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yea but the thing is, I'm not gonna be a douche even if a source goes south like it is what it is and i respect others and respect when i get it in return but obviously you're parents did a crap ass job at teaching you guys that @skagitmaster @johnnyrotten94 @bickel29 so why don't you write that down and go learn something aha

yea bro heres the pic there both test E 300


Sorry bro I cant understand retard. Can you rewrite that in a language we can all understand.
Sorry bro I cant understand retard. Can you rewrite that in a language we can all understand.

its cool to be upset for me saying your parents are incapable of teaching you guys respect but its not my fault you guys don't understand the quote ''you need to give respect to get respect'' so yea don't be salty at me because its true and maybe you should learn respect so your parents will actually be proud that they raised a ''real'' respectable man
It's bullshit and fuck you... You chimed in 3 fucking posts after I claimed a problem with the Dbol problems... I even wrote that within 5 posts some dick rider would come on here to praise his shit..and "poof" basicbro appears to praise a product that is getting talked down too.
It's bullshit and fuck you... You chimed in 3 fucking posts after I claimed a problem with the Dbol problems... I even wrote that within 5 posts some dick rider would come on here to praise his shit..and "poof" basicbro appears to praise a product that is getting talked down too.

bro ''obviously'' none of our ''opinions'' are gonna be the same so you can't take what i said as dick riding because you don't feel the same as i do the fuck?. and fyi i haven't been disrespectful to ANY of you guys and you're gonna be disrespectful to me?.
that just proves how much of a man your not and shows how well your parents did at raising their child smh
I've been using his gear for TRT at 150mg per week and I just opened my package and it just have the test in it and not the var or adex so I just asked about it & I just noticed something weird as fuck.

The first oil I got for trt is completely different from the oils I just got? Brb I'll post a pic

If youd do your research.. ud read that he ships orals separately but clearly u just hopped on and purchased.

The pack looks nice but does it work? Guess ull find out
its cool to be upset for me saying your parents are incapable of teaching you guys respect but its not my fault you guys don't understand the quote ''you need to give respect to get respect'' so yea don't be salty at me because its true and maybe you should learn respect so your parents will actually be proud that they raised a ''real'' respectable man

Well we dont want to hear any bitching from you if your products dont turn out to be so good. But we will always love to hear how fast your pack lands. From now on you can be the official customer service g2g guy. Take the postion serious because we will be taking your word from here on.
Anyone got any feedback on the var? I took 100mg for the past 30 days. Never had any noticeable increased pumps or new veins popping out that I have had in the past. This is the highest dose I have ever ran of var and was expecting a bit more. Was running it with 500 test c and 600 mast e.

As a long time on and off AAS user and serious lifter for 30 years, I have used my fair share of great products, good products and bunk products. Past 2 weeks I have been on 30 mg/day Anavar / Oxandrolone received from Darius about 3 weeks ago. Noticeable increase in strength, stamina, great pumps, slight increase in vascularity. My girl is taking 10 mg/day as well. First time she has ever used any AAS. It is making her extremely tingly and horny (a very different kind of sexual arousal than she has experienced in the past) which in some woman is a common and known side effect of anavar, and she too has noticed a slight increase in strength and stamina, both when running and lifting.
Bros my shipment was sent on Monday and I'm waiting for it to get dropped off today! Like this is seriously the fastest I've ever got my order haha less then a fucking week & tbh Darius is seriously my favorite person to do business with and I'm going to prolly go through him for years :D (if possible) js
I just threw up in my mouth.

Darius is a solid dude, but what in the fuck.
its cool to be upset for me saying your parents are incapable of teaching you guys respect but its not my fault you guys don't understand the quote ''you need to give respect to get respect'' so yea don't be salty at me because its true and maybe you should learn respect so your parents will actually be proud that they raised a ''real'' respectable man
It appears they also forgot to teach you grammar skills.

I guess daddy was only around when he needed some sexual lovin', and forgot to buy you that Hooked on Phonics you asked for until you were 24.

I hope you find a way to fill the void of your lackluster childhood with cock riding sources for years to come.
Listen I'm not trying to scam. I don't want anything re shipped or any credits. That's my feedback. I know what I took and I know the results.
It appears they also forgot to teach you grammar skills.

I guess daddy was only around when he needed some sexual lovin', and forgot to buy you that Hooked on Phonics you asked for until you were 24.

I hope you find a way to fill the void of your lackluster childhood with cock riding sources for years to come.

its funny how you disrespect me when I've never disrespected you but thats what people do behind a computer screen to ''try'' to look cool an you don't have to be a drama queen bro like you and other people who talked shit to me remind me of a bunch of girls who just run their mouth & who cares about my grammar like ''this isn't school'' aha and you ''obviously'' understood what i said so who cares honestly
Now boys!!

Would like to hear why the two different carrier oils in the test e....
Yes, it's been since Tuesday and he has been on to pimp and praise his products etc.

Skagit - i am not sure how many times you tried contacting him, and I don't even need to know, but generally speaking, I'd try contacting him every other day, a total of 3 times (so 5 days), and then if he didn't respond I'd maybe come here and tag Darius (@Darius PharmacomStore ) in this thread asking for a response. Something like that.

I've never communicated with Darius, but it sounds like he usually gets back to people, and he probably has 150 emails a day to reply to, so maybe he just overlooked you?

@Darius PharmacomStore can you help Skagit out?