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Guys, if we're going off of 'feelings' here, my instincts are telling me that my Test E and Deca are dosed properly...

However, my products were purchased at the same time as Millard's tested products (convenient, I suppose) and have been performing as expected. Deca is DEFINITELY deca. Test E has only been run for a little over a week, but no 'crash' off of my old test E (which was good to go). I should be feeling a crash by now if this test e wasn't as advertised or close.

I'm sure some of you will have some shit to say here, but being positive and honest doesn't always mean youre a shill, sometimes we forget that at Meso...
Not hating on your positivity, but my products were purchased at the same time as Millards test products were same batch numbers and all. There is no way my gear is on point. If yours is, that's great. You're one of the few who've bought from Darius and had good luck with the gear. It seems like most of the complaints and bad blood work have come from gear that was bought from Darius. When nobody had run any tests he paid for mass spec. He asked people and offered store credit for blood tests, labmax etc.....But when they come back bad he says the only tests that matter are flesners mass spec and Millards testing. Bullshit. The mass spec showed the primo as being unidentifiable as anything. As far as the rest of the products go, the mass spec shows nothing more than a labmax. My gear definitely had hormone but not what the label says it has.
Guys. I'm wondering your thoughts on doubling my dose. I've never done it mid cycle. How long would until the doubled dosage would, essentially, take effect?
Not hating on your positivity, but my products were purchased at the same time as Millards test products were same batch numbers and all. There is no way my gear is on point. If yours is, that's great. You're one of the few who've bought from Darius and had good luck with the gear. It seems like most of the complaints and bad blood work have come from gear that was bought from Darius. When nobody had run any tests he paid for mass spec. He asked people and offered store credit for blood tests, labmax etc.....But when they come back bad he says the only tests that matter are flesners mass spec and Millards testing. Bullshit. The mass spec showed the primo as being unidentifiable as anything. As far as the rest of the products go, the mass spec shows nothing more than a labmax. My gear definitely had hormone but not what the label says it has.
Guys. I'm wondering your thoughts on doubling my dose. I've never done it mid cycle. How long would until the doubled dosage would, essentially, take effect?

These two posts, one after another, indicate to me you haven't a clue what you're doing.

If you don't know how long something takes to take effect, why are you pretending to KNOW that your stuff is underdosed? Do you KNOW how long test E takes to come into full swing?

I doubt I'm the only person who received good gear, that just doesn't make any sort of sense to me, at all.

To answer your question about doubling the dose:

I wouldn't ever DOUBLE the dose right away, I would increase by 20% or so a week. It's more complicated with longer esters. I would have adex and nolva on hand in case you're not ready for the E2 spike that's probably going to occur. How many mg's/week are you running, and of what compounds? For how long?
The issue at hand is paying a premium for a source that is still hit or miss, and in my experience and that of others who have given Pharmacom a chance... It is more often a miss rather than a hit... Absolutely unacceptable with the prices these jokers are asking. $76 for 10ml of trash tren ace? GTFO! My $40 bottle of tren ace from a startup ugl far surpasses the garbage Datius sent me. Those of us who have been burned are being rightfully pessimistic. You have one chance to not fuck up, once you do indeed duck up you're getting negative reviews regardless of "trying to make it right." I don't want these clowns to try to make it right after we've been wronged, you shouldn't have wronged anyone in the first place so this "trying to make it right" bullshit is exactly that, it's damage control bullshit and not enough for me to personally gain respect or trust back for these crooks.
I don't know anyone who paid the listed price on the site, by the way. It seems as though discounts are always applied, some have been quite significant. I don't want anyone's feelings to get hurt, so I won't post the % of discounts I've seen.
These two posts, one after another, indicate to me you haven't a clue what you're doing.

If you don't know how long something takes to take effect, why are you pretending to KNOW that your stuff is underdosed? Do you KNOW how long test E takes to come into full swing?

I doubt I'm the only person who received good gear, that just doesn't make any sort of sense to me, at all.

To answer your question about doubling the dose:

I wouldn't ever DOUBLE the dose right away, I would increase by 20% or so a week. It's more complicated with longer esters. I would have adex and nolva on hand in case you're not ready for the E2 spike that's probably going to occur. How many mg's/week are you running, and of what compounds? For how long?
Running 450mg/wk test e and 600mg/wk Eq. Just starting week 6. Yes I know for a fact it's underdosed. Not ACTING like I know. I've used quality shit in the past. I've felt more with less of a dose. I've never had to increase the dosage so therfore I wasn't sure if it took the same 4 weeks or so before the effects of the upped dosage were in full effect. Yes, I have all of the ancillary products one may need for increased E2. I didn't say you were the ONLY one to receive good gear. I said ONE OF THE FEW. I am pinning my normal half dose (pinning twice a week) today (Monday) getting bloods on Wednesday. Thanks for your input. @Wunderpus
Running 450mg/wk test e and 600mg/wk Eq. Just starting week 6. Yes I know for a fact it's underdosed. Not ACTING like I know. I've used quality shit in the past. I've felt more with less of a dose. I've never had to increase the dosage so therfore I wasn't sure if it took the same 4 weeks or so before the effects of the upped dosage were in full effect. Yes, I have all of the ancillary products one may need for increased E2. I didn't say you were the ONLY one to receive good gear. I said ONE OF THE FEW. I am pinning my normal half dose (pinning twice a week) today (Monday) getting bloods on Wednesday. Thanks for your input. @Wunderpus
I wouldn't double the doses, 450 to 900 is a huge jump (assuming it's around the listed dosage). Also, 450 of test and 600 of eq is kind of an odd cycle. I wouldn't touch the eq's dosage, and I'd increase test to 600. Then to 750. I see no need to go above that in this situation.

6 weeks is long enough to FEEL the test, you are right. This is an odd situation, that I can't really wrap my head around.
I wouldn't double the doses, 450 to 900 is a huge jump (assuming it's around the listed dosage). Also, 450 of test and 600 of eq is kind of an odd cycle. I wouldn't touch the eq's dosage, and I'd increase test to 600. Then to 750. I see no need to go above that in this situation.

6 weeks is long enough to FEEL the test, you are right. This is an odd situation, that I can't really wrap my head around.
Thanks bro. Why is this an odd cycle? It's 3/4ml of test and 1ml of eq per injection twice per week. Why would you not touch that eq dosage? First time. Ever using eq so I am a newbie to that. But test. By no means a newbie. I honestly feel like my test levels aren't going to come back higher than 30-40percent. Using the 10x rule. Even though in the past using Sandoz pharmacy test at 250mg/wk levels usually came back around 2050. So 10x is reaching for me. This is my first cycle going above 250. Might sound like a newbie but I only over use it to cut. Not trying to put on huge mass with any cycle. 250 is plenty for cutting. So if this was on point I would feel it at 450.
Emcom, your shit probably is underdosed. The majority of people's products were underdosed from the sounds of it. More likely to be underdosed when coming from Darius as opposed to Frank as well, once again from the sounds of it. I've moved on to other labs and won't purchase pharmacom again. It's probably advisable to do the same, cut your losses and find a new ugl.
Emcom, your shit probably is underdosed. The majority of people's products were underdosed from the sounds of it. More likely to be underdosed when coming from Darius as opposed to Frank as well, once again from the sounds of it. I've moved on to other labs and won't purchase pharmacom again. It's probably advisable to do the same, cut your losses and find a new ugl.
Do not double your dose under the ASSUMPTION it's underdosed unless you are ready to combat what might come your way (in the form of sides).

Since you're 6 weeks in, why don't you get bloods first?
I wouldn't double the doses, 450 to 900 is a huge jump (assuming it's around the listed dosage). Also, 450 of test and 600 of eq is kind of an odd cycle. I wouldn't touch the eq's dosage, and I'd increase test to 600. Then to 750. I see no need to go above that in this situation.

6 weeks is long enough to FEEL the test, you are right. This is an odd situation, that I can't really wrap my head around.
Real EQ gives results in 3 to 4 weeks. I agree with you WP, up the test e to 750 and see what happens.
Glad you're happy with your product WP, I haven't experienced much with my Pharma Teen A and Test P and I for one will not order from Pharmacom again.
Guys, if we're going off of 'feelings' here, my instincts are telling me that my Test E and Deca are dosed properly...

However, my products were purchased at the same time as Millard's tested products (convenient, I suppose) and have been performing as expected. Deca is DEFINITELY deca. Test E has only been run for a little over a week, but no 'crash' off of my old test E (which was good to go). I should be feeling a crash by now if this test e wasn't as advertised or close.

I'm sure some of you will have some shit to say here, but being positive and honest doesn't always mean youre a shill, sometimes we forget that at Meso...
Are you in the states or elsewhere?
Was starting to wonder the same thing. @Wunderpus are you getting bloods to show us how properly dosed your gear is? It would be helpful
Yeah, of course. I just started the test E as I mentioned a little over a week ago. Obviously bloods won't say shit for EQ or Deca. I'm still finishing another lab's test P, so bloods aren't realistic for 6-8 weeks from now, unfortunately.

However, no issue doing it.