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I don't know what everyone is fucking arguing about. If the shit is real there is no doubt. I don't see how anyone can confuse being on. It's not well I had a few more reps. The feeling is unmistakable. So you need to say with confidence that he'll yeah it's working. If you have to resort to well I think it is cause I'm lifting a little more weight. All that means is the shit is garbage.
I agree with that naturalkon. I would expect guys hitting heavy weight to see 50 pound jumps on the big 3 in a lot of cases. The difference between a good cycle and training naturally are pretty noticeable. I don't ever gain 50-100 pounds on lifts in 10 weeks training naturally, but i have done so enhanced, and i am sure i'm not the only one. If i gained 20 pounds on deadlift in 10-12 weeks on a gram a week of test i can tell you where i would be placing the blame. As you said...if you have to guess then chances are it is shit.
I agree with that naturalkon. I would expect guys hitting heavy weight to see 50 pound jumps on the big 3 in a lot of cases. The difference between a good cycle and training naturally are pretty noticeable. I don't ever gain 50-100 pounds on lifts in 10 weeks training naturally, but i have done so enhanced, and i am sure i'm not the only one. If i gained 20 pounds on deadlift in 10-12 weeks on a gram a week of test i can tell you where i would be placing the blame. As you said...if you have to guess then chances are it is shit.
Depends on doseage and what you eat. If cutting I gain little if anything on my lifts while on cycle.
Well i don't lift for cosmetics, so i can't speak to that. I always thought it was a bit counterproductive to starve yourself while trying to gain strength, but obviously that isn't always the goal of a bber. I pulled/cut weight most of my life growing up wrestling, so that no longer has any appeal to me. It also muddies the waters when talking about gear effectiveness i would think.
Depends on doseage and what you eat. If cutting I gain little if anything on my lifts while on cycle.
Thats why im saying its stupid to use the weight you lift as a barometer of the shit being good. I can not train and eat nothing but big macs everyda and if im taking shit thats any good i know it. I dont see where the confusion is.
Thats why im saying its stupid to use the weight you lift as a barometer of the shit being good. I can not train and eat nothing but big macs everyda and if im taking shit thats any good i know it. I dont see where the confusion is.
Plus, placebo effect is very strong.

However, some people just KNOW when the gear is good, after having been through bunk gear many times in the past, as well as good gear.
maybe you guys are right alls im sayin is i feel and look different. even not training for 2 weeks and its not caffeine i dont use it or pre-workouts

A gain for any reason is still a gain (which is a good thing). Some bloodwork would seem to be the next logical step for you though.

If it confirms that you have good gear then: Great!

If it didn't then: Well think how much more you will gain from good gear!

A gain for any reason is still a gain (which is a good thing). Some bloodwork would seem to be the next logical step for you though.

If it confirms that you have good gear then: Great!

If it didn't then: Well think how much more you will gain from good gear!


I would love to get bloods done that would clear up the test im taking. but in my state i'd have to go to my doctor. if i go out of state not sure if they require ID. things were much easier in the late 90's lol probably even easier before then.
^^^ I self pay through LabCorp, and I've never been asked for an ID. They do ask for your requisition p.w. at sign in, but that's it. You can be who ever you want to be.
I agree with that naturalkon. I would expect guys hitting heavy weight to see 50 pound jumps on the big 3 in a lot of cases. The difference between a good cycle and training naturally are pretty noticeable. I don't ever gain 50-100 pounds on lifts in 10 weeks training naturally, but i have done so enhanced, and i am sure i'm not the only one. If i gained 20 pounds on deadlift in 10-12 weeks on a gram a week of test i can tell you where i would be placing the blame. As you said...if you have to guess then chances are it is shit.

50 lb jumps from your PRs? I have never experienced any jump in strength like that. But I go by my actual increases in my PRs. I have to fight to hold onto 5 lb increases in my PRs after a cycle now. But the amount of weight I can lift while on cycle versus when I'm off is significantly higher.
50 lb jumps from your PRs? I have never experienced any jump in strength like that. But I go by my actual increases in my PRs. I have to fight to hold onto 5 lb increases in my PRs after a cycle now. But the amount of weight I can lift while on cycle versus when I'm off is significantly higher.

i need a little more time. im taking 180mg a week of T ph and 40mg ed of Var which is not alot. i will not change anything and see where i am in 2 more weeks.
i need a little more time. im taking 180mg a week of T ph and 40mg ed of Var which is not alot. i will not change anything and see where i am in 2 more weeks.

I am talking about taking 750mg to a gram of test a week for 10 weeks. A 50 pound increase in deadlift is not asking a whole lot at that amount if it is good to go. Of course if it bunk shit then the amount doesn't really matter. I'm not on year round. I try to do a cycle every couple of years to get over a plateau and turn the clock back a bit. We seem to be talking about trt versus cycling, which is a bit different.
I got some of D's npp and test p waiting for me at the house to use when I get back to the states in a few weeks. After reading this I realize i probably jumped the gun but regardless I'll be logging my experience for you guys
I got some of D's npp and test p waiting for me at the house to use when I get back to the states in a few weeks. After reading this I realize i probably jumped the gun but regardless I'll be logging my experience for you guys

All I can say is... May the gear gods smile upon you... Because your prop is likely to be shit. NPP I can't comment on.
I am talking about taking 750mg to a gram of test a week for 10 weeks. A 50 pound increase in deadlift is not asking a whole lot at that amount if it is good to go. Of course if it bunk shit then the amount doesn't really matter. I'm not on year round. I try to do a cycle every couple of years to get over a plateau and turn the clock back a bit. We seem to be talking about trt versus cycling, which is a bit different.

I cycle on and off also.usually once a year. its been 2 years for me. i do take trt doses. im not really trying to put weight on mostly for strength and to lean up a little. i do gain a little weight anyway when on.
Got blood drawn today. I've never had them tell me it's going to be a couple of weeks. Wtf. It's usually under 7 days, I haven't seen that tech before. She's probably new and doesn't quite know. Anyways, I hope I have to eat crow and the results come back between the 7.5 -8.75x that they usually do for my body. This is week 6 of my cycle. Will post lab section. Also post a link here.
Got blood drawn today. I've never had them tell me it's going to be a couple of weeks. Wtf. It's usually under 7 days, I haven't seen that tech before. She's probably new and doesn't quite know. Anyways, I hope I have to eat crow and the results come back between the 7.5 -8.75x that they usually do for my body. This is week 6 of my cycle. Will post lab section. Also post a link here.

7 days does seem a bit strange. Did you go to private labs? For a regular female panel they've been giving me results on the next business day as long as I have labs drawn before 11.
Hormone panel with free and total test lc/ms-ms. I think I'll have results in a few days. Definitely before end of week.

