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This is my last day of week 5 on 450mg/wk of Test-e and 600 mg/wk Eq. Going to pin tomorrow (Monday) and get blood drawn Wednesday. I'm not feeling like they are going to come back so hot. Did legs Friday and I'm still sore. Used Sandoz Test-C 250mg/wk in the past (lost that connect) and wasn't ever sore like this. Almost seems as though it's underdosed or I absorb test c better. No oily skin beyond my normal oil, libido isn't what I've had in the past with less of a dosage, no amazing pumps in the gym..... What do you guys think?
IMO nothing, I mean nothing is going to tell the story, but the numbers. But really, you should be seeing un-ignorable gains on the doses you're pinning. Unless your diet is crap, and you're training is sub par.So, if that stuff is on point, and you're not. Then you already know the answer to your question. Hope to see some good numbers on your labs! But, sadly, as you have already expressed, you may be less than impressed. And that's really unfortunate.
Im annoyed at the quality of the product.. wouldnt u be. Look 2 posts up.
Ahh sorry if I made a personal attack as I must have misread your post thinking you meant the members were putting up weaksauce bloods. Guess it's because I need my sleep :confused:o_O
Mid April. I don't want to go around spreading rumors when I have no evidence to back it up but I had much better results running Test E @ 500 mg/wk last time than @ 700 mg/wk this time. Could be decreased sensitivity, but it's the loss of libido and lethargy regardless of adex dose that is really getting to me. That and I haven't gained much weight since the first couple weeks which was mostly glycogen and water. I just don't feel "on" like I did last time and it's very underwhelming.
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Mid April. I don't want to go around spreading rumors when I have no evidence to back it up but I had much better results running Test E @ 500 mg/wk last time than @ 700 mg/wk this time. Could be decreased sensitivity, but it's the loss of libido and lethargy regardless of adex dose that is really getting to me. That and I haven't gained much weight since the first couple weeks which was mostly glycogen and water. I just don't feel "on" like I did last time and it's very underwhelming.

Like you said, only bloods will tell the truth, but decreased sensitivity is bro science. You will reach a point where you make maximum gains at a specific dose but theres a lot of articles refuting androgen receptor downregulation.
People need to stop buying this pharmacom garbage... Over priced as shit and more often than not, underdosed.
Guys, if we're going off of 'feelings' here, my instincts are telling me that my Test E and Deca are dosed properly...

However, my products were purchased at the same time as Millard's tested products (convenient, I suppose) and have been performing as expected. Deca is DEFINITELY deca. Test E has only been run for a little over a week, but no 'crash' off of my old test E (which was good to go). I should be feeling a crash by now if this test e wasn't as advertised or close.

I'm sure some of you will have some shit to say here, but being positive and honest doesn't always mean youre a shill, sometimes we forget that at Meso...
Guys, if we're going off of 'feelings' here, my instincts are telling me that my Test E and Deca are dosed properly...

However, my products were purchased at the same time as Millard's tested products (convenient, I suppose) and have been performing as expected. Deca is DEFINITELY deca. Test E has only been run for a little over a week, but no 'crash' off of my old test E (which was good to go). I should be feeling a crash by now if this test e wasn't as advertised or close.

I'm sure some of you will have some shit to say here, but being positive and honest doesn't always mean youre a shill, sometimes we forget that at Meso...

Youre good dude. Underground is for all reviews, good and bad. They cant all be bad. I have hope that after the debacle things should improve, kind of what happens in most cases anyways. Darius messaged me today so I have to give him respect for doing that. I think hes still trying to sort everything out.
Yes, it just seems everyone is a fan of hating on sources, and HATES any positivity.

However, it is my commitment to try and be as unbiased and honest as I can be, even with the impending adversity.
Yes, it just seems everyone is a fan of hating on sources, and HATES any positivity.

However, it is my commitment to try and be as unbiased and honest as I can be, even with the impending adversity.

The issue at hand is paying a premium for a source that is still hit or miss, and in my experience and that of others who have given Pharmacom a chance... It is more often a miss rather than a hit... Absolutely unacceptable with the prices these jokers are asking. $76 for 10ml of trash tren ace? GTFO! My $40 bottle of tren ace from a startup ugl far surpasses the garbage Datius sent me. Those of us who have been burned are being rightfully pessimistic. You have one chance to not fuck up, once you do indeed duck up you're getting negative reviews regardless of "trying to make it right." I don't want these clowns to try to make it right after we've been wronged, you shouldn't have wronged anyone in the first place so this "trying to make it right" bullshit is exactly that, it's damage control bullshit and not enough for me to personally gain respect or trust back for these crooks.
The issue at hand is paying a premium for a source that is still hit or miss, and in my experience and that of others who have given Pharmacom a chance... It is more often a miss rather than a hit... Absolutely unacceptable with the prices these jokers are asking. $76 for 10ml of trash tren ace? GTFO! My $40 bottle of tren ace from a startup ugl far surpasses the garbage Datius sent me. Those of us who have been burned are being rightfully pessimistic. You have one chance to not fuck up, once you do indeed duck up you're getting negative reviews regardless of "trying to make it right." I don't want these clowns to try to make it right after we've been wronged, you shouldn't have wronged anyone in the first place so this "trying to make it right" bullshit is exactly that, it's damage control bullshit and not enough for me to personally gain respect or trust back for these crooks.
Perhaps try buying it legally then you wont have to deal with crooks and drug dealers...A win win solution....