First Log

Went to the gym yesterday for 5 min and walked out after I could barely bench 225 for 12. Weak as hell. Think I just needed some rest because I went back in today and had a great back day. Pinned 50ml of anadrol yesterday and then again today. Will be doing that every day until I run out so about 3 weeks. Hoping it's more potent than the orals.


Lat pull down-
Warm up
1 set of 200 @ 12 reps
1 set of 230 @ 10 reps
6 sets of 260 @ 8 reps

Bent over row machine-
(Or whatever you call it)
5 sets of 315 @ 9 reps

ISO lateral high row machine-
5 sets of 135(each arm) @ 12 reps

Seated row-
5 sets of 230 @ 7 reps

Felt good today and had a great pump. Really needed a good back workout, been slacking hard
Just got home from the gym, had to take yesterday off because I had to stay at work to get some stuff done. I've literally never taken this many days off, don't judge me. Feel like shit about it. Today was good though. I usually don't hit shoulders that much but I figured I would do that and calves today. Today was my 4th pin of anadrol and back on the tren. I was up 4.5 pounds today. Not sure if that's the anadrol or maybe the decay finally kicking in but I'm not complaining. No crazy strength gains yet but I had a great pump. Acne is increasing quite a bit and I've been a bit more aggressive... And that's off the tren.


Press machine- 10 sets of 180 @ 15 reps

Barbell press- 5 sets of 185 @ 7 reps

Lateral raise- 5 sets of 30 @ 10 reps

Upright row- 5 sets of 160 @ 12 reps

As for calves I had to go to a different gym today and all the numbers on the weights were fucked up and I didn't feel like counting so no info for those today. I just did 15 sets all together of 12- 15 reps. Usual 3 different exercises.
Everyone has their fail days in the gym so don't sweat it, and how much time you put into each workout?
@MindlessWork I'm hardly there ever more than an hour. On squat or deadlift days I usually spend a little longer. I take decent rest periods too between sets. If the goal isn't to lose weight then I figure I should let myself fully recover from the last set so I can get even more out of the next one.
@MindlessWork haha thanks man, I'm trying! Been growing it forever and it's only that long ha.

Stress is definitely killing me though, that's a fact. Not really a whole lot I can do about it right now though. It used to be that I could go in the gym and turn the world off, really focus. But now I'm just all over the place. Plus, my girl usually gets home around 2am from work and wakes me up... So there's that. I probably get about 6 solid hours of sleep a night. Unfortunately. But the weekends are when I really get the most
@MindlessWork haha thanks man, I'm trying! Been growing it forever and it's only that long ha.

Stress is definitely killing me though, that's a fact. Not really a whole lot I can do about it right now though. It used to be that I could go in the gym and turn the world off, really focus. But now I'm just all over the place. Plus, my girl usually gets home around 2am from work and wakes me up... So there's that. I probably get about 6 solid hours of sleep a night. Unfortunately. But the weekends are when I really get the most
I hear you, as my work schedule gets pretty fucked too considering the long commute
Yeah, it gets tough sometimes. But hey, we do the best we can right!? Shit, at least we still hit up the gym after everything while most of the world goes home and sits on their ass. Gotta count for something @MindlessWork
Taking tonight off from the gym so here's my log for the past two days because my ass was too lazy and tired to do it when I got home.

6 sets of warm up
5 sets of 425 @ 4 reps with 2 second pause

Box squats-
5 sets of 405 @ 3 reps

Front squats-
This was the first time I've ever done them so give me a break..
5 sets of 135 @ 12 reps

The past two days I've felt great, my weight is still up 4 lbs which isn't much but I'll take it. Looking nice and full and I've been getting some great pumps. Strength is going up too as well as stamina. Had a video for my squats but it won't let me post it.
This is yesterday's log.

Worked on bench yesterday but it ended up being more of a bodybuilding style training session. Not sure what the hell is going on with my bench. On cycle I can always bench 405 easy. I have no idea why it's so weak right now. Also having some serious issues with my elbows which is why I trained a little different yesterday.

Flat bench-
3 sets of warm up
3 sets of 315 @ 6 reps
2 sets of 365 @ 2 reps

Incline bench-
5 sets of 225 @ 9 reps

Decline bench-
5 sets of 225 @ 11 reps

Machine wide press-
5 sets of 270 @ 7 reps

Machine flys-
5 sets of 140 @ 9 reps
Hit some arms today. Because they are looking a little small...


Cable curls- 6 sets of 160 @ 8 reps

Dumbbell curls- 5 sets of 50s @ 7 reps

Hammer curls- 5 sets of 50s @ 12 reps

Preacher curls- 5 sets of 90 @ 10 reps


Rope push down- 6 sets of 160 @ 9 reps

Overhead extension- 5 sets of 140 @ 8 reps

Bar push down- 5 sets of 180 @ 10 reps

Skull crushers- 5 sets of 110 @ 10 reps


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Just gave up on updating because there isn't shit to update. Pretty pissed off. Thought I would see at least a 10lb PR on something with this anadrol but not a damn thing. I'm actually 232lbs now, somehow lost weight. Really disappointed right now. Now I take credit for the fact that my training has been off and I'm still not 100% sure of how to train for powerlifting but I can't believe I don't feel a damn thing from this anadrol. Bought some books from west side barbell and have been reading, learning the most effective ways to build my strength. But other than that... I'm done with pharmacom. One mistake with the dbol, okay, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. Second time with anadrol... No, no more. Got some tren from PCT shop though that I've been running for 4 days now at 1.2ml a day just to close out the cycle. Sides went way up lol but no crazy strength or physical gains yet.
Just gave up on updating because there isn't shit to update. Pretty pissed off. Thought I would see at least a 10lb PR on something with this anadrol but not a damn thing. I'm actually 232lbs now, somehow lost weight. Really disappointed right now. Now I take credit for the fact that my training has been off and I'm still not 100% sure of how to train for powerlifting but I can't believe I don't feel a damn thing from this anadrol. Bought some books from west side barbell and have been reading, learning the most effective ways to build my strength. But other than that... I'm done with pharmacom. One mistake with the dbol, okay, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. Second time with anadrol... No, no more. Got some tren from PCT shop though that I've been running for 4 days now at 1.2ml a day just to close out the cycle. Sides went way up lol but no crazy strength or physical gains yet.

Sorry man, that sucks.. Sorry if I missed it but was your order from Frank or Darius?
Just gave up on updating because there isn't shit to update. Pretty pissed off. Thought I would see at least a 10lb PR on something with this anadrol but not a damn thing. I'm actually 232lbs now, somehow lost weight. Really disappointed right now. Now I take credit for the fact that my training has been off and I'm still not 100% sure of how to train for powerlifting but I can't believe I don't feel a damn thing from this anadrol. Bought some books from west side barbell and have been reading, learning the most effective ways to build my strength. But other than that... I'm done with pharmacom. One mistake with the dbol, okay, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. Second time with anadrol... No, no more. Got some tren from PCT shop though that I've been running for 4 days now at 1.2ml a day just to close out the cycle. Sides went way up lol but no crazy strength or physical gains yet.
Don't beat yourself up over it as you most likely have gotten some bunko stuff...take that up with whoever sold you it.
I'm still going to hit this 515 squat regardless of bunk gear or not, too close not to. Just means when I get some decent gear I'll be even further along. It was from Darius though.