First Log

Took yesterday off because I passed out when I got home from work and when I woke up the gym was closing in 45 min so I figured I might as well take a rest. Woke up this morning and got hit by the tren train. I woke up horny and aggressive as hell so obviously I woke my girl up 5 min before I had to leave for work, wasn't about to start my day without getting some. I would have been the biggest asshole. I was dripping sweat all day long, my clothes were drenched. Worked late, came home and by this time I'm usually pretty dead tired but I was pumped, took my halo and off to the gym and hit a fucking massive PR in my book. Deadlifts are my weakest lift so this was an accomplishment for me. My previous deadlift was 405. 50 lbs up! Now normally I would say it's just a good day but adding 50 lbs... Something's working right.


  • Warm up sets to max. My PR was 455, solid form.
  • 1 rep @ 405 for 8 sets
  • Deficit deads 3 reps @ 315 for 5 sets.

  • Standing calf - 5 sets of 30 reps @ 360
  • Seated calf - 5 sets of 15 @ 315
  • Donkey calf - 5 sets of 15 @ 315.
I know that my calf work is less than the other day but that's because I literally couldn't do anymore because of the pump. And I know 455 isn't a lot for deads but for me it's big because I've never been able to deadlift since I had bad form and didn't want to fuck myself up. But now I'm dedicated to learning them and this is a huge step for me. Looks wise, I'm looking nice full and thick. Loving it. Still holding my higher weight too, no fluctuating. Couldn't possibly feel any better. Everything is doing its job. And my legs aren't anything special but here is my current progress.


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Took yesterday off because I passed out when I got home from work and when I woke up the gym was closing in 45 min so I figured I might as well take a rest. Woke up this morning and got hit by the tren train. I woke up horny and aggressive as hell so obviously I woke my girl up 5 min before I had to leave for work, wasn't about to start my day without getting some. I would have been the biggest asshole. I was dripping sweat all day long, my clothes were drenched. Worked late, came home and by this time I'm usually pretty dead tired but I was pumped, took my halo and off to the gym and hit a fucking massive PR in my book. Deadlifts are my weakest lift so this was an accomplishment for me. My previous deadlift was 405. 50 lbs up! Now normally I would say it's just a good day but adding 50 lbs... Something's working right.


  • Warm up sets to max. My PR was 455, solid form.
  • 1 rep @ 405 for 8 sets
  • Deficit deads 3 reps @ 315 for 5 sets.

  • Standing calf - 5 sets of 30 reps @ 360
  • Seated calf - 5 sets of 15 @ 315
  • Donkey calf - 5 sets of 15 @ 315.
I know that my calf work is less than the other day but that's because I literally couldn't do anymore because of the pump. And I know 455 isn't a lot for deads but for me it's big because I've never been able to deadlift since I had bad form and didn't want to fuck myself up. But now I'm dedicated to learning them and this is a huge step for me. Looks wise, I'm looking nice full and thick. Loving it. Still holding my higher weight too, no fluctuating. Couldn't possibly feel any better. Everything is doing its job. And my legs aren't anything special but here is my current progress.
Many cycle a have you done men? Great work
Took yesterday off because I passed out when I got home from work and when I woke up the gym was closing in 45 min so I figured I might as well take a rest. Woke up this morning and got hit by the tren train. I woke up horny and aggressive as hell so obviously I woke my girl up 5 min before I had to leave for work, wasn't about to start my day without getting some. I would have been the biggest asshole. I was dripping sweat all day long, my clothes were drenched. Worked late, came home and by this time I'm usually pretty dead tired but I was pumped, took my halo and off to the gym and hit a fucking massive PR in my book. Deadlifts are my weakest lift so this was an accomplishment for me. My previous deadlift was 405. 50 lbs up! Now normally I would say it's just a good day but adding 50 lbs... Something's working right.


  • Warm up sets to max. My PR was 455, solid form.
  • 1 rep @ 405 for 8 sets
  • Deficit deads 3 reps @ 315 for 5 sets.

  • Standing calf - 5 sets of 30 reps @ 360
  • Seated calf - 5 sets of 15 @ 315
  • Donkey calf - 5 sets of 15 @ 315.
I know that my calf work is less than the other day but that's because I literally couldn't do anymore because of the pump. And I know 455 isn't a lot for deads but for me it's big because I've never been able to deadlift since I had bad form and didn't want to fuck myself up. But now I'm dedicated to learning them and this is a huge step for me. Looks wise, I'm looking nice full and thick. Loving it. Still holding my higher weight too, no fluctuating. Couldn't possibly feel any better. Everything is doing its job. And my legs aren't anything special but here is my current progress.
If this pic was your avi I would have thought you an @double-leg were twins lol. Anyways good work man an shit I would be happier than hell with 450 for a pr. Hell I would be happy with 400 to be honest seeing as how I'm stuck at the low end of 300.
@Maktub Thanks bro. I have been on Test for a while, just blasting and cruising but counting actual cycles... probably about 5 cycles with a few compounds. Unfortaunely I have had my share of bunk gear too though. Have not really kept track like I should have.
@Skull I appreciate it man. Deadlift has always been my worst lift. Still not even close to good at it. Looks like we both got some work to do haha. If you come across any tips that help you out though send em this way!
@Skull I appreciate it man. Deadlift has always been my worst lift. Still not even close to good at it. Looks like we both got some work to do haha. If you come across any tips that help you out though send em this way!
I sure will do man but I'm still working on whats most comfortable as far as form goes while lifting. I see so many different ways to do it ya know. Just need to keep experimenting until I get it perfect. It doesn't help much that I use a 1" bar an those 25lb plates which is all i got. Damn thing is so low to the ground in the first place it fucks with my form from the get go lol. Thank god I'm only 5'4" an not 6'4" though. I meed to invest in an Olympic bar an weights. I'm sure it would improve my pr but for know I just gotta work with what I've got:rolleyes::)
Just got back from the gym. Worked on bench and hit some shoulders and triceps at the end. Didn't get a whole lot of time in at the gym since I worked all day. That's all I do, 7 days a week is fucking work. How else would I pay for all my gear!? Anyways, felt damn good all day. Not much has changed really. Aggression and libido are still way up, my appetite is definitely increasing. Was Hangry all day long. Still holding the same weight I have been, up a couple pounds from the beginning but nothing major yet. No increase in strength today even though my lifts do feel way more solid. I also wasn't pushing too hard today.


  • Flat bench-
5 sets of 365 @ 1 rep
3 sets of 355 @ 2 reps
3 sets of 315 @ 4 reps

  • Close grip flat bench
5 sets of 275 @ 5 reps
  • Cable flys-
5 sets of 40 @ 15 reps


  • Triceps push down and overhead extension
5 sets of 130 @ 8- 12 reps

  • Military press
6 sets of 135 @ 12 reps

Now sorry I don't put up exact reps counts guys, I don't have time to record that shit most of the time. However what I put up is what I aim for and I go until failure right around that point. I don't do much for shoulders as I have injured one before so I've been taking it light. Luckily I have decent delts and the oil pumps them up so I don't have to do a whole lot to them.


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Sick physique bro you're making me want to start cruising haha. I should be getting my pharmacom gear in real soon

Thanks for the log
Just got back from the gym. Wasn't able to make it yesterday as I had to go meet my girls parents so that was an all day thing... Anyways, felt like shit all day long today. Lethargic, sick, headaches. Not really sure why. Couldn't eat much today either, hopefully I'm not getting sick. Ended up hitting some deadlifts tonight and getting another new PR even though it was Sumo deads and not conventional but I'm still counting that shit. Hit 500 lbs today which is great for only doing deadlifts for a month.

Sumo deads- Warm up. 1 set of 1 rep @ 500lb.

5 sets of 405 @ 1 rep

Deficit deads- 5 sets of 2 reps @ 315.

I was pretty shot today so I didn't have as much stamina as I usually do.


Standing calf- 5 sets of 30 reps @ 360

Seated calf - 5 sets of 315 @ 20 reps

Donkey calf - 5 sets of 315 @ 20 reps

Wasn't really in the zone today, just kind of out of it for some reason. Still had a great pump, aggression is still way up and everything is looking nice and full as well as nice clean solid lifts. Weighed 235 today after not eating as much as I normally do so im thinking I'm starting to get some water weight now.


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Sorry guys, didn't get around to posting last night. Last night I worked on bench again. Leaving the squats out for right now as my bench and deadlift need the most work, squats have always been pretty solid. Not really much to say as of right now. I did have a pretty solid workout last night but no strength gain. Just a nice pump and some great stamina.

Flat bench- Warm up. 6 sets of 365 @ 1 rep.

4 sets of 315 @ 5 reps

Close grip flat bench- 5 sets of 315 @ 3 reps

Machine wide press- 5 sets of 405 @ 5 reps

Incline bench- 3 sets of 135 @ 20 reps

Machine flys- 3 sets of 130 @ 10 reps

Cable flys- 3 sets of 60 @ 20 reps

Heading out to the gym to kill some arms tonight as I feel my triceps are holding be back from benching more. Can't believe I can't even hit 405, it has never been a problem. Not sure what's going on.
Just got back from the gym. Had a ton of energy today. Tren literally has me arguing with everybody all day long, then I end up apologizing because I was out of line... Can't help myself sometimes, just get all amped up! I've never ran tren at this low of a dose before but it's working great. I feel great. Still haven't put on any extra weight though. Strength was definitely up today. Hit some squats.

Squats- 8 sets pyramiding up to 2 sets of 495 @ 1 rep. Would have thrown some more on but let's be real, I got nervous... Don't have any spotter. Start getting butterflies and shit and that damn sure does not make your core any stronger.

Low Box squats- 6 sets of 365 @ 5 reps

Calves- Standing calf 5 sets of 360 @ 20 reps.

Seated calf- 5 sets of 20 @ 315. Give or take a few reps on each set

Donkey calf- 5 sets of 20 @ 325. Give or take a few reps

You can see the tren is working as I could literally wring out my shirt right now.


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Just got back from the gym. Had a ton of energy today. Tren literally has me arguing with everybody all day long, then I end up apologizing because I was out of line... Can't help myself sometimes, just get all amped up! I've never ran tren at this low of a dose before but it's working great. I feel great. Still haven't put on any extra weight though. Strength was definitely up today. Hit some squats.

Squats- 8 sets pyramiding up to 2 sets of 495 @ 1 rep. Would have thrown some more on but let's be real, I got nervous... Don't have any spotter. Start getting butterflies and shit and that damn sure does not make your core any stronger.

Low Box squats- 6 sets of 365 @ 5 reps

Calves- Standing calf 5 sets of 360 @ 20 reps.

Seated calf- 5 sets of 20 @ 315. Give or take a few reps on each set

Donkey calf- 5 sets of 20 @ 325. Give or take a few reps

You can see the tren is working as I could literally wring out my shirt right now.

Nice wheels! :eek:
I agree with johnnyBALLZ, don't know if its the lighting in that pic or what but compared to the last pic your legs are definitely popping.

I have a question, I know I need to read more but why did you go with mix 4 instead of a
T-CYP or T-E ?

Keep up the good work will be following along.
I appreciate guys. @johnnyBALLZ @Rookie89 I left one of the lights in the bathroom off this time so it's half that. Haha. I have leaned out a little bit though and I'm looking more full than last time as well as more vascular. I went with mix 4 though because I liked the idea of having both short and long esters of test and deca. My plan was to start with dbol and that way my shirt esters would give me that much more on top of the dbol and when I finished that then my long esters would be kicking in good. Unfortunately I didn't get much from the dbol. But the halo is definitely doing its job