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I'm not looking for help fellas, I'm just throwing out my experiences. Yes, there are good experiences out there with pharmacom...and my my experience with communication with D was good, shipping was fast and I received my product in a timely manner. Nothing but, good in that regard but, the Dbol is not performing. The other products (test E and arimadex) seem to be working nicely but, the Dbol is not on point.
its funny how you disrespect me when I've never disrespected you but thats what people do behind a computer screen to ''try'' to look cool an you don't have to be a drama queen bro like you and other people who talked shit to me remind me of a bunch of girls who just run their mouth & who cares about my grammar like ''this isn't school'' aha and you ''obviously'' understood what i said so who cares honestly
I'm glad we both thought it was funny :)

I was still cruisin' on my post workout high and eating like 18 carne asada tacos, I blacked out when I wrote that post.

Welcome to Meso :)

I'm still team Darius, by the way. I'm sure I will get flamed for it. But I can only speak in regards to my experiences with him, and the products I received. Thus far, all appear to be as advertised and customer service has been good. I'm still confused about all the apparent issues people appear to be having with the dbol and other compounds.... I hope it works out for everyone here.
This basicbro guy is riding Darius' dick almost as hard as that guy with the rock climbing avatar pic was riding Naps
damn its crazy how a lot of you dudes on here act like females smh & talk shit behind a screen like some wannabe Facebook thugs aha. anyway anyone on here order oil and orals?, if so, how long did it take to get your second package?
damn its crazy how a lot of you dudes on here act like females smh & talk shit behind a screen like some wannabe Facebook thugs aha. anyway anyone on here order oil and orals?, if so, how long did it take to get your second package?
So you insult everybody on here and then ask for information from the ones you called thugs? Good luck....
So you insult everybody on here and then ask for information from the ones you called thugs? Good luck....

yea too the ones talking shit and disrespecting me when i ''haven't'' been that way toward anyone who's been tryna dog me the fuck?. i mean, just seems like a lot of the internet thugs on here don't know how to be respectful to other members, new or not, like id like to consider everyone on here at meso like a family cause we are all using gear so instead of bashing other people why not just be chill and be respectful & helpful?. it takes $0.00 to show respect to someone
dont get salty aha dont get it twisted aha dont hate aha lets keep it real aha dont tryna dog me the fuck.
damn @Ozzy619 you were cool as fuck to me when i had my old profile but since i made a new one you're actually fake and thats kinda lame js

You should have thought about that before calling members out over dumb shit you decided to post. I call it like I see it and I honestly have no idea who you are or about your old profile.
damn @Ozzy619 you were cool as fuck to me when i had my old profile but since i made a new one you're actually fake and thats kinda lame js

Whats your old handle, if I remember you I might eat my words. But you should have known the reaction you were going to get if you were a member before.
You should have thought about that before calling members out over dumb shit you decided to post. I call it like I see it and I honestly have no idea who you are or about your old profile.

first of all, i didn't start anything so you can't say i ''called'' anyone out and you were the one to come at me first like the other members who tried dogging me but its cool bro. i thought you were cool and thought @Wunderpus was cool when i had my old profile cause you were chill to me but you guys showed your true colors & just lost the respect i had for you guys

I'm out. peace.
first of all, i didn't start anything so you can't say i ''called'' anyone out and you were the one to come at me first like the other members who tried dogging me but its cool bro. i thought you were cool and thought @Wunderpus was cool when i had my old profile cause you were chill to me but you guys showed your true colors & just lost the respect i had for you guys

I'm out. peace.

I dont know what wunderpus said to you but hes a solid and fair guy in my book. This is an internet forum, dont take everything so personal. But cmon guy, your endorsement a few posts back looked pretty bad. Fuck it, lesson learned. Im done with this as well.