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Finding real halo is hard, Ive only wasted money and got bunk. I stopped that search. Real strength and aggression can easily be found in suspension or tne. Plus a tad cheaper and not so poisonous.
I got pharmacom halo coming. So we Will see when I run it. I might just run anavar instead.
I got pharmacom halo coming. So we Will see when I run it. I might just run anavar instead.

Two totally different compounds so depends what your goals are. Halo is a powerlifting and strength compound with little to no mass gain. You will only be stronger with it.
Two totally different compounds so depends what your goals are. Halo is a powerlifting and strength compound with little to no mass gain. You will only be stronger with it.
Test suspension and winny depot is much more effective IMHO
Now there's a report of bunk anadrol @Darius Pharmacom Labs :

Is it just me or were most/all reports of the bunk dbol and a few bad bloods from Darius too??
I don't think there was a bad blood from frank. I drew blood yesterday. Will post when I get them. Probably tomorrow. I hope they come back good and there is another reason why I'm not feeling it like I should besides test levels. I do think the eq is working though. My libido is almost noon existent right now. Not sure what the issue is. Waiting to see bloods before I start using ancillaries and making things worse. I could have crashed my e2 a few weeks back.
I would like to know where Millard sourced his tested products. In regards to 'harm reduction' knowing if one source is selling bunk, and one isn't, with the same labels, would be helpful.
Yes. I belive this is important. Millard seems to be resistant towards the idea. He doesn't want it to hurt resellers. He's explained why a few times. I am for it though.
I don't think there was a bad blood from frank. I drew blood yesterday. Will post when I get them. Probably tomorrow. I hope they come back good and there is another reason why I'm not feeling it like I should besides test levels. I do think the eq is working though. My libido is almost noon existent right now. Not sure what the issue is. Waiting to see bloods before I start using ancillaries and making things worse. I could have crashed my e2 a few weeks back.
What are you on other than the eq? Test e? Libido non existent here too.

I think you should've quoted his full report for a more relevant conclusion:

"His mix4, tren, arimidex, halotestin, and proviron seem legit to me. The dbol, and inj. anadrol... Not so much. Im pretty sure it's just time to give my body a break and clean up. Really starting to feel like shit. Achy, tired, and just dead."

I would like to know where Millard sourced his tested products. In regards to 'harm reduction' knowing if one source is selling bunk, and one isn't, with the same labels, would be helpful.

I would also like you guys to know that. The answer will stop you from making assumptions between me and other resellers. It's Millard's decision if he will share that info or not.
Two totally different compounds so depends what your goals are. Halo is a powerlifting and strength compound with little to no mass gain. You will only be stronger with it.

Yeah I think halo is a great AAS and it is pretty damned hard to find in the states. I heard Europeans have easier access to it though but I believe it is the most expensive oral AAS to produce and then Anavar would be second (someone correct me if I'm wrong). But due to its expense, it is still often fake. I've been wondering if pharmacoms halo is official.

Halo is often used by powerlifters (like you said), fighters, and anyone who needs to control their weight. I've never actually ran legit halo but I've ran a lot of drol and found it to be my oral AAS of choice due to the strength gains, but I would definitely prefer halo if I had access to it. Most sources I've used don't even carry it and the ones that do are usually sending out something else that is just labeled as halo. Usually the prices are too low and that is an indicator, to me, that it won't be legit halo.

I got pharmacom halo coming. So we Will see when I run it. I might just run anavar instead.

If you actually get legit halo, run that shit and let us know how it is. I don't see an issue with you running halo versus any other oral, just a matter of personal preference. Though I would think it's a waste to run halo (due to its cost) vs other cheaper orals, unless you specifically want to run halo. I would actually like to see some positive test results on Halotestin.

Honestly the hepatotoxicity of oral AAS is overblown, IMO. I'm not saying orals aren't hepatotoxic, because they certainly are, but if you look at some of the actual prescribed doses for oral AAS (especially ones that people consider to be really hard on the liver) and the duration, you may be surprised.
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