantù from side control because I’ve been hitting it a lot lately. My favorite about a year ago was clock choke and before that oomaplata from closed guard to kimura. I get in these modes where everything is working for me on a particular sub so that becomes my favorite.

Looking forward to seeing more grappler responses in this thread!
Sounds like we are pretty much on the same page. I stopped the one no-gi class about 1.5 years ago because I was getting serious about competing in the GI and then took a shot at master worlds last year. I am in Texas and have a bunch of opens with 3-4 hours in every direction. That really helped me fine tune my game. Next time, I am thinking of doing more of the larger comps to allow me to try block periodization with my training. I am coming back from an injury now and it feels so good to be back on the mats. Not sure if worlds is in the cards this year or not but I might just go to actually enjoy Vegas this time. lol

It is nice to see someone else prefers the GI! I had to look up the Cantù. When they showed us that choke, someone asked the name and the instructor just said it’s called a choke lol. I have used it to set up the reverse arm bar also.

I am hoping this thread takes off. I haven’t found a lot of good PED content for BJJ, just little things here and there. Strangely, no one really talks about it at my gym but it clearly has several guys on at least TRT. Then when the subject comes up on Reddit everyone one attacks you and calls it cheating. All you have to do is walk around master worlds and you will see it is not cheating. Especially the women’s division! Fuck some of them look like they take more than me.
Sounds like we are pretty much on the same page. I stopped the one no-gi class about 1.5 years ago because I was getting serious about competing in the GI and then took a shot at master worlds last year. I am in Texas and have a bunch of opens with 3-4 hours in every direction. That really helped me fine tune my game. Next time, I am thinking of doing more of the larger comps to allow me to try block periodization with my training. I am coming back from an injury now and it feels so good to be back on the mats. Not sure if worlds is in the cards this year or not but I might just go to actually enjoy Vegas this time. lol

It is nice to see someone else prefers the GI! I had to look up the Cantù. When they showed us that choke, someone asked the name and the instructor just said it’s called a choke lol. I have used it to set up the reverse arm bar also.

I am hoping this thread takes off. I haven’t found a lot of good PED content for BJJ, just little things here and there. Strangely, no one really talks about it at my gym but it clearly has several guys on at least TRT. Then when the subject comes up on Reddit everyone one attacks you and calls it cheating. All you have to do is walk around master worlds and you will see it is not cheating. Especially the women’s division! Fuck some of them look like they take more than me.
Hey, I’m here in Texas as well, DFW area. Feels great to get back on mats after injury time off! Just take it slow and listen to your body. That is probably the one thing i didn’t initially do which ultimately kept me off the mats longer than i should have been.

That Cantù is something that i do but definitely not textbook detail on execution lol. I’m too old and inflexible to pull it off normally. I just switch from knees to hip in side control similar to kesa getame except i trap near arm under leg and get collar with hand while holding opposite underhook. Easy swing of the leg over the head then crank lol

I figure we can’t be the only ones on this board who do bjj. I run across quite a few guys who I feel are dabbling in aas at the very least. The dude i fought in my first fight at worlds in 2023 was definitely using. Hell, i think he may have dropped an A bomb or something before the fight. He was like a raging bull and so freaking strong. Fortunately for me he forgot how to use anything but his strength in a jiu jitsu fight. That fight is what made me evaluate changing my training going forward to incorporate various ped’s and ramp up the strength training. I think as grapplers there’s a lot to be gained by smart usage but it needs to be in moderation compared to athletes that rely more on strength or body builders. I don’t know about you but in fights amongst us older guys you don’t necessarily have to have better jiu jitsu to win if you have a bigger tank and that’s where i think we have to watch out with our compound usage or maybe you end up like Vagner Rocha with major cardiovascular issues at a young age. I think there are quite a few at high level that do cycles but the subject is definitely “taboo” in the bjj community. Seems it’s still that way even though “the goat” has come out of the ped closet finally.

Come on fellow Meso grapplers, where you at????
Hey, I’m here in Texas as well, DFW area. Feels great to get back on mats after injury time off! Just take it slow and listen to your body. That is probably the one thing i didn’t initially do which ultimately kept me off the mats longer than i should have been.

That Cantù is something that i do but definitely not textbook detail on execution lol. I’m too old and inflexible to pull it off normally. I just switch from knees to hip in side control similar to kesa getame except i trap near arm under leg and get collar with hand while holding opposite underhook. Easy swing of the leg over the head then crank lol

I figure we can’t be the only ones on this board who do bjj. I run across quite a few guys who I feel are dabbling in aas at the very least. The dude i fought in my first fight at worlds in 2023 was definitely using. Hell, i think he may have dropped an A bomb or something before the fight. He was like a raging bull and so freaking strong. Fortunately for me he forgot how to use anything but his strength in a jiu jitsu fight. That fight is what made me evaluate changing my training going forward to incorporate various ped’s and ramp up the strength training. I think as grapplers there’s a lot to be gained by smart usage but it needs to be in moderation compared to athletes that rely more on strength or body builders. I don’t know about you but in fights amongst us older guys you don’t necessarily have to have better jiu jitsu to win if you have a bigger tank and that’s where i think we have to watch out with our compound usage or maybe you end up like Vagner Rocha with major cardiovascular issues at a young age. I think there are quite a few at high level that do cycles but the subject is definitely “taboo” in the bjj community. Seems it’s still that way even though “the goat” has come out of the ped closet finally.

Come on fellow Meso grapplers, where you at????
We have probably at least been at the same tournament. I have done the Dallas open a few times.

Everyone in my division at worlds looked like they were above the reference range. I went out my first round, but it was a great experience and I learned so much from that loss. I actually was thinking about telling the story to bump this thread one day.

I 100% agree with you on usage. I spent the last year experimenting with different compounds to see what my body likes and doesn’t like. Along the way, I realized that prioritizing recovery and mood had better results. It was all about more mat time and conditioning. Fatigue management is something I skipped over too. I thought just because I was on ped’s that I could go has hard as I did in my 20’s. I found out that was not the case. When my fatigue got really high, my conditioning absolutely tanked and as you stated, that is a not good. When you can’t process information because you are so tired, all the anadrol and tren won’t help you. Another thing I noticed was high blood pressure really fucks my cardio up too!

I lifted before bjj and a little early on but once I got serious in competition, I didn’t want to give up the mat time. I don’t want to say it was a mistake but I ended up with a lot of imbalances and not lifting probably contributed to this injury. I am going to start doing some weight training soon. I have a pretty bad L4-L5 bulged disc so I don’t know what kind of lifting it will be yet. Thinking of trying kettlebells but ultimately it will be whatever by disc allows.

PED use in this sport is kinda funny. It is widely used and accepted but most people don’t talk about it and some people what to take some moral high ground. Just spit balling but maybe it is because of the marketing. The casual hobbyist may not have ever started if he thought he was going into a gym with a bunch of juiced up gorillas.
What are your stacks for grappling
My favorite so far has been test/EQ/ment. Test and mast is another good one for me. I like test p for a TRT to give myself a break.

You do really have to try things out and see what you respond to. Primo is a no go for me but maybe it works for you.

We were just both just talking about how important conditioning is and some compounds really zap it. Higher doses really take a toll on it as well.

I just added injectable glutathione and I have really been enjoying it.

Do you train?
Test / Primo
Test / Primo / Deca

Running at TRT + levels, not blasting.

Add in some PWO adrol or var depending on where in cycle but those are also low dose.

Also do daily low dose hgh (anti aging levels) and a variety of other peps and supps
Adrol is on point. Tbol is probably my favorite for PWO but only because of the lack of sides, otherwise it would be Anadrol.

Winstrol was awesome too but I’ll never use it again. Well never is a strong word.
Adrol is on point. Tbol is probably my favorite for PWO but only because of the lack of sides, otherwise it would be Anadrol.

Winstrol was awesome too but I’ll never use it again. Well never is a strong word.
No sides on Tbol? I may have to try that out on my next cycle. I always thought of tbol as closer to var than adrol but have never run it
No sides on Tbol? I may have to try that out on my next cycle. I always thought of tbol as closer to var than adrol but have never run it
I would say it is closer to var than anadrol. I get a decent amount of muscular endurance and maybe a little quicker. I get the good mood from it like dbol too. It doesn’t add any water retention but also doesn’t dry you out. No BP changes either. I would say the only thing is my piss gets noticeably darker while I am on it but never had any long term effects from it.

The CNS drive is nowhere near what you get from anadrol or winstrol.

People either love it or say it does nothing for them. Also, it probably gets a bad rap because from a bodybuilding standpoint there are better options. Jon Jones popped hot for it a few times.
I train about 70% gi 30% no-gi.

I compete at least every other month but try for 10 times a year or more if I can qualify to get into more prestigious promotions or get through trials.

It's only a hobby and I still have a day job, but its one of the few things I do in my life that makes waking up tomorrow enjoyable. I'm going to make the most of it as long as I can or long as I am motivated to.

GI sub: baseball choke from bottom half guard
nogi: tarikoplata
I train about 70% gi 30% no-gi.

I compete at least every other month but try for 10 times a year or more if I can qualify to get into more prestigious promotions or get through trials.

It's only a hobby and I still have a day job, but its one of the few things I do in my life that makes waking up tomorrow enjoyable. I'm going to make the most of it as long as I can or long as I am motivated to.

GI sub: baseball choke from bottom half guard
nogi: tarikoplata
Glad to have you here!

This is an amazing sport and nothing has improved my mental and physical health more than anything has.

When I first started, this older purple belt introduced me to the baseball bat choke daily. lol.
I would say it is closer to var than anadrol. I get a decent amount of muscular endurance and maybe a little quicker. I get the good mood from it like dbol too. It doesn’t add any water retention but also doesn’t dry you out. No BP changes either. I would say the only thing is my piss gets noticeably darker while I am on it but never had any long term effects from it.

The CNS drive is nowhere near what you get from anadrol or winstrol.

People either love it or say it does nothing for them. Also, it probably gets a bad rap because from a bodybuilding standpoint there are better options. Jon Jones popped hot for it a few times.
So were you running it pwo or every day during a period in your cycle? The lack of BP bump is appealing to me for sure. I also like something more towards var on lower water retention. You have me curious enough to where i already had an order for other things with a vendor so i had them throw in a bottle of tbol since shipping was already covered. I may just run this on cycle in last 6 weeks leading up to masters worlds. Figure if it’s good enough for those ripped girls on the East German Olympic teams of the 70’s and 80’s it’s good enough for me lol
I train about 70% gi 30% no-gi.

I compete at least every other month but try for 10 times a year or more if I can qualify to get into more prestigious promotions or get through trials.

It's only a hobby and I still have a day job, but its one of the few things I do in my life that makes waking up tomorrow enjoyable. I'm going to make the most of it as long as I can or long as I am motivated to.

GI sub: baseball choke from bottom half guard
nogi: tarikoplata
Good to see you in this thread, i knew there had to be more grapplers here than just me and LG. Hopefully a few others show up. Are you doing any of the IBJJF majors coming up? Can’t say I’ve tried a baseball choke from bottom half but i should probably take a look at it as bottom half is my preferred guard play. I’m usually just playing for the sweep and points from there though. My 16yr old daughter has a wicked baseball choke from side ctl
Good to see you in this thread, i knew there had to be more grapplers here than just me and LG. Hopefully a few others show up. Are you doing any of the IBJJF majors coming up? Can’t say I’ve tried a baseball choke from bottom half but i should probably take a look at it as bottom half is my preferred guard play. I’m usually just playing for the sweep and points from there though. My 16yr old daughter has a wicked baseball choke from side ctl
I'll probably take a shot at the Chicago open this April. The BB choke is mostly just a fun gym move, for me it's a little risky to use in comp. I love playing all the weird lapel stuff, worm guard is my new project i'm trying to get effective with for pass and sweep points right now.
Glad to have you here!

This is an amazing sport and nothing has improved my mental and physical health more than anything has.

When I first started, this older purple belt introduced me to the baseball bat choke daily. lol.
It definitely keeps me in line with diet, sleep, lifting, and drugs. If i stop rolling everything else kind of gets loose.

I have surprised many a white belt with it, and then shown them it also works really well with a sweatshirt hoodie lol.
So were you running it pwo or every day during a period in your cycle? The lack of BP bump is appealing to me for sure. I also like something more towards var on lower water retention. You have me curious enough to where i already had an order for other things with a vendor so i had them throw in a bottle of tbol since shipping was already covered. I may just run this on cycle in last 6 weeks leading up to masters worlds. Figure if it’s good enough for those ripped girls on the East German Olympic teams of the 70’s and 80’s it’s good enough for me lol
I mostly used it as a PWO but it has a 16 hour half life so running a cycle of it is an option in my opinion.