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nothing to post yet, was just to get baseline test levels before running gear, was just commenting on how long it took to get results after testing
just commenting on how long it took to get results after testing

My baseline was delivered next day. Depending on lab, but turn around is typically pretty fast with LabCorp, and the longest I've ever had to wait is 2 days.
What do you guys think of the Father's Day special going on with directlabs? $30 for total testosterone test seems cheap enough and adequate to determine whether or not the gear is bunk. I'm not sure. You tell me. Unfortunately, some medical bills are stopping me from getting complete labs but I think I can scrape together enough change for this.


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I haven't used DL personally, but $30 for TT isn't bad and would definitely give you an idea of where you are over your baseline.
Always, always get labs done. Prior, during, & after. Consider it an expense no different than your gear
Dbol update: This is my first time running dbol (any oral at that) i ran the first 5 days at 50mg ed didn't "feel" anything so I upped it to 70mg ed and now I know what back pumps are, holy fuck. I also put on 6lbs in a week (im also running test e at 750mg, and I know alot of that 6lbs could be water). Im not saying this is a good result or vice versa, but its my experience take from it what you will.
Dbol update: This is my first time running dbol (any oral at that) i ran the first 5 days at 50mg ed didn't "feel" anything so I upped it to 70mg ed and now I know what back pumps are, holy fuck. I also put on 6lbs in a week (im also running test e at 750mg, and I know alot of that 6lbs could be water). Im not saying this is a good result or vice versa, but its my experience take from it what you will.
I wouldn't say its BAD, but let's see how it continues to perform.
Im only running 2 weeks for strengh gains. 20Mg ed. Shouldnt have too bad of sides. Gotta try everything at least once lol.
You've never run orals and you're hopping to halo?! Fuck man, I've never run halo. Best of luck!

Sides -> reward = not worth it IMHO

Finding real halo is hard, Ive only wasted money and got bunk. I stopped that search. Real strength and aggression can easily be found in suspension or tne. Plus a tad cheaper and not so poisonous.