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I was thinking it reminds me more of "Karl". I laughed him off the board and would like to think I helped get that ball rolling. His outlandish claims of having a factory in South America that produced his own rhgh were laughable. His investing more than a million $$ in the factory. Sound familiar.
Why were you all so quick to drink the kool aid here? Was it the cool video of the vials moving down the conveyor belt? Was it the other slick marketing Pharmacom came up with?
Pretty ballsy to show up a short time after Karl with pretty much the same story, don't you think? I mean, Karl had a line of gear that was established years before Pharmacom. Did he not?
Darius came with the same story as Karl and our own resident wingnut. What was his name? Trainer to the Olympia contenders the guy cbs tapped as "The Most Interesting Man In the World". That's right, Pericles.
His boss talked of trips to the Orient to tour the factory. Far fetched and just outright bullshit.
The same story with different players. The gear is in packaging that's a bit more classy. Even a whore can look dignified if she's wearing Chanel. Take off the wrapping and you've got the same street walking skank.
Listen, I'm not buying any of the stories these people are selling. You've got a couple of different faces selling the same dream. They skype and make a pact to stick to the story. A manufacturing plant in a far off land that only the blessed have seen. A video that made the rounds on the boards purportedly showing a GMP certified plant where the most stringent rules are followed that turns out Test Cyp that is $70 a vial.
Sounds like the story World Pharma and Matthew Jasper have been trying to sell. Pharmacom simply built on that bullshit. WP and Asia Pharma have had a video of their plant circulating on youtube and the boards and it's been there well before these clowns. WP provided the business model...didn't they? It's what they would point to hoping to justify asking $140 for a 10ml vial of Test Cyp.
Same silly story here folks. You all would want to jump off the tallest building you could find if you saw the truth and how Pharmacom shit is made. The burden of proof has magically been taken from these snake oil peddling Charlatan's.
Nothing changes but the names of the players.
The way you put it. It sounds like a fairytale. Did they lull us to sleep?
I wonder how many people got legit gear. Then after reading negative reviews. Just figured there shit was bunk. So they started to slack on diet and workout. Then point to the gear as the problem. When in fact it was just all in there head. Something obviously happen at some point. Kinda find it hard to believe they been around this long selling complete bunk gear. I am making a order cause of the promotion. I will be getting bloods. I believe that even if I posted 10x bloods. It would be called fake or just ignored. I have seen the placebo effect work both ways first hand. Guy goes on 8 week cycle. Has nothing but goods things to say. I look at him like wtf you crazy haven't gain shit. Seen some claim bunk then gain 15lb. With shit diet and workout. I do believe we look for the bad. Then ignore the positive. I mean other than the dbol or tren. I don't think a "feeling" is a very good indicator.
@biggerben69 could not have said it any is all like a game of whack-a-mole where one source comes in with all kinds of rainbows and sunshine to reel in the suckers, then get smacked down once the complaints come in. They'll disappear and come back with a new handle and new marketing strategy. This shell game never ends till people wake up. Hellloooo!
I've never bought from Darius and probably won't , but there seems to be alot of posts calling out his test as bunk with nothing to back it up. All I can see is very few blood tests that don't meet the magical X10 threshold which I consider bullshit anyways. I'm all for calling out sources when they are bad, but I just don't see it here in this case
than why ever buy anything from anyone

It in my opinion is 100% on the buyer. You know going in you have a chance of getting bent over. When shit hit the fan everyone was pissed about not getting what they bought. I have been burned it was annoying yes and I got a little pissed off. I was aware going in it could happen. So why buy you ask. Well wtf else is one to do. Unless you go and get a legit prescription. It's a gamble that you sometimes lose. However odds can be on our side. When things like blood work are shown. The testing program that just started running. You can weed some of it out. It will always be that way. Worse now it seems than ever. 9 years ago I got some online. Not to much on scams then. Well at least compared to today. I will say that the fact the guys hang around replace people's "bunk" gear. Despite the fact the flood gates broke open for advantage takers. Does show me some kind of quality control. About as good as you can get I believe. Not often you hear about complaints and then you get Compinsation for it. Good luck trying that with any other illegal items.
I wonder how many people got legit gear. Then after reading negative reviews. Just figured there shit was bunk. So they started to slack on diet and workout. Then point to the gear as the problem. When in fact it was just all in there head. Something obviously happen at some point. Kinda find it hard to believe they been around this long selling complete bunk gear. I am making a order cause of the promotion. I will be getting bloods. I believe that even if I posted 10x bloods. It would be called fake or just ignored. I have seen the placebo effect work both ways first hand. Guy goes on 8 week cycle. Has nothing but goods things to say. I look at him like wtf you crazy haven't gain shit. Seen some claim bunk then gain 15lb. With shit diet and workout. I do believe we look for the bad. Then ignore the positive. I mean other than the dbol or tren. I don't think a "feeling" is a very good indicator.
Good point. I'm cashing in my 401k tomorrow and buying Pharmacom's entire warehouse floor of stock. I don't know why I never looked at it this way.
Haha I got some enron stock if you are interested in it. Ouch the taxes on cashing in 401k is brutal as fuk. Made that mistake once.
@DestinedForGreatness I agree with you 100%, I think they're test E is on par for sure at least the batch I got. I just think the batch of Dbol is shit. I have some of their winny but, I haven't used it yet and prior to getting their Adex I was having some toughtime regulating my est. but,running .5 eod has made a world of difference.
I bought the shit. It works. Up 7 pounds in a week on the dbol. Now please shut up and stop bitching if you have no bloods to back up your claims. Darius has been a good guy so far but if you push him far enough he's gonna tell you to fuck off.

Also obviously I'm new here and have no posts so nothing I say matters but none of this bitching matters either and frankly it's annoying and childish.

Now if you don't like the shit fuck off and don't buy it. But it's not completely "bunk fake underdosed shit" Millards testing proved they at least try to put some fucking product in there shit. If you happen to get a shit batch get bloods show Darius and I'm sure he'll attempt to make things right with you.

Now fuck off.
The way you put it. It sounds like a fairytale. Did they lull us to sleep?
I've not been here long, but it seems that this is how it mostly goes. What I see here is a lot of new members singing the praise of this potentially holy grail of quality gear, then showing their surprise when things don't turn out as they had planned. Whether it's pharmacom, or the local dude with a few sales on reddit, there's something very similar in the story. I've seen it written about 'team darius'. I'm not sure wtf that is, but either way it's bound to end in tears.
Have a look at old threads, it seems the MO is damn similar, no matter how pretty the label
I bought the shit. It works. Up 7 pounds in a week on the dbol. Now please shut up and stop bitching if you have no bloods to back up your claims. Darius has been a good guy so far but if you push him far enough he's gonna tell you to fuck off.

Also obviously I'm new here and have no posts so nothing I say matters but none of this bitching matters either and frankly it's annoying and childish.

Now if you don't like the shit fuck off and don't buy it. But it's not completely "bunk fake underdosed shit" Millards testing proved they at least try to put some fucking product in there shit. If you happen to get a shit batch get bloods show Darius and I'm sure he'll attempt to make things right with you.

Now fuck off.
You are right about one thing...nothing you say matters.
I bought the shit. It works. Up 7 pounds in a week on the dbol. Now please shut up and stop bitching if you have no bloods to back up your claims. Darius has been a good guy so far but if you push him far enough he's gonna tell you to fuck off.

Also obviously I'm new here and have no posts so nothing I say matters but none of this bitching matters either and frankly it's annoying and childish.

Now if you don't like the shit fuck off and don't buy it. But it's not completely "bunk fake underdosed shit" Millards testing proved they at least try to put some fucking product in there shit. If you happen to get a shit batch get bloods show Darius and I'm sure he'll attempt to make things right with you.

Now fuck off.
So what bloods will show the presence of dbol dickhead? Watch your fucking mouth. Nobody asked your personal opinion of darius and you sure are not in a position to tell people when to talk. Nobody is. I would tell you to go fuck your mother but I would hate for you to catch something a shot won't take care of.
Undisputed there is some under dose gear flowing around
There is at least 3 to 4 good WKMs that we trust that ran and are currently running this gear with no complaints so it not all garbage
There are also dumb members that in the beginning of them using pharmacom were talking good praising them now everyone is talking bunk gear they're jumping on the hate wagon if you don't have proof or your diet and training sucks please please shut the fuck up
I respect everyone but some are just clowns
Just a update im on test ph i had to switch from the test p. it was killing me ph is much better for me. im taking 40 mg ed of anavar and 60mg eod of test. i am noticing a difference. my bench went up beyond a placebo went from hitting 315 for 6 to now 10 in 4 weeks and i am getting more vascular so theres something in the stuff i got.