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Bros my shipment was sent on Monday and I'm waiting for it to get dropped off today! Like this is seriously the fastest I've ever got my order haha less then a fucking week & tbh Darius is seriously my favorite person to do business with and I'm going to prolly go through him for years :D (if possible) js
When people complain about his gear he's always willing to test it and cover the costs. But I agree his dbol was complete shit, he sent me a new batch to make it right. Not riding his dick but darius is respectable imo

My point is that none of this should have happened in the first place if there were actual mass specs and that its a two way street in the game of scamming. Ive said it before that Darius is a good guy in a shady business. Ive seen a few good reps look bad because of an ugl.
Bros my shipment was sent on Monday and I'm waiting for it to get dropped off today! Like this is seriously the fastest I've ever got my order haha less then a fucking week & tbh Darius is seriously my favorite person to do business with and I'm going to prolly go through him for years :D (if possible) js
As long as we're being honest here, you need to spit that dick out man! For real though ;)
Bro why hate?, like not gonna lie but youre dick riding me by hating just like the other dude aha js
You caught me man. All I'm saying is, why not wait to ride the wiener until you've at least ran the gear, I mean we know he sends a sexy ass pack, but no reason to get buck naked yet, ya dig?o_O
You caught me man. All I'm saying is, why not wait to ride the wiener until you've at least ran the gear, I mean we know he sends a sexy ass pack, but no reason to get buck naked yet, ya dig?o_O

I've been using his gear for TRT at 150mg per week and I just opened my package and it just have the test in it and not the var or adex so I just asked about it & I just noticed something weird as fuck.

The first oil I got for trt is completely different from the oils I just got? Brb I'll post a pic
All I hear is he's cool...what the fuck shitty definition of cool is out there? If I bought some Dbol from a guy at the gym and he sold me some bunk shit I wouldn't be like "that guy is cool, yah it's some bunk shit I wasted my money on but, he seems like a nice guy"
As long as we're being honest here, you need to spit that dick out man! For real though ;)

This is probably the most dick ridden thread Ive seen in awhile. Saying you will be a customer for years because you got a fast pack is retarted. While we all appreciate good customer service, its the least important aspect. Its hilarious when a lab goes south and the dick riders start talking shit.
I've been using his gear for TRT at 150mg per week and I just opened my package and it just have the test in it and not the var or adex so I just asked about it & I just noticed something weird as fuck.

The first oil I got for trt is completely different from the oils I just got? Brb I'll post a pic

All I hear is he's cool...what the fuck shitty definition of cool is out there? If I bought some Dbol from a guy at the gym and he sold me some bunk shit I wouldn't be like "that guy is cool, yah it's some bunk shit I wasted my money on but, he seems like a nice guy"

Haha Im glad somebody here has some common fucking sense
Bros my shipment was sent on Monday and I'm waiting for it to get dropped off today! Like this is seriously the fastest I've ever got my order haha less then a fucking week & tbh Darius is seriously my favorite person to do business with and I'm going to prolly go through him for years :D (if possible) js

It's not usually my style to after someone making a post like this, but DAMN!

Miley effing Cyrus couldn't have twerked this post up any worse.


First, don't announce when your pack is set to land - just unnecessary info/risk.

But second and more importantly, damn dude, take yer mouth off of D's nuts, look sideways at the mirror he's watching you fellate him in, and realize "that is me with a face full of man's balls" because this is just ridiculousness.

You're gonna go through him for years? Really?! Little over the top, wouldn't you say?

For the record, regarding Darius, this is not on him at all, and I have no problem with D. But Basicbro, you need to realize that posts like this will never help a source here at Meso, and only potentially looks bad on them.
It's not usually my style to after someone making a post like this, but DAMN!

Miley effing Cyrus couldn't have twerked this post up any worse.


First, don't announce when your pack is set to land - just unnecessary info/risk.

But second and more importantly, damn dude, take yer mouth off of D's nuts, look sideways at the mirror he's watching you fellate him in, and realize "that is me with a face full of man's balls" because this is just ridiculousness.

You're gonna go through him for years? Really?! Little over the top, wouldn't you say?

For the record, regarding Darius, this is not on him at all, and I have no problem with D. But Basicbro, you need to realize that posts like this will never help a source here at Meso, and only potentially looks bad on them.

Damn bickel your elegant build up put a visual in my head that I just cant erase now. I was waiting for a climatic finish but all you did was leaving me waiting for more :( but I think we all know how this story eventually ends :)
This is probably the most dick ridden thread Ive seen in awhile. Saying you will be a customer for years because you got a fast pack is retarted. While we all appreciate good customer service, its the least important aspect. Its hilarious when a lab goes south and the dick riders start talking shit.

yea but the thing is, I'm not gonna be a douche even if a source goes south like it is what it is and i respect others and respect when i get it in return but obviously you're parents did a crap ass job at teaching you guys that @skagitmaster @johnnyrotten94 @bickel29 so why don't you write that down and go learn something aha


yea bro heres the pic there both test E 300

Haha Im glad somebody here has some common fucking sense

@Ozzy619 and @skagitmaster - what we're you told when you contacted Darius about the dbol being weak/bunk?

Were you basically just told "sorry about your luck"? I can't understand why a source would sacrifice customers over some bad dbol, given the low cost to make dbol. And I have gotten to know Ozzie pretty damn good away from the forums, and I can't imagine anyone concluding Oz to be a reverse scammer.
[QUOTE="skagitmaster, post: 1325806, member: 73624

This is also a great point for some 5 post dickwad to praise the product and chime in or try to redirect the thread.[/QUOTE]

I posted this quote 3 replies prior to ""basicbro"s"first dick riding reply. That was out of nowhere
... Fuck you dick rider just like I prophecied, I'm a mother fucking ms. Cleo mind reading motherfucker
@Ozzy619 and @skagitmaster - what we're you told when you contacted Darius about the dbol being weak/bunk?

Were you basically just told "sorry about your luck"? I can't understand why a source would sacrifice customers over some bad dbol, given the low cost to make dbol. And I have gotten to know Ozzie pretty damn good away from the forums, and I can't imagine anyone concluding Oz to be a reverse scammer.

I never received a reply from D.. But, he could come on and say how good his var is.
@Ozzy619 and @skagitmaster - what we're you told when you contacted Darius about the dbol being weak/bunk?

Were you basically just told "sorry about your luck"? I can't understand why a source would sacrifice customers over some bad dbol, given the low cost to make dbol. And I have gotten to know Ozzie pretty damn good away from the forums, and I can't imagine anyone concluding Oz to be a reverse scammer.

Darius gave me a very good price on the dbol, over 50% off with free shipping. In a post he told me he would replace the dbol but I never responded to the comment or pushed the issue.