First Log

Fuck, I can't wait to get bloods on my test E now.

I wonder why his oils are performing for me exactly how I would expect, but everyone's having issues with the orals. All very perplexing. this is a very frustrating issue...!
His mix4, tren, arimidex, halotestin, and proviron seem legit to me. The dbol, and inj. Anadrol... Not so much. Im pretty sure it's just time to give my body a break and clean up. Really starting to feel like shit. Achy, tired, and just dead. That's just life though... I picked up some Norma Amps that I'll cruise on for 10 weeks after this at 250mg a week just to chill out for a little bit. Coming off just seems stupid to me. Your body is just recovering if you're doing 12 on 12 off and then you hit it again. Like starting your car, shutting it off, restarting it again over and over. Can't be good...
His mix4, tren, arimidex, halotestin, and proviron seem legit to me. The dbol, and inj. Anadrol... Not so much. Im pretty sure it's just time to give my body a break and clean up. Really starting to feel like shit. Achy, tired, and just dead. That's just life though... I picked up some Norma Amps that I'll cruise on for 10 weeks after this at 250mg a week just to chill out for a little bit.
Dude, I would get bloods if I were you. If nothing else but just to make sure you're healthy. I don't like that you're feeling like crap and Achy.
@Wunderpus I got bloods about 8 weeks ago I think, maybe longer. Liver values were way up. I got liver support supp that people swear by to cleanse and lower liver enzymes. Almost positive that's my problem though. I only am running one more week and then I'm cruising so I should be alright. Going to go get bloods about 5 weeks into the Norma amps and hopefully by that time my liver will have cleaned up and won't be so stressed. I mean a doctor can't really do much for me except tell me to give it a rest. I'm not too worried as in my earlier days I easily did enough recreational drugs to cause liver failure for two people. Always been alright. Should still be able to bounce back if I actually give it a rest.
@Wunderpus I got bloods about 8 weeks ago I think, maybe longer. Liver values were way up. I got liver support supp that people swear by to cleanse and lower liver enzymes. Almost positive that's my problem though. I only am running one more week and then I'm cruising so I should be alright. Going to go get bloods about 5 weeks into the Norma amps and hopefully by that time my liver will have cleaned up and won't be so stressed. I mean a doctor can't really do much for me except tell me to give it a rest.
Yeah, just be safe man. No reason to be the best looking corpse in the morgue.

This is a huge reason (amongst others) that most vets tend to trend away from orals.
I would love to stay away from orals but I like the benefit of knowing immediately if the gear is legit or not... With oils I have to wait a little bit and if they are bunk it's just time wasted.
Also, I am bummed to hear about the Inj. Drol as I was hoping to try the inj. Dbol.
I would love to stay away from orals but I like the benefit of knowing immediately if the gear is legit or not... With oils I have to wait a little bit and if they are bunk it's just time wasted.
Short esters -> long esters and finish up with short again. Instead of front loading long esters, just double up with 1/2 short and 1/2 fast for the first 2 weeks or so (depending on esters of course).

I front load deca with NPP for example.
I'm bummed as well man, I love drol. I respond extremely well so it's pretty disappointing. Was really looking to make some serious gains and break some PRs. Pct shop has a nice looking mix that I would be interested in picking up later. Seems people are pretty satisfied with their products right now. It's a TNE/Drol mix that's a reasonable price. Any thoughts on if the inj. Drol and dbol differ from the oral in how toxic? I would assume it's much less toxic as they are methylated just to pass through the liver. That's means they wouldn't be if injected correct?
I'm bummed as well man, I love drol. I respond extremely well so it's pretty disappointing. Was really looking to make some serious gains and break some PRs. Pct shop has a nice looking mix that I would be interested in picking up later. Seems people are pretty satisfied with their products right now. It's a TNE/Drol mix that's a reasonable price.
I saw that, it does sound really cool! I ordered from pct the other day, just HCG and Adex.

Communication was great, prices were fair. This is pharma stuff, so obviously quality was good. Can't speak for his own blend of oils.
Just gave up on updating because there isn't shit to update. Pretty pissed off. Thought I would see at least a 10lb PR on something with this anadrol but not a damn thing. I'm actually 232lbs now, somehow lost weight. Really disappointed right now. Now I take credit for the fact that my training has been off and I'm still not 100% sure of how to train for powerlifting but I can't believe I don't feel a damn thing from this anadrol. Bought some books from west side barbell and have been reading, learning the most effective ways to build my strength. But other than that... I'm done with pharmacom. One mistake with the dbol, okay, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. Second time with anadrol... No, no more. Got some tren from PCT shop though that I've been running for 4 days now at 1.2ml a day just to close out the cycle. Sides went way up lol but no crazy strength or physical gains yet.

That sucks man, I lost some weight on that dbol too. You should not be losing weight. Darius is sending me some winny in place of the dbol. Regardless, looking good.
@Ozzy619 Thanks man. I'm curious to see how the winny works out for you. He made things right before in my eyes and told me he would replace the dbol but honestly, you couldn't pay me to take it now. Before the anadrol, yeah... But now... I don't trust them one bit.
@Ozzy619 Thanks man. I'm curious to see how the winny works out for you. He made things right before in my eyes and told me he would replace the dbol but honestly, you couldn't pay me to take it now. Before the anadrol, yeah... But now... I don't trust them one bit.

Ill let everyone know how it works out. After reading this Im even more leary. Thats two strikes. I dont know how many more its going to take. Im contemplating homebrew for the first time. Im tired of wasting money but more pissed with wasting cycles and therefore my time.
Same with me bro. Yeah, loosing money sucks but I'm even more pissed off that no matter what cycle I always end up with something bunk and it fucks up the whole thing. The time wasted is the worst part
I'm bummed as well man, I love drol. I respond extremely well so it's pretty disappointing. Was really looking to make some serious gains and break some PRs. Pct shop has a nice looking mix that I would be interested in picking up later. Seems people are pretty satisfied with their products right now. It's a TNE/Drol mix that's a reasonable price. Any thoughts on if the inj. Drol and dbol differ from the oral in how toxic? I would assume it's much less toxic as they are methylated just to pass through the liver. That's means they wouldn't be if injected correct?
It's still liver toxic bro, just sightly less than the oral version as when you inject it, it avoids first pass through the liver. But it's the same raw used to make inj and oral so it's still methylated.
It's still liver toxic bro, just sightly less than the oral version as when you inject it, it avoids first pass through the liver. But it's the same raw used to make inj and oral so it's still methylated.
Injectable is still toxic. I think more or less all of the liver toxicity is over stated, except maybe for Halo and Oral Tren.
I would love to stay away from orals but I like the benefit of knowing immediately if the gear is legit or not... With oils I have to wait a little bit and if they are bunk it's just time wasted.

Just to caveat of that bigsby, how long of a wait to see if orals are any good/legit. More specifically, dbol, being thats what I picked up from pct dudes.