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4 reps in 4 weeks is the evidence you have to call a substance good? Hell fellas, then i am going to have to tell you about this bad ass protein powder i am taking or maybe it is the taco bueno i eat once or twice a week. Give me a freaking break. That could just be a good day versus a bad day for most people, or a change in attitude. Not exactly concrete evidence friend.
4 reps in 4 weeks is the evidence you have to call a substance good? Hell fellas, then i am going to have to tell you about this bad ass protein powder i am taking or maybe it is the taco bueno i eat once or twice a week. Give me a freaking break. That could just be a good day versus a bad day for most people, or a change in attitude. Not exactly concrete evidence friend.

All im sayin is im 37 years old been workin out since im 19. i dont make jumps like that now naturally. just sayin there is something in the stuff im takin thats all
Just a update im on test ph i had to switch from the test p. it was killing me ph is much better for me. im taking 40 mg ed of anavar and 60mg eod of test. i am noticing a difference. my bench went up beyond a placebo went from hitting 315 for 6 to now 10 in 4 weeks and i am getting more vascular so theres something in the stuff i got.

Adding 4 reps to your previous 6RM in 4 weeks is just called "training". Heck to be honest adding the reps vice maximal weight is mostly work capacity/VO2 max rather than strength.

Having a bit more caffeine before your 4th week workout could have done the same thing.

Your age also has nothing to do with it. I am older than you and can easily go from my 6 RM to a 10RM with the same weight just by dragging a weight sled around and increasing conditioning between workouts.

Glad you think it is the drugs. Whatever works in your mind.
Adding 4 reps to your previous 6RM in 4 weeks is just called "training". Heck to be honest adding the reps vice maximal weight is mostly work capacity/VO2 max rather than strength.

Having a bit more caffeine before your 4th week workout could have done the same thing.

i actually had 20 stitches 2 weeks ago so i was out 2 weeks thats coming back from not even training for 2 weeks...i didnt want to stop the cycle so i just took it the 2 weeks i was out
Adding 4 reps to your previous 6RM in 4 weeks is just called "training". Heck to be honest adding the reps vice maximal weight is mostly work capacity/VO2 max rather than strength.

Having a bit more caffeine before your 4th week workout could have done the same thing.

Your age also has nothing to do with it. I am older than you and can easily go from my 6 RM to a 10RM with the same weight just by dragging a weight sled around and increasing conditioning between workouts.

Glad you think it is the drugs. Whatever works in your mind.

maybe you guys are right alls im sayin is i feel and look different. even not training for 2 weeks and its not caffeine i dont use it or pre-workouts
Adding 4 reps to your previous 6RM in 4 weeks is just called "training". Heck to be honest adding the reps vice maximal weight is mostly work capacity/VO2 max rather than strength.

Having a bit more caffeine before your 4th week workout could have done the same thing.

Your age also has nothing to do with it. I am older than you and can easily go from my 6 RM to a 10RM with the same weight just by dragging a weight sled around and increasing conditioning between workouts.

Glad you think it is the drugs. Whatever works in your mind.

I would agree if it's lower weight, but a typical person does not jump 4 reps on a 315 lbs lift, its not the same as jumping 4 reps at 140 lbs. yes caffeine could give you the edge, but once again not a 4 rep increase on a 315 lbs lift.

Edit: which I am not saying it's the AAS, but that's nearly a 40 lbs increase on the max in 4 weeks of natural training. that is a substantial increase in a already decent bench press number.
So we went from a 6RM becoming a 10RM, to being older and not able to do that naturally anymore, to having 20 stitches put in, to being out 2wks, and finally to dieting down. Is there any other issue you feel like throwing in there?
4 reps in 4 weeks is the evidence you have to call a substance good? Hell fellas, then i am going to have to tell you about this bad ass protein powder i am taking or maybe it is the taco bueno i eat once or twice a week. Give me a freaking break. That could just be a good day versus a bad day for most people, or a change in attitude. Not exactly concrete evidence friend.

devildog93 I totally agree with you its not great evidence im just trying to give my feedback. like i said i will update more after more time. i started pharmacom so im going to ride it out.
So we went from a 6RM becoming a 10RM, to being older and not able to do that naturally anymore, to having 20 stitches put in, to being out 2wks, and finally to dieting down. Is there any other issue you feel like throwing in there?

lol all im sayin is i dont jump like that naturally. i never have.
Undisputed there is some under dose gear flowing around
There is at least 3 to 4 good WKMs that we trust that ran and are currently running this gear with no complaints so it not all garbage
There are also dumb members that in the beginning of them using pharmacom were talking good praising them now everyone is talking bunk gear they're jumping on the hate wagon if you don't have proof or your diet and training sucks please please shut the fuck up
I respect everyone but some are just clowns
Depends on your definition of a well known member. Someone whos been here 3 months with 1500 post is not a well known member IMO.
All im sayin is im 37 years old been workin out since im 19. i dont make jumps like that now naturally. just sayin there is something in the stuff im takin thats all
There's always something in even the weakest shit. Thats what gets a person hooked. He notices his libido is up but cant figure out why his lifts arent up. There's often times just enough gear in the substance to raise your blood levels half assed and shut your body's own production down.
So they think, I just need to work harder and surely I'l get the results and when they don't they up or double their dose and when it's still no difference they finally get bloods done and see that maybe the numbers they got were half if they are lucky.
This scenario is 1 that I've personally been through and have talked with several under the same circumstances. All the while the source says he'll make it up to you with still half dosed shit and so on and so on and so on....
Depends on your definition of a well known member. Someone whos been here 3 months with 1500 post is not a well known member IMO.

That's why I said a good wkm not a post whore some one with credibility who has posted bloods labmax ext.. or knowledgeable info


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